
What's your point? I already am aware of both the modern and ancient definitions. NEITHER of which are exclusive to race. I already addressed that in my post.. Like seriously?

Tell me which specific race I was being racist towards or race baiting against? Please answer that simple question.. Seeing as there were multiple races on each side.. I'm not sure how you can? So.. How could I possibly be being racist if you can't name which race I am being racist towards? Or which race I am race baiting? Seriously?

I hope you will come to your senses and apologize. It's not possible to prove I was racist or race baiting for the simple reason that I wasn't. You can either believe me or not. That is your choice, but I wasn't. So.. Hopefully that's that. I hope you apologize. Cause.. I wasn't race baiting, and I'm not racist. Please stop trying to suggest I am or was. Thank you.

You may notice, I did, that the very first definition listed IS racial. The history of this country referred to as genocidal is interpreted as genocidal against red, brown or yellow people. I guess it could be interpreted as genocidal against the political group of those dastardly National socialists, but what are we really talking about here?

It has become apparent to me that, consciously or not, you are skillfully misunderstanding the words that I am using to convolute my meaning. The best one was when you twisted my words to imply that I thought you were blaming a piece of land. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

If you are not racist, good for you, that's great. The rest of my arguments stand. The idea that "the history of America is a sick, perverted, genocidal one" is clearly referencing race, and to imply otherwise is clear evidence of lack of understanding or is simply disingenuous.

So which type of genocide were you referencing, racial, political, or cultural? Does it really make a difference in whether people in the present are or are not guilty of crimes committed several generations ago? Does this quote take into account that the whole history of the world has been somewhat mad, and got much less so as The U.S. of A. became more prosperous and influential? Do the broad indictments, that you quoted, apply to all of the people in the history of this country, or just some of them? Which ones? It sounds like the blood-libel to me.

You may not actually be racist, but it is apparent that you are not in possession of the facts, or deception is afoot, maybe both. Someone with extensive etymological study of knowledge of the word "genocide" would hardly have written, or even quoted such a poorly informed and ham-handed piece of false accusation.


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