Empowering Change by Empowering Yourself with Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

We can often become stuck in a situation, issue or problem. Sometimes a change is needed, but we don't know what to do. And sometimes we don't even know that a change is needed.


Why don't things change in our lives, or in the world, even though we want them to?

We (as individuals and as a collective species) often don't learn from our mistakes, and keep repeating them. We often lack an accurate understanding of truth about the current condition of reality, so we aren't empowered to change things for the better from where we are.

We often don't seem to want to learn, as most people (in general) lack real Care for Truth, busy with work, surviving, having fun, etc., yet we dream and hope to do the right thing to fix our problems in our ignorant state.

Dreams can move us forward, to imagine a better way. But dreams can be fantasy unrealities and blind us to reality. This is wishful thinking, a "positivity" mask placed over reality with rosy colored glasses that prevents us from seeing things as they really are. Some of us are too fixated on the pleasure trap of "feeling-good" about ourselves because we fear, avoid, deny, reject and deflect most negatives in the world and ourselves from being acknowledged. We just want to believe "it's all good" and "things are as they are supposed to be", "no need to do anything", "let it flow", etc.


Many people are polarized against the negative, focusing on the positive as a mask that blinds them to recognizing thing as they truly are. This hinders their accurate perception, conception, understanding and navigation of reality, leading them astray, wandering lost and fooling themselves into acting foolishly. The negative needs to be faced, not ignored with "positivity".

How do you empower yourself to change when a problem arises? How do you know what the right and better thing to do is, that will fix and resolve the issue? You learn. You learn how to learn better, and you learn how to think better. Understanding of knowledge is the power to generate the force of will that can move you to change.

If you are not doing what needs to be done yet (or maybe you don't even know you are doing wrong), then maybe you lack knowledge and need to learn more truth in order to develop the motivational power to engage in the change that is required. Make mistakes, that's life, but learn from them.

Here are some methods of processing the issues, problems, situations and effects we encounter in reality in order to truly empower ourselves with knowledge and understanding, and finally to act wisely, instead of foolishly ignoring reality.

Empowering Change by Empowering Yourself with Truth

Break Free from the Shackles that Bind You from Progress

Free Will Choice to Care and be Empowered to Change Yourself and the World with Understanding (why) of Knowledge (what, who, when, where) to Act Wisely (how)

1- Situation / Issue / Problem
2- Empowered (Level I)
3- Care, Courage, Choice and Will to Change
4- Knowledge, Grammar, Input
5- Understanding, Logic, Processing
6- Empowered (Level II)
7- More Care, Courage and Will-Power to Act: Wisdom, Rhetoric, Output
8- Change in Your Life and the World!

#1. Situation / Issue / Problem

Acknowledge the issue.

See the uncomfortable, undesirable, painful truth as it is, and don't avoid, ignore, deny, reject or deflect it.

Realize and recognize reality in its current condition. Face both the positive and negative, light and dark, beauty and horror, good and evil, moral and immoral, the truth of truth and the truth of falsity.

Have the courage and care to look into the mirror and see the darkness, negative, "demon", shadow and wrongs that you may be involved in that you previously ignored being a part of.

You can do it. We all have this ability in consciousness. We can all start to see reality for what it is if we choose to let go of our fears and face the truth as it is.

#2. Empowered (Level I)

Prior to learning about the problem, you didn't even know there was one, or that something needed to change.

Feel the empowerment to do something now that you recognize there is a problem. Now you know about it, and you know you have the potential power within to do something to change the conditions around you.

#3. Care, Courage, Choice and Will to Change

Choosing to change and the drive to do it.

You know you can and need to learn more, and you can care more, and develop the courage to use your will-power to engage in deeper learning and thinking about yourself and reality.

The only way forward, is by overcoming the problem. You need to Care to do that. You need to have the Courage to want to do it. And then you need to engage in the Will-Power to do something about it.

You need knowledge and understanding to do the right change, and not the wrong change, or change ineffectively. Because that just means more mistakes, but you can always correct them too. The point is to take the time to learn properly so you can avoid making more mistakes.

Feel the flame burning within, the care and courage feeding you. Time to collect some knowledge fuel and then ignite your potential to change the conditions in your life, and possibly, the world.

#4. Knowledge, Grammar, Input

Collect information and data on the situation.

Learn about the problem in order to later understand the core foundational root causal factors that created it. You can only affect proper change of the problem, condition, situation or issue, when you deal with the root, not the leaves, when you deal with the actually cause, and not the effects that are symptoms of the cause.

Cause and effect is a universal law that applies everywhere, even in human behavior and the human world and way of life we have created for ourselves.

What is happening? Learn about the basics of the situation or problem.

What, Who, When, Where. This is the basic Knowledge that needs to be gathered, collected and Input. This is also the Grammar phase in the Trivium Methodology.

Now that you have figured out the basics of what's going on, you can progress to Process that information and Understand it.

#5. Understanding, Logic, Processing

Process the information to determine the root causal factors. This allows you to Understand with clarity of precision and higher definition detail. You now understand the meaning, purpose and value of the knowledge that will help to empower you to finally act to change the condition in reality.

Why is this happening, really? Use Logic to remove contradiction, errors and filter the truth from the falsity.

You correspond and integrate all the information without contradiction. You validate it by filtering, discerning, judging , analyzing, diagnosing and evaluating the information. Take in quality truth as a foundation for making decisions.

Get down to the root of the issue, the real cause, and deal with it from the source. You now see and understand how the root causal core foundation is the reason for the secondary symptomatic effects to have manifested. There are thousands of effects that can be chased over and over, but until the common root is dealt with, it will continue to generate the same effects over and over. Stop applying band-aids and actually heal the wound.

#6. Empowered (Level II)

The solution is understood from seeing the problem clearly, from gaining clarity. You're vision has been optimized.

Now you're REALLY empowered to do something! You learned about the problem, got down to the root causal source of it, and now you understand what you need to do.

Feel that truth flowing through you and giving you the energy to change. The fire and flame of truth is burning within and ignites you to ACT! Keep that care and courage going, and use the truth to ignite your actions.

#7. More Care, Courage and Will-Power to Act: Wisdom, Rhetoric, Output

Actualize, Realize, Generate and Manifest the Wisdom of Right-Action.

How are you going to change what you do in order to resolve this situation, problem or issue?

You understand the root cause, and now you understand how to fix the problem. Target the cause that created the effects you don't want.

This can involve direct action, or speaking, teaching or preaching the truth of reality, or writing about it. These are all Outputs that are guided by the Wisdom of knowing what is the Right things to do. This is the 3rd phase in the Trivium Method, known as Rhetoric.

Use the empowerment, care, courage and truth fuel to ignite your Will-Power and get things done.

Now you are acting and doing something to get a change to occur. Even if it isn't instantaneous, you can act, and learn, and refine your understanding of what to do. This process can be applied over and over, and needs to be, continually.

#8. Change in Your Life and the World!

See results manifest.

Maybe there is more to do. We are always learning. That is life, to learn. If you stop learning, then you stop taking advantage of the power of your consciousness, and it goes to waste. Use that "muscle" and make it stronger as time goes by.


This is the power we have. We can continually remake ourselves, continually self-renew and be reborn as a phoenix from the ashes. We can be malleable, highly adaptable, and wanting to change and evolve to higher heights. We can be the most fit for survival and optimizing our way of life. Become the change towards more moral truth, don't fight it.

The next time you have an issue, or the next moment in your day you need to think about something, you can use this process to help figure things out. This is how we optimally process reality around us, and within us. This is the Trivium Methodology. Truth is truly empowering and you can change yourself and change your life!

Learning is life. Learn how to learn better, and learn how to think better.

We are all in this together in the end. The world is the way it is because we ALL make it this way. It's time we all step up and own our personal responsibility to do something about it. What we do matters. We can create more freedom, peace, prosperity and live in an anarchic (no masters, no slaves) way of life.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Wow you clearly spent a lot of time on this post.

I completely agree that repeating past mistakes is a choice we make, but I think its not just uncomfortable to acknowledge our failures, mistakes and errors, it literally pains us I think. Which is why self-reflection, although pivotal, is often avoided. And I would argue the degree to which we use self-reflection, meditation or prayer (all aimed at reviewing our choices) is the degree to which we are capable of identifying, admitting and then working on our failures.

But that's tough, so we don't usually do it.

Great post. Have a great day!

It can be, but that's life, and we need to overcome of fear of seeing ourselves in negative ways, to face the negative. If we don't face the negative, we create our own suffering.

I didn’t even finish the article yet, but I had to jump in here to highlight how pervasive this self-serving motivation is. It’s fostered and bolstered by the culture, and is incredibly difficult to break from the outside; though it will melt away organically via interal evilution.

I’ve been a truth-seeker for over 20 years, and only in the last 2 years has this self-focus truly dropped away. Personal goals that seemed immensely important have faded into the background and are hardly of interest. Money and material things have little lustre to my eye - I’m utterly insusceptible to monetary temptation.

The pressing need to promote truth is of primary importance, for all else loses its value in the absence of freedom. When you see this, you are relieved of your bucket-list and your stressful quest to have this and that particular experience.

You begin to become freedom, if that makes sense. It’s very liberating (quite obviously).

I completely agree. Seeking and sharing truth is the greatest joy and purpose all humans can achieve. Truth is the supreme importance in life. Bucket lists and other things we chase are distractions to keep us focused on our own enjoyment and having fun, while ignoring a greater purpose and responsibility to figure things out and change the condition we ignore ;)

I think it's hard for people to grasp unless they arrive at that state of being ;)

Change is always hard and it can feel unnatural, and also scary. Because we are almost told to fear the unknown, and just continue to work our normal lives and not question anything. Some people are so set into those ways that they will never be able to change, and I know some of them myself. But Once you take the leap of faith towards truth, that is when you can begin to address life and see who you are... it’s not an easy process. Finding out the truth about everything, and searching for the truth within can be a tough journey, but also empowering and strengthening. It might take a long time, but we will all get there one day.
I’ve made some very big life changes and at the moment I’m back to a slight fork in the road where I need to make a difference and also make some changes if I want to reach my goals. Life is all a big journey that we must try and enjoy:) and the truth will set you free!!! 😀

Yup, stay int he current of the current condition, and don't step out of line... :/ Truth is freedom indeed, seek and you find, or don't seek and you will remain lost.

People who is not accepting change then they are not thinking anything worthful because we have to understand very important and very basic thing at the same time and that is Change is constant, so be ready for the changes because every micro second changes, every second changes, every minute changes, every hour changes, every day changes, every month changes and every year changes and our whole natural environment changes then why we are still living in an typical inconstant stage where we are fearing about the change.

And if you truly have fear of change then remember one thing if you stay in inconstant phase then time will force you to change but at that moment it would be tough because without preparation the test will be difficult, and we can take here one more example and that is, our ancestors adopted changes that's why today we are here and now it's our turn to change and to strive hard to improve our self and think in an way of community and not in an partial and selfish ways. Today humanity is in danger in my opinion because the greed is increasing and rich is becoming richer and poor is becoming poorer and this needs to be stopped and we have to change our mindset and we have to think as we all belongs to same tribe and that is Humanity and we have to spread love, peace, kindness and brotherhood.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Yes, life is change in many ways, and we often fight change to stay in the static comfort of what we are used to. Yeah, many rich make scams and beliefs in ways to do things that make them richer and the rest poorer.

Yes, that's really true and this imbalance have to be corrected to bring everyone on the equal platform.

Year to year pass is greatly enjoyed in the journey of life. In the journey there is a failure and there are achievements gained. From these two sides always have meaning in life and can take as a lesson lesson.

Unfortunately failure is very easy to forget. But more often euphoria celebrates success or achievement. This can actually be debilitating. It turned out that from the failures experienced there are lessons that can be taken, including:

From a failure will create a creativity. Unforgettable failures and failures as a reference to success. Try and try again so that new innovations and discoveries will arise. As an example can be drawn from the inventor of electricity, Thomas Alfa Edison. Teacher Thomas Alfa Edison sent Edison home to his parents because Thomas was famously very nosy to his friends. At home, Thomas was given freedom by his mother to tweak. Hundreds of times Thomas did the experiment until almost desperate. Failure after failure but Thomas and not despair to find a very important discovery until today. Electricity found Thomas in the thousandth experiment.

Failure to form maturity. Failure is not the end of everything. There is a well-known phrase, "Failure is a delayed success." Failure will spur the spirit to re-try then attitude becomes more mature characterized by the willingness to accept criticism and suggestions from friends or family. Attention from nearby and nearby people raises sympathy so that embarrassment arises if it fails again.

Failure fosters the spirit of sharing. With the help of friends and family closest to succeed. Feeling the success of the help of many friends and family arises the desire to share experiences, for example, sharing by using print and online media. By writing the journey of life, write down the words of motivation and empathize for the failure of friends. In the face-to-face forums, encouraging the participants.

So learning from failure will reap a lot of wisdom. If failure happens let it happen, and sincerely, then rise again. Rebuild the future by taking lessons from the failure. Surely it is better to fail than fear of trying

Indeed, failure can be a marker on the path towards success, learning what not to do or what doesn't work in order to get the to optimal destination. Admitting failure and getting input from others can help us move ahead faster as well.

Great article! Life is not an one way road. We can commit mistake and we can also rectify it. We only need sheer determination to change things but before that we must realize that what was the right and what was the wrong. We need to introspect. We can see things clearly if we may put our ego one side while contemplating. Seeing inside is the key to see clearly outside.
Kudos to you for this highly motivational post.

Thank you, glad you gained value form it.

Getting some Self awareness is the biggest favor you can do to yourself. I attribute lot of my success to knowing what i can't do.

Yup, we all have limits or things we're not predisposed to ;)

I often find myself procrastinating, sometimes it is because I don't really know what to do, a lack of knowledge, other times it is because I know exactly what I have to do but not wanting to do it. Any suggestions there?

Well not wanting to do something you know you need to do is denial. Realize that denial doesn't serve you, only hinders you. Do you want to hold yourself back, or not?

On some level I don't but apparently on another level I do. You do have me thinking though, I am going to go do something I have been putting off for a while right now.

Nice article... I also think though, that an 'over-arching' narrative i.e. 'meaning' is paramount to progress... at least I need it, to progress through the stages you have outlined... lest I get demotivated and lean towards nihilism... :)

Thanks. The narrative is your life. The meaning is you who decides, some are more important than others. Nihilism sucks for sure ;)

The gem:

Learning is life. Learn how to learn better, and learn how to think better.


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