Stuck in a Pleasure Trap to Escape Facing Pain in Ourselves or the World

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The environment that we are in affects our affinity towards pleasurable positives being experienced, or not. It can be positive, negative, or neither as a neutral. There is no requirement to be always in a positive emotional state. But we can get attached to wanting and seeking out being in positive or pleasurable states, in positive environments that give us pleasurable experience.

Pleasure Trap

Being in a constant positive place (be it externally or internally) is not our natural affinity or tendency. We prefer the positive and pleasure, and seek it out, but it isn't necessary to desire so much. Pleasure is a part of life, not the purpose.

When we focus on pleasure attainment it can overtake our perspective and philosophy of life. As a result, people are seeking to place themselves in situations at work, at home, with friends, in conversations, where they get pleasurable experiences from their environment, and run from experiencing suffering or pain. Pain should be avoided indeed, but pleasure and pain happen in life and sometimes it's necessary to be in displeasure or pain/suffering of some kind in order to learn how to not create that into reality.



We generally seek physical pleasure and avoid physical pain as consciousness beings. That comes from a basic bio-natural survival feature that is built into animal life. Physical pleasure is always desirable over pain. Pain or dislike/unease in one of our senses indicates something undesirable or wrong, such as a forthcoming potential injury, or an already existing one. Loud sounds, feeling heat, seeing flames, can all indicate a potential danger ahead to avoid, while actually feeling the pain of a burn or damaged ear indicates you have sustained damage. Knowing about pain can help to avoid more of it in the future.

But what about psychological pain that comes from hearing things we don't want to hear? Sometimes the truth hurts, and we need to hear it in order to progress and grow as a society, and also as individuals.



People will accept and embrace situations where they get to be free from pain or suffering. Situations that take them away from this pain-free zone (like hard truths that hurt psychologically) are rejected and denied. When speaking about reality's negative aspects like the horror, wrong, immorality and evil going on, many people are averse to hearing it because it takes them away from their feel-good pursuit of happiness that they value so much in their life. This limits their perception, conception, understanding and ability to navigate reality more optimally by being able to change it.

Fear of the "negative" truth and reality -- that would "bring them down" from their state of happiness -- limits their potential for self-improvement as well. Living in a positivity mask with rosy-colored glasses only degrades accurate perceptual acuity, both with our eyes and with our minds.

The subjective is not aligned with the objective. That's not living in actual reality as it is. Accepting a falsity creates an unreality, an illusion, and then you live in that false perception, masked over true reality. It's a twilight zone.

Our actions are being driven by the pursuit of happiness. Don't worry, just be happy... ignorance is bliss, right? Who needs higher ideals to focus on, like truth? As long as your happy, that's what matters most. Go have fun. Live is short. Etc. If you ignore how you create negative consequences, or if you ignore how negatives are being created into the world, so what... Personal pleasure drives us a lot, matters more, and justifies so much of what we do, to excuse us and allow us to keep doing it with disregard for the larger picture.

Driven by Truth

But, what if we were driven by something else? What if we pursued truth instead above pleasure?

Many people want to stop talking about uncomfortable things that matter, or issues in the world we can come together to do something about. Propel avoid controversy and conflict. They want to keep the feel-good inner state, and the feel-good positive connection between themselves and others. For to argue valid positions, and engage in that conflict of opposing sides, is to risk losing a relationship built on ignoring anything deemed "negative". Real relationships are built on the strength and integrity of truth that is shared in common to build a solid foundation in alignment with reality.

The truth is a higher valuation to consider and focus on. We will automatically attain happiness for ourselves and others as we pursue truth in our lives. Both the knowledge of what is true and false, as well as the knowledge of what is a better and right way to live. Truth is synonymous with existence and reality. Gaining quality truth that will affect our condition and quality of life matters.

As our quality and condition of life increases, that environmental condition will automatically affect a general increase in our overall state of well-being. But right now, there is some serious shit to deal with, and we need to face a lot of negative crap going on, not ignore or seek to escape from it by focusing on achievement of that which is felt as positive or pleasurable.

We can accept that life has it's ups and downs, it's good and bad, it's pleasure and pain. Attaching ourselves to a polarized fixed state of being is doable, but is it required? Is it that beneficial?

As long as one is not avoiding, ignoring or denying the problem around them and in themselves, then I guess it's not much of an issue. But the feel-good pleasure trap is an easy escapism and coping tool for dealing with the sickness of society that few bare to look at, but is nonetheless recognized at an unconscious level. Many feel a sense of something being wrong, something isn't right, but can't put there finger on it. That's the deep core affinity for truth trying to speak through our subconscious and unconscious awareness.

Listen to the Negative

"Human sickness is so severe that few can bear to look at it. But those who do will become well.
- Vernon Howard"


We have to be willing to be affected by reality, and feel worry, anxiety, discomfort, insecurity, doubt, and fear. Emotions are signals. They tell us either something is wrong with our perception of reality that needs to be corrected, or something is wrong with the human reality we have created that needs to be corrected.

I have long suspected much depression is a misalignment of our internal perception of how we expect, want, wish and desire reality to be, contrasted with how it actually is. This misaligned fracture is not accepted and corrected, and then shocks one to their foundations and cracks their worldview and self-view, often reducing their self-worth and valuations. We are so attached to ourselves and our sense of self that when we lose part of our understanding of something it can affect our identity greatly. Breaking the integrity we had leaves us in crumbles and lost and depressed.

Objective detachmentcan help us get over ourselves in terms of our attachment and focus on how we want and desire to feel. This allows us to honestly face the truth no matter how much it contradicts and conflicts with our perception of reality, or of ourselves, that may be false. We can be more secure with being insecure. We can be more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Recognize the signals, and learn what they are saying to improve ourselves and the world.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Excellent post, I think we all feel safe in our own bubble but eventually that bubble explodes and we need to be able to face and understand every situation in life, good or bad. I believe that being able to express your feelings in a healthy way is one of the easiest paths to true happiness, being able to say "that makes me angry" or "that makes me sad" without being overwhelmed by each emotion is realizing that it's ok for you to be mad or sad about something and that it doesn't make you a "negative" person, just someone who has emotions and feels that is right to express them.

This post also reminded me of a video I watched a couple of days ago, where they explained that the way we raise our children, this overprotection we have with them, it's actually more damaging than people think, we need to let our kids have their process of learning the good and the bad things of life and that way when they grow up, they'll be ready for the real world and everything that comes with it, just a quick reflection, that I thought it was pretty in line with text. Cheers!

Good points. The coddling of children to shield them from any negatives doesn't allow them to be able to cope and respond with handling negatives. The real world isn't a rosy-colored place where nothing bad happens and someone else deals with shit for you ;)

To ignore the negative side of reality in order to only see the happy and pleasurable certainly can make us delusional.

This severely limits not only our ability to see "truth", as you mentioned, by distorts our responses to events that happen in our lives.

A balance between the two, also known as "seeing things for what they are, without staring at it through a filter" will give us much greater perception of reality, and a better basis for which to make critical decisions.

Great topic of conversion, looking forward to more of your work!

Well said. Reality must be faced in in light and dark, beauty and horror ;)

Reality can be difficult for folks to associate with. I prefer the gentle lull of the Soma to the realities of the "Brave New World" we live in.

Could it be that this intentional disassociation from the painful reality has been the cause of our steady slide into fascism in the USA?

I believe if we are to emerge from the current state of open ethnic cleansing and land theft we will need to learn to better experience each others pain, rather than dull our senses and distance ourselves from the pain of others.

That sucks to prefer the dulling of intoxication and bliss of ignorance to the knowledge that can bring suffering, that is indeed why there is a lack of actualization towards great potentials founded in principles of moral truth. We need to face it to change it indeed.

we can be more secure with being insecure we can be more comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Very true but folks need to grow up and be men and women instead of boys and girls to do this. I must have grown as a person to be able to wear adult clothing. To be able to face the pain rather than escaping from it... or to take up the cross in life rather than creating across for others. Thanks for sharing. @krnel

Yes, the bearing of the cross symbolism in the bible is about bearing the weight of trials and tribulations of hardship in life, of falsity and negatives that must be faced in the path of truth in order to create a heaven on earth. If no one bears the weight of facing the wrongs, then nothing will be better/ more right.

This is why I can't imagine eternal life. Religions told us that if you pass the judgment day, then you will appear in the new world, world without bad people, illnesses and dead. I think in the world without even small bad things we will become numb to good things

It's a fable to make death more pleasing, that you won't just die out, you will go somewhere else where things will be so much better. Fantasy. The heaven we can go to is the future we create. We can create a heaven on earth, or a hell. It's all up to us and our choices and behaviors.

@krnel, nice writeup. dont you think that depression is also a sign of imbalance. sometimes it is caused by chemical processes and at other times by psychological processes. one affects the other and causes a void. it almost seems to be symptoms of feeling empty rather than the absence of what you want/desire.

I think depression is a state after chain of failures.
Brain thinks that he is a loser))
what @krnel thinks?

Depression can be from many things indeed. Thinking one is a loser, likely from failures, from reality not aligning with what we want reality to be. It's a psychological state of mind as well.

The chemical imbalance can be purely physically derived sure, but often the chemical state is from psychological factors. Mind affects body. People can induce negative states like hysteria or panic attacks, all from the psyche.

Your posts... and the things you talk about... are so indepth, thick with thought...

I'm glad you still make these.. Many of us are listening and I thank you sincerely for the time you spend on them.

...very nice stuff... please keep it up.

Thanks ;) Glad you and others gain value form the content ;)

This limits their perception, conception, understanding and ability to navigate reality more optimally by being able to change it.

What an excellent reminder your posts is @krnel. I have a healthy interest in shamanism, and one of great things which can be used from this is to be inclusive in our experiences.

The perturbation of the human experience is one which most of humanity are expertly tuned out of by diligently trying to dance on only one side the table. This, as usually does in very unbalanced table dancing, will topple over onto the ground of full~blown experience...or not.

Some will jump to other desired tables and continue the fine balanced and frantic dance of preference, and the rest of us can sit back and applaud while drinking heavily on the familiar entertainment and other clowns in the circus we all once performed.

All the best to you,


Thanks @krlen for this philosophical excussion on pleasure, pain, escapism as it affects human animals.

The debate about these has been and it would continue to be for quite more while if not in a continuum!

To me with PAIN and PLEASURE are different unit of a perfect UNIT. Thus it is Irredeemably imposibility to divorce one from the other.

Isn't it futile to separate the HEART of an animal, despite the biological confirmation that it is of two equal but Opposite sides??


Your contents are uniquely GOOD, impacting all genre of Life!!!

Yes, they are two parts of a polarity. Pain allows us to more appreciate no pain or pleasure.

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