Mental Slavery and the Fear of the Unknown

in #philosophy8 years ago
"Your God is the product of your imagination or your fear. So do not speculate about the unknown. Understand the known and be free of it." J Krishnamurti 

Fear of the Unknown

We live in a world structured in a hierarchical manner. In a society molded into shape by preconceived notions of what is and what is not. Ruled over by an authority class who have elected themselves the arbiters of right and wrong. The dispensers of stress relieving accolades and platitudes to dull our minds from the pain that sits ever so slightly out of picture. Just enough for us to deny its existence. But it's there, and they know it. And they use that knowledge to control us.

I'm talking of our uncertainty. Of our fear of the unknown. Of our terror of what could be. And we are sold the certainty of these fears, and their frightening outcome, if it weren't for our masters protecting us from the inevitability of what we fear.   

In the past we were ruled over by the priest class who had knowledge of celestial events, but withheld that information from the people. Instead this knowledge was used to control a frightened and uncertain population. Control was gained, and maintained by keeping the people focused just enough on their fears of the unknown.   

The times we live in are no different. We have a war on terror. This is used to trigger people's emotional insecurities and uncertainties about the future. Fear of that which we don't know. Fear of other people. Fear of future events.

The Greatest Unknown

But despite all this life still goes on, as it has since the beginning. It happens as it's going to happen, regardless of your fear of it. And this is what the elites prey on you not understanding. They can't, and wont, ever protect you from the one thing no one can protect you from. Death. The greatest unknown there is. The unknown at the heart of all unknowns. The one thing that will free you from mental slavery once you accept its reality.   

To accept the reality of the moment, to be with what is, is to come to a complete understanding of the known. To move your focus from the unknown to the known. We don't fear the known. We fear the known ending and being replaced with more unknowns. But this is more of the same. Be with what is. Accept. Out of acceptance flows the energy of life. Observe and embrace, both the good and the bad. Our masters can't protect us from either. Our acceptance can free us from both. 

"Stop trying to control everything and just let go!" Tyler Durden

We create Gods, we elect masters, we forfeit self ownership and personal responsibility out of fear. But certainty and security come at a price. Perhaps a lot of people are willing to pay that price. But if one were to be brutally self honest, they would realise and admit to the fact that that pain, bred from fear, suppressed with work, pills, religion, or patriotic fervor, has gone nowhere.

Perhaps we are the Gods we chase after. 


You got it!

I also talk about this problem of fear of the unknown, the abyss, darkness and void in our comprehension, and the need to "fill the gap" by inventing answers to questions about life, creation, etc. Then we believe of beliefs to be "true" and it leads us into unrealities as if they are realities. Governemtn as a belief that needs to exist for humanity, is an example of someone creating inventing an answer to feel safe, secure, comfortable, etc.

Good job. Upvoted/ Followed. Please consider looking at my work and seeing it if is of value to you.


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. It's hard to know if people will resonate with these type of concepts, so it is good to know there are those that do. Will definitely check out your article, and look at your page.

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Thank you for taking the time to read it, and leave feedback.

Loved this piece. It resonated with me on a very personal level.

I have upvoted this post and will feature it on my daily hidden gems blog. Great content.

Thanks @lpfaust I appreciate the feedback, and for sharing the work.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

part of the Serenity prayer - fear comes from within when we dont understand and believe we can not change that, that can be changed - a paralysis syndrome

Thank you, I like that. Helpful to focus ones awareness.

Страх можно убрать. Мы, на самом деле, имеем большие способности, но с детства нас отучали от них. Достаточно представить страх в образе какой-либо фигуры и начать с ним работать мысленно. Страх можно стереть, сжать в точку и растворить, сжечь в пламени без остатков и др. Главное верить в себя, в то, что Бог когда-то вложил в нас очень многое, и мы способны на многое, у нас нет ограничений. Но мы так же можем себя унизить, сделать слабыми, маленькими, ничтожными - это тоже в нашей власти, это тоже наши способности...

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