Karma, Causality and Insulated Bubbles of Reality

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

When things go wrong, it's good to know what is wrong, so that we can stop doing what is wrong. This brings us closer to doing what is right. Stopping to do a wrong is doing a right. This is a benefit to ourselves and others in our world, as either we, others, or both are affected. We're connected in various ways and in our collective mess together in the end.

Made by @krnel

Sometimes thing only happen to each one of us, sometimes things happen to a group or all of us. If I do something wrong in my life and I'm only affected, others aren't. If a group does something wrong to themselves then many people are affected. If we all live a certain way of life that produces negative consequences, then we're all going to be affected negatively at some point, to some degree.

When we don't see what's wrong, we're preventing ourselves from self-correcting our mistakes. Even when we as individuals do see something wrong with the larger picture, all the controls and restrictions upon our freedom and personal responsibility imposed by our controlling centralized authorities prevent us from being able fix things ourselves if we want to. The mistakes in our society perpetuate and compounds, as going a mile in the wrong direction is a two mile error.


When all things are equal and there is a direct feedback between our actions and the consequences thereof, we reap what we sow. Things operate normally. In the collective global larger picture, if we all see and can feel the consequences of how we all choose to affect this planet, then we can see the results being manifested. They might not be affecting us directly in the present, but we can recognize how they are affecting others, positively or negatively.

But when we choose to ignore, or are forced to ignore and be made ignorant of the reciprocal consequences to our behavior, then we can simply and easily let things continue along a false path and way in life. We can keep doing things that have negative effects upon others, even if we don't have any upon ourselves in the present. We can be blind to the suffering of others, and this makes us perpetuate the suffering we may be causing. The same is so for us feeling the brunt of effects that others cause.

If we want to be free from suffering ourselves and have others not produce negative effects towards us, then we need to have the same concern for others. In this larger sense of interconnection and interaction, as one suffers we all suffer. It takes personal responsibility to want to see what we are doing in the bigger picture.

Pollution, wars, exploitation for our own personal gain, etc. Some things we may not feel ourselves or see them yet, but others can be. A company can be dumping toxins, waste, chemicals or poisons into the soil or water, into the environment, and they may not suffer the consequences of their actions (unless we bring consequences to bear on the,), but others can who drink the water or grow food that is contaminated.

Ignorance is not bliss. Truth will set us free.

Reaping What We Sow, or Not

Manifested Reality Reciprocating On Us

Collective "Karma", We're All in This Together vs. Delayed "Karma", Some Are Not in This With Us Yet

Made by @krnel

Collective "Karma"

In normal situations of direct influence, we have nowhere to go but to be affected by reality. We are all affected by what we choose to live by. What we create into the world then affects us back. We all get hit by the general aggregate consequences of the behaviors we live by.

Causality is felt, and we can change once we feel or see the negative effects.

Do right, get right. Do wrong, get wrong. We act, and receive the result. Truth or consequence. Be right or go wrong.

Made by @krnel

Delayed "Karma"

In some cases, we have insulation bubbles around us. Some of us don't feel the full effects, or any at all, of what we are doing, yet.

We create systems of dependence, and don't understand the consequences that are produced outside by our actions. Our current perception is lacking the vision of what we are doing in the bigger picture outside of our personal lives.

We can be insulated for some time in this attempt to separate ourselves within a system and particular worldview. Eventually, the system cannot hold back the consequences that we push onto others. Eventually, the system fails to provide its insulatory capacity and visible problems manifest to reflect the wrong path and way of living.

If you can't see how this all applies, here is one example. We pay taxes to let the controlling apparatus of government go wage war against others. We may not feel the harm of what we do yet (apart from the theft of taxes that empties our pockets), but eventually we may feel the consequences as our wrong-actions are reciprocated back upon us by the other group we have harmed.

This feedback cycle has been happening in history for a long time. One group attacks another, then it the other group attacks them back. but when you are powerful and have more powerful weaponry or defenses, then you can insulate yourself from receiving the feedback that others would normally send back to you.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Do on to others what you want others to do on to you. I should be old enough to know better and always do as such. Lesson learned :/

If you're moral and aren't sadistic sure, it's a good golden rule to follow ; )

sadistic lol. Good one to remember.

Very interesting post one that has some connection to your casualty post

In this larger sense of interconnection and interaction, as one suffers we all suffer.

I agree that karma maynot instantly affect someone but it will eventually come up and slap you.

you are powerful and have more powerful weaponry or defenses, then you can insulate yourself from receiving the feedback that others would normally send back to you.

This is the idea of dictators and people in power who think that no one will fight back because they have the power, the guns and the law that gives them powerto threaten people. Then people reach their tipping point. It may not be a year or even 5 years or even a decade some not ieven on one's lifetime but there will be a time and people will reap what they sow.

Yes, the "future lives" are the lives of others in the future, not our own "reincarnated". Past lives are not our past lives literally, but the past lives of others, because we are all progressing towards the future one after the other to inherit what others left behind through their actions. There can always be a reaping at some point... if action is taken ;)

It is these type of posts I love that you write... that really help someone put life on pause. THINK. Then resume again, with a better outlook of WTF is going on. :)

Thank you for this... I've re-steemed it.

BTW, "onsequences" missing a C, and a capitalization error.. You'll find them. Other than that... a masterpiece. :)

Hehe, thanks for the corrections ;) I sometimes miss things and don't really edit 100% of the post ;) I appreciate the appreciation and that you gained value from the content :)

Very true, doing good and great things will eventually all come back to you:) that’s what I am hoping. I do know people who have done lots of wrong and I haven’t seen it come back to them, but maybe it will come at a later stage. I believe I do good very often, and feel one day soon I will reap the benefits. Well I do in day to day life actually, buy doing good myself :)

Some things are causally reciprocated, like not destroying the planet allows us the good life of existing :P And some things are causally generated by us to affect others, and them in term causally generate effects to affect us back ;) Doing good doesn't always give u back good, but inhuman interaction it often does as we want to keep the ledger even in some way :)

@krnel do you know @intrepidsurfer? We were discussing this very subject yesterday and I'm sorry I didn't think of you sooner. Anyway, intros made.

Thanks for the post as usual. Karma is always a nice morning meditation focus point. 😉

You're welcome, glad you gained value from the content :) It's a good topic to think about, glad more people are thinking about it ;)

@krnel sir
i really appreciate this post. it's a positive thinking about our beautiful world. if everybody analys own wrong and try to correct it the world will be more beautiful.

thank you for your thinking and a consciousness post.

You're welcome ;) Glad you gained value from it.

... hmmm,,, it's kind of like the world is full of insulated bubbles trying to ram into each other and pop one another ... so true

LOL, yeah that's happening indeed, blinded in bubbles of perception and ramming up against other stuck in their perception

An excellent posting, @krnel. The sooner we see that we are all truly connected the sooner we can deal with the problems caused from feeling that we are seperated.

Yes, we are separate but also connected in some ways, it's a duality ;)

Delayed karma is called karmashaya in Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, the karmic storehouse. You can't do anything about it anymore, but you can as of now keep the door shut to prevent further dust accumulating inside.

Excelente post @krnel quizás ese desorden que nos imaginamos tenga la mayor lógica del universo, solo que no somos capaces de verlo.

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