Pride and loyalty from identity attachments

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Be it a sports team, athlete, celebrity, food, or something else, many people inflate the importance of something based on them being related to it in some way. Especially from a geographical basis.

Source: maxpixel

"My home team is the best."
"I love X because it's where I'm from!"
"X is so good because it's where I live!"

We were born somewhere, or we currently live somewhere, and that location is part of our identity. It's viewed as part of who we are, and we favor it because it's as if it's a part of us. It's simply better by virtue of being identified with ourselves.

Then we like to refer to that place as "mine". "My X". My country. My town. My school. As if we can claim it as part of what we own, like my car, or my book. Yet, we don't own it. We're only associated with it. But that association makes us identify with it.

LOTR gif

That association and identification with a location brings us to refer to a sports team as "mine".

"My team."
"We won."
"We're going to beat you."

But we don't even play on the team. And this even applies when we don't even live or have lived somewhere to be attached to the location. "My team" can be any team we identify with.

Maybe that's really how we use the word my, to reference something we have taken into ourselves as part of our identity, whether we own it or not.

When there is a celebrity that does something well, we feel proud of them if they come from where we come from. If a musician makes good music, or a movie star makes a good movie, or either wins an award, we sometimes can refer to their nationality, as if it matters. So and so broke this or that record in sales or at the box office, won this or that award, "hey, he/she is American/Canadian/British", and we think to ourselves how good they are because they came from the same place as us.

We become patriotic in a sense, or maybe it's more nationalistic, just because someone who does something well is where we are from.

We even do it with inventors or great minds. Americans are proud that Einstein was American, that Tesla was American, even if they weren't born here, they were Americans. If someone discovered or invented something, they are seen as great, and we associate ourselves with that greatness based on simple geographic relationships.

Racial identification also plays a part. People become full of pride at their respective races having done something well. Serbs are proud of because Tesla was Serbian. Blacks and Jamaicans have pride because Usain Bolt is black and Jamaican. Jews are proud because of Einstein being Jewish. This also applies to gender. Women are proud of women inventors or sports figured, as do men. We try to derive meaning and value in our own lives based on what others have done that we identify with.

The patriotism runs strong in sports as well. The military is often part of sporting events because of the patriotic, nationalistic or geographic fervor that links people at those events. Football and hockey games have used patriotism to support the military. The military is great, because the sporting event is great. Support the military like you support your sports team. They are "your" team", "your country", "your military", don't dishonor them.

We become so attached to geographical aspects of our identity. Don't talk against your nation or the military. You must support your military, support the troops, or else you're not patriotic. It doesn't matter what those pawns are being used for, you mus support them blindly, or else your un-American. You're the enemy now.

For some people, if someone who is in the same region you are, or identified with our in some way doesn't blindly toe the line, then they are a traitor. Someone who is American that talks against America is often seen as a traitor and hated more than a non-American that talks against America. As if you can't say anything about your nation that casts it in a negative light, or selse you're hated even more than others who say the same.

Blind patriotism rules to hearts and minds of so many who are lost in their false identities. We are so easily fooling ourselves with our lower consciousness automatic identifications with things around us. The truth about something matters less in those cases, compared to the automatic defense we put up for something we identify with. We are loyal to what we identify with, because we see it as ourselves in a way.

The government is part of many people's identities, and they can't honestly look at the negative reality of what's going on. Blind support is what some demand. We are limiting ourselves from seeing some things honestly because we're too attachment to things we've taken into ourselves as part of our identity. Changing what's going means we need to change how we think of ourselves in order to see what needs to change.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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These are all states of mind bound by emotional ties. Every cheer for whatever idol strengthens that particular bond.

Sometimes such bonds fade with time and sometimes there are cathartic events that shatter the whole (or part) of that edifice. But as a technique, as a method to see more clearly, merely trying to cut one bond is not so easy.

To say "be less patriotic" does not work as there is no emotional hook. To practice detachment, to see those small emotions arise and fall, to see those obsessions manifest and wither, that can work on the whole mental network. Those moments of clarity are verification that the process is working.

But to pick and choose those ties we wish to undo is perhaps more difficult. To claim "I hate my government" but still "love my football team" is still flag-waving. Put all the flags down and feel the breeze.

Yes, emotions are strong in life, and we are swayed to and fro like the wind, bent into shape to conform to false molds.

People love to belong to some kind of social dynamic and they also love the feeling of accomplishment.

While not a notion I can just blindly support, I can see some value behind that, but I think that it hurts just as much. As with most topics, the intensity is a major factor here.

Ah yes, good point, the transference of accomplishment, even though we don't do anything :P

We do everything just to feel good, even if it destroys us, or something like that.

This of course isn't as self-destructive.

Yes, attachment is sometimes leads to the false attachment and we have to understand very core and basic essence of life. We all are same and Geographical Boundaries are just creations of human beings to rule particular places and slowly all these divided into countries.

We never own any materialistic stuff of this earth and if we are thinking this land is ours then nature can give you an answer through one Earthquake and your illusionary thoughts will be break. If anybody wants to buildup attachment then attach with humanity, attach with spirituality and try to spread the love and not hate.

Racism is one kind of false attachment and the most major Racism is done with colour means Racism of Black, my skin tone is dark so from childhood i got bullied for my black or dark colour so it's an illusionary thoughts passed from generations to generations that White is superior than Black which is just ridiculous.

Yes, if for example A found an negative aspect of his/her own country and if A raise a point against it then in most of the cases A will be called as Traitor, so it's difficult to change the false attachment because it's transferred from generations to generations and it can be changed if current generation can understand the core of life effectively.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

There are racial, geographical and other differences, but that doesn't mean one needs to hate on others for it, indeed :/ Moral differences are what really matter ;)

Well said.

I do think some aspects of "where you're from" being a part of your identity can make sense. The instinct to do it makes sense I mean. Statism and using government mechanisms ruins it, but in an ideal/peaceful/voluntary world, the community you're a part of will be a real reflection of yourself.

Right now where you're from is all accidents and nonsense :p

Indeed, where you are and how things operate is a refection of ourselves. We let all this be, and it reflects upon as a a people and as individuals :/

O Yes... this is the thing, and from where i'm coming from it is HUGE... all Balkan nations are in this. People just need to relax a bit about geographical identity. We are all the same :)

People have a need to identify with something. That makes them feel special and important. There are probably other ways to feel the same way. Loyalty is a good quality to have. Thanks @krnel

Yes. Seek truth and find importance in that pursuit, discovery and sharing ;)

I believe the old saying goes, "the things you own end up owning you" and it applies to this as well. For instance my government sure does own me, no doubt about it. Wish it weren't true but I signed my draft card and pay my taxes so denial isn't going to help. I'm guilty of looking for associates based on identity, specifically Einstien as a believer in God for a group I run. Great article bud, really made me think and reflect, thanks

You're welcome, glad it has been of value to you :)

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Identifying with a group.
Our Purpose

i am very impressive on this post where u descibe our point of view to look into our place,sport team our patriotism,our proud of invention,our Racical discriminations our Geographically identity and, our blind patriotism in spread all over in our comminity,the main part of happening this things go to our govenments, who allow the bad alliments for doing this, I like u r this post very much & going to share it all my media a/cs.Thanks


I just commented that we even care more about our group identity than about being happy.

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