The Power to Create Good and Evil

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

For evil to exist, it's because we humans are creating evil. We do it either consciously, willfully and voluntarily; or unconsciously, involuntary and through the influence, conditioning and mind control of mimicking our environment or others affecting how we think and behave. It doesn’t really matter how or why in the end-result that we manifest, generate and create into the world. The outcome is what matters most, not excuses to justify it.

We, as a species in general, create our own aggregate suffering. That does not mean other people are not responsible for their specific actions that harm and create suffering for us. But in large part, we collectively and individually,** judge, offend and insult ourselves by our own actions**.

I am talking about the aggregate human world we live in and how we are all participating or supporting the way of life and behaviors that lead to negative outcomes.

For example, we do this through our collectivist apathy to let authoritarian statist governments run amok, and other aspects of our current condition that we tacitly accept as "good" or "necessary" and don't spend time to reflect and contemplate on in greater depth to understand more clearly. So it persists.

We are the ones doing it, ignorantly or with knowledge of what we are doing. We have great power, great value, great potential and great responsibility that comes with the power of consciousness to alter, affect and change the world around us.

All of the negative in the world, the corruption, wrong, evil and immorality is indeed that, evil, but it is there because we manifested constructs from our consciousness/psyche/mind that are based on incorrect, wrong and false principles at their foundation. Al the negative and evil is there to make us realize the colossal mistakes we make.

Chaos is a teacher. The negative teaches us if we pay attention. The bad, evil, negative, etc., is there to teach us so that we learn from our mistakes, if we have the care, courage and willpower to do so.


*Click here for larger image.

It's action and reaction, the Law of Cause and Effect, a natural law that pervades all of existence. We reap what we sow. "Karma". What we put out (output) overall as a group of people on this one planet, eventually comes back to affect us. Cause and effect. We let ourselves be manipulated, deceived, controlled and dominated because we fear our own power and the responsibility that comes with it.

The further we deny the reality of the human world we have created together (the co-created reality), the further it will degenerate into more chaos and evil, and suffering will be perpetuated by our own doing through not caring enough to correct the situation. We have the opportunity to face reality and look at it with honest eyes. We must accept the current condition we have created for ourselves, and then choose to change it.

How will we change it? By looking at these negatives, these evils, these wrongs we co-create as an aggregate force of humanity on this planet, and understanding WHY they are there. What is the root cause of these problems we see manifested? Once we see what created the problem, we will understand the nature of the problem and then be in a position to truly affect positive lasting change.

The reason change does not last is because of the false foundational principles of constructs we create first in consciousness and then manifest into the world with our actions and behavior. We then continue to hold onto these illusions, because of an attachment to a false identity/self-view and worldview construct, while trying to put band-aids and patch up the symptoms and problems that arise from the root source cause that never gets addressed or corrected.

It is all up to us, each one of us. You are very important, you have nearly infinite potential, if you did not know it I am telling you we are powerful. Look at the human world we have created and continue to create. Consciousness through actions into existence created all of our human world. We need to accept the personal responsibility that comes with that power to create good or evil.

I may be less-than-warm and fuzzy in my statements at times because I focus on the bare, hard truth, but people need to face themselves in truth and be honest with the consequences of their choices and actions. Denial is comforting, but it is not facing the truth about ourselves or reality.

So long as we are not aligned with and care for truth in the foundation of ourselves, we will not be creating the greatest potential to manist truth, "love", freedom, peace, order, etc. that we can into our world! This development of personal responsibility, self-respect, self-honesty, and self-"love"/self-care is where the realization of our truer, realer and higher potential as individuals and a species starts.

That is when we can begin to see what we are a part of, the evil we participate in, by facing ourselves in the mirror, and choosing to abdicate from that participation in wrong/evil/immorality by saying “NO!”. We choose to instead develop true wisdom to engage in right-action and create good in our world. Our participation and/or support in the enslavement, exploitation, harm, suffering, violence or murder of other innocent beings is not excusable and needs to stop!

We need to stand for foundation principles of truth, justice, right and good. No future of true lasting peace can be built while we engage in degenerated, devolved, low base modalities of consciousness that continue to create evil into the world.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Perhaps you have a post covering the somewhere, but I’m curious as to what is your definition of evil. Are there grat areas? I have taught classes on this very subject and whether from the philosopher’s viewpoint or from the more esoteric religious stance there are always the what if’s. I find more conservative religious types tend to have a very solid answer for what evil is. As you said yourself, we have a co created reality... Which inherently involves all that participate in the creation to be contributors to the result. Without vocabulary that we all agree upon and definitions of reality that can fit the majority we are constantly simply fighting against each other just to meet the status quo. On my end I know, personally, it gets very tiring and it is easy to get overwhelmed. One can throw their hands up in the air and simply give up, even if that means feeling guilty later for doing so LOL which inherently involves all that participate in the creation to be contributors to the result. Without vocabulary that we all agree upon and definitions of reality that can fit the majority we are constantly simply fighting against each other just to meet the status quo. On my end I know, personally, it gets very tiring and it is easy to get overwhelmed. One can throw their hands up in the air and simply give up, even if that means feeling guilty later for doing so LOL But even if we keep on and prevail and try to do right and try to be good, without policing the others around us and just focusing on our own actions... We can make a difference. I have always thought this but the older I get the more I realize that it may not be enough and that the world is teeming with corruption which is expanding at a rate that is very difficult to keep up with. If you were to have the ability to dictate one major change, or one issue that you could just wake the whole world about what would it be? I’m curious to see what do you think is the most evil of influences on the world today?

Evil is a word symbol to describe harm that is created by human behavior, and it has varying degrees of applicability. It's a general symbol, like good is. Good doesn't produce detriments, but produces benefits alone. Defining our terms is crucial. We end up in semantic misunderstandings as a result of not using the same meaning for words to communicate. I would get people to see the error of devaluing other animal life, and taking the life of free innocent beings that did us no harm when we don't need to survive that way anymore. We can move beyond mere survival mindsets and get rid of behavior that is harming others who think, feel and act, who have offspring, eyes, blood, breathe, etc. That is a root at many levels. If people acted in harmony with values to not steal the lives of other beings, then we would treat other humans much better and not do the same.

I like the term co-created reality. Surely, it must be at the foundation of all of our problems. And assuming most human aren't apathetic narcissistic flopdongles only thing preventing the problems to be addressed and discussed upon is lack of a proper communication channel which are hard to come by in modern world where information is polarized between us and them by the media, politicians and all those that benefits from society where isolation, individuality, independence is more valued than co-operation, community, co-dependence. There is no middle anymore. Look at the recent American tragedy of gun violence. The solutions suggested are drastic and extreme and laden with agenda of both political sides. If the termination of evil were a common human goal then what is necessary is a process where people actively pursue to do so at personal and societal level but we keep to ourselves to do our mediocre jobs and try and be distracted from reality of our insignificance. Everybody is significant to co-create a reality where evil is redefined to mean something mischievous and playful than a tragedy and death and despair.



If the termination of evil were a common human goal then what is necessary is a process where people actively pursue to do so at personal and societal level

Indeed. It starts with looking at ourselves and what we are doing, and that requires us to understand principles, and what makes something right, and what makes something wrong. Thanks for the feedback.

I like your writing style, amazing post - I agree with everything you wrote about in the article.

Thanks. It seems hard for many to grasp. Some say there is no good or evil, it's all just preferences. Some say evil exists without anyone creating it... but if no one created actions that do harm (evil) then it wouldn't exist at all, so lol.

Yes, I think just evil has been misunderstood as something "bad", I mean in some sense it is negative, but I think that the word evil, is often hiding fear, pain and confusion... Just a simple example, a person that bullies can said to be evil, but what is often underneath his action is his own pain and memories. He need to take responsibilites for those emotions if he wants to stop acting in a evil manner. He must see what is really going on, why is he attracted to bully other persons etc..

Reminds me of my post last year about no polarities existing and that only Evil can be defined, created, increased or decreased. Do no Harm.

Aletheia - Good and Evil existed long before us and our will. We do not posses the power to create Good and Evil for ourselves, but to behave in a manner that is Good or Evil according the the absolute pre-existing standard. It's our responsibility to discover this absolute pre-existing standard, like treasure buried in the ground, and use our will to voluntarily follow what is Good. Then we will not commit Evil and ruin our magnificent civilization. @ironshield

But what is the absolute pre-existing standard and how do I know I should trust it.

Just know it exists. That's the first step. Then look for it. If you found the real thing then you will know that you can trust it. @ironshield

If someone creating evil habitually, they may think it takes more energy to create a good. Goodness doesn't require energy to be construct, it creates energy.

There is no absolute evil or absolute good. Its just individual assessment of certain fact. What is good for one is evil for another.

We are living in this Universe of Separation where the good and bad ,Light and Dark are inevitably glued together like two sides of a coin.

YES, we have Infinite potential. We each purest creative Freedom as the infinite Light Souls we are, experiencing the temporary dream of duality within the perpetual dream of Oneness. We on Earth are now making the transition from the state of unconscious co-creation of reality to conscious co-creation of reality.
WE wanted this Universe of Separation, as we were longing for a new unique experience. Having this Insight enables us to see that we have always been creating exactly that which we wanted to experience. Our Soul which is always in the driving seat. All is perfect!

It is only our thinking mind aka ego which tries impose forgetting over us, as we wholeheartedly requested before entering this Universe, in utter Knowingness that we'll wake up with not any ultimate consequences at all!

Devil is inside us,
He forces us to do bad things,
There is also an angle inside us, Who stop us to do bad things and promote us to do good.

wau very Beautiful .....

good writing....I appreciate you..

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