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in #philosophy7 years ago

Smell my finger is not an argument.

This post is the better thing. If anyone is going to, in effect, call me stupid, please tell me why I'm being stupid so I can fix it.

Hey, Steemit, please would someone tell me if I have completely misunderstood how social media works. I was making an attempt at civil discourse in the comment section of my own post. Here is the part on which I thought maybe Steemit could comment. Certain aspects of social interaction have eluded me in the past. I thought I was gaining a decent grasp on this. If you like, please help me see if I have missed something.

If the person I was interacting with, is interested in continuing, perhaps he will find this post. Here is the comment that I instead transferred to become this post.

Is this a dog park or a war zone?

I 'bother' with almost anyone who comments on my posts. Social media is, at least in some measure, about social interaction. If you were someone who would present an argument with a foundation, I could entertain it, and we could have a conversation or a real debate. This is the outcome I have apparently failed, in this case, to elicit.

Please, do tell me where I'm wrong. I think this is how civilized social interaction or simply, civil discourse, is supposed to work. I can't say that I can agree with all of the statements made in the interview, or any of the associations of it's participants. I have my own thoughts on these matters, and this interview provokes more thoughts still. Since I have a social forum open to me, I post the material and see who can/will express their thoughts on the matter, whole thoughts. If someone else had commented with something engaging, I would be
exploring the subject with them. As it is, trying to pry an argument out of someone who
obviously disagrees, and from whom I have seen intelligent thoughts in the past, is, so far the extent of my options on this post. There are other options, but I prioritize the aspect of those who choose to comment on my posts highly.

The word 'bogus', by itself, is no more an argument than 'racist', or 'sexist', without evidence supporting it. If evidence is put forward, maybe you could teach me something, or I, you. As it is, this becomes practicing in case a real argument comes along.

How is it that you think someone calling me or my argument, or even a post, 'bogus' would 'strike a nerve'? Is that your goal? This interaction is what interests me at the moment. When I have something more interesting to do, I will go do that.


1 1 Why arguments matter

PSP Presents: The Proper Way to Civil Discourse


original thread,



I'm not going to watch these vids, cos I gotta do my taxes today, so am being brief. But I'm responding to the rest. Now, you already know that you and I mostly see eye to eye on things, so I'm taking the time to respond as a friend. And I think you probably already know everything I'm going to say, but have just temporarily forgotten.

Some of us like to have our ideas challenged, and to learn new things. Others, not so much. So when someone (and I'm speaking generally, not about the person you refer to) has their position challenged, they don't want to hear it. It's a threat. If they can't respond with a good reason, they will fall back on their absolute certain knowledge of the point in question. And their equally certain knowledge that you must be an idiot or a fake to take the opposite view.

Do you really think you can have reasoned discourse in that situation? And although Steemit is better than other social media in many ways, a lot of us are still entrenched in certain viewpoints. We see that all the time, when people are flagged by someone else, simply because they disagree with the post and think they have the right to flag for that reason.

Yes, in an ideal world, we could have logical discussion on everything, but even Steemit is not perfect!

To get a little more specific, I think your comment about "not showing your ignorance" was also a bad move, although the rest of what you said in that comment was reasonably sound, if I recall correctly.

My Easter buns are ready to come of the oven, so I'm going to "love you and leave you" now. I ended up inventing a whole new recipe than the other one I posted, which I'll hopefully post soon.

Thank you for your thoughts, they are much appreciated.

I don't think I'd forgotten, as much as, having too much desire for more adult interaction. I do not use the word ignorant to insult, but as a descriptor. There are a great number of subjects of which I am ignorant. I do understand that many ignorant people take the statement as being called stupid, so I do see what you are saying. I am at a loss as how to communicate with those who do not know the meaning of words. I cannot start with primary school level concepts each time I reply to a comment. Perhaps it is best to ignore any unfounded arguments, but then that seems, to me, condescending. I have seen the person, with whom this interaction took place, use reason, and was attempting to elicit the effort again. Ultimately, I did give up and opt to make this post instead. I am no stranger to the mute button, and perhaps that is the next step on the path that led to this post, I hope not.

Thanks again.

Even at that level of understanding the meaning of "ignorant", it could still be taken as an insult. After all, you're saying they know nothing of this subject, whereas they "know" that they know. If you see what I mean.
But yes, sometimes you just have to know when to walk away.

It seems I must seek a better descriptor. Do you know of any, that fit the bill, that don't hurt anyone's feelings? I'd rather not have basic discourse degenerate into becoming a game of the dozens.

I had to look up "a game of the dozens" but yes, agreed, that doesn't get anyone anywhere. Although it's a bit more wordy, maybe something like "there is some more up to date information you may not be aware of"? But in this case, you could have just left it out and gone straight to "which bit of this do you disagree with, and why?"

Answer with a question. That, I apparently had forgotten. In a confrontation that is usually the best way to proceed. Thanks for the reminder.

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