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RE: Quick quote from someone here on steemit I agreed a lot with.

in #philosophy7 years ago

The quote specifically mentions"this country", and "America". So much for not trying to blame a piece of land.

The quote isn't blaming a piece of land, that's you making that up.
Just because the quote mentions America does not mean it is blaming the land itself..

That is sort of like saying that I'm racist and race baiting because the word genocide has race as one of it's numerous options.

You are doing what skeptic did and you're twisting language in a way that is not fair or accurate.

Look.. Lets put this simply.. None of the other people have been able to answer this, SO maybe you can.
Who am I being racist towards and race baiting? Specifically show me how that quote was racist, because.. The colonists were numerous different races and so were the natives.. So which race was being singled out lifeworship?

No specific race was ever mentioned, which group am I being racist towards or race baiting when we have numerous different races on both sides of the issue?

Blaming people who were not even born for something that happened hundreds of years ago, and claiming some kind of collective guilt is delusional, and illegal.

Did you even read the post? I already asked you? I already addressed this and pretty much everything you've mentioned before you even made your points in my original post. No one was blamed in modern times for the crimes of ancient people. The people being blamed are the ones who are accepting stolen property in MODERN times, big difference. It is something that is still actively happening, we are still stealing their land, it's not something you can just be like.. "Oh our ancestors did that and now it's over" no.. It's still happening, we are still occupying their land by force. So you can't just say it's something that happened in the past, it is still happening and people are to an extent complicit to an extent if they don't even speak out or say anything about the issue.

Also slander is illegal as well and I'd appreciate it if you don't slander me. I'm not racist or race baiting and you can't prove it.

I hope you don't actually believe that the population of this country really killed 100 million innocents. It never happened. For instance, I have NEVER killed anyone, nor did I ever steal anyone's land.

The numbers are debated, but millions at least yes were killed by our ancestors, and in modern times some of them are still killed by us.
No one accused you of stealing anyones land directly or killing anyone directly, but you have accepted land that was stolen. And technically.. That's a crime.

So.. Who is right and wrong here? You are accepting stolen property without even speaking out about it, in fact it sounds like you are defending the act. It sounds like you're defending the actions that led to you getting your stolen property.

I'd appreciate it if you actually genuinely read what I'm saying instead of what seems to be an effort to ignore what I'm saying and paint it in a different light, cause I've already addressed like all of your issues in my OP.

All of the people who were here are long dead

No one is arguing against that, it seems like you have to create fake straw man arguments that no one ever made just like skeptic did.

I, hereby absolve all living Americans of the deaths that occurred in the course of global exploration, and colonization.

No one alive is guilty of previous crimes, don't you get that? No one is making that argument. Did you even read my OP? I'm asking for the 3rd time cause it seems like you didn't read what i was even saying at all. You're just attacking me for no good reason like skeptic was.

The more successful culture achieved what tens of thousands of years of brute savagery could not, a decent standard of living.

Are you trying to justify the slaughter? By saying we've reached a level of civilization? Well look around the world, there's many civilized places that didn't need to almost wipe an entire people out to get there.

There is no victim left from those days. If you want to correct wrongs in this world try helping the poor. Claiming victimization by the dead will help no one.

No victims may be alive today, and no one is claiming that.. but just because something happened in the past, doesn't mean we shouldn't look at it and talk about it and address it. It still happened, and we continue to massacre other people for similar reasons to this day and age, so we're not learning from that horrible disgusting piece of human history.

So.. To repeat. Please stop slandering me unless you can PROVE I was trying to be racist or race baiting. And second. Just tell me which specific group I was being that way towards? As I said there were numerous races on both sides of the conflict. Which one am I singling out? Huh????????


What's your point? I already am aware of both the modern and ancient definitions. NEITHER of which are exclusive to race. I already addressed that in my post.. Like seriously?

Tell me which specific race I was being racist towards or race baiting against? Please answer that simple question.. Seeing as there were multiple races on each side.. I'm not sure how you can? So.. How could I possibly be being racist if you can't name which race I am being racist towards? Or which race I am race baiting? Seriously?

I hope you will come to your senses and apologize. It's not possible to prove I was racist or race baiting for the simple reason that I wasn't. You can either believe me or not. That is your choice, but I wasn't. So.. Hopefully that's that. I hope you apologize. Cause.. I wasn't race baiting, and I'm not racist. Please stop trying to suggest I am or was. Thank you.

You may notice, I did, that the very first definition listed IS racial. The history of this country referred to as genocidal is interpreted as genocidal against red, brown or yellow people. I guess it could be interpreted as genocidal against the political group of those dastardly National socialists, but what are we really talking about here?

It has become apparent to me that, consciously or not, you are skillfully misunderstanding the words that I am using to convolute my meaning. The best one was when you twisted my words to imply that I thought you were blaming a piece of land. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

If you are not racist, good for you, that's great. The rest of my arguments stand. The idea that "the history of America is a sick, perverted, genocidal one" is clearly referencing race, and to imply otherwise is clear evidence of lack of understanding or is simply disingenuous.

So which type of genocide were you referencing, racial, political, or cultural? Does it really make a difference in whether people in the present are or are not guilty of crimes committed several generations ago? Does this quote take into account that the whole history of the world has been somewhat mad, and got much less so as The U.S. of A. became more prosperous and influential? Do the broad indictments, that you quoted, apply to all of the people in the history of this country, or just some of them? Which ones? It sounds like the blood-libel to me.

You may not actually be racist, but it is apparent that you are not in possession of the facts, or deception is afoot, maybe both. Someone with extensive etymological study of knowledge of the word "genocide" would hardly have written, or even quoted such a poorly informed and ham-handed piece of false accusation.


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