Dominators Want to Dominate, They Don't Care If You're Not Harming Others

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Got a lemonade stand without a permit? Dominators and controllers say you're not allowed and shut you down. Even when you're 5 years old.

Have a garage sale without a permit? Dominators and controllers say you're not allowed and shut you down.

Make some alcohol and sell it? Dominators and controllers say you're not allowed and shut that down too.

Reselling cigarettes? Dominators and controllers say you're not allowed, and will even choke you to death and justify it if you try to resist their control and domination.

When you aren't harming others without their consent (cigarette selling), not taking what's not yours, or not exploiting resource to the detriment of the environment or others in the area to create harm, it may still be against the so-called "laws" some have created.

When it comes to those in power, they often just want to control for the sake of controlling. To be the ones who controls and get others to bend to their will. When there are preexisting "laws", then the controllers bend to those "laws" and then enforce them on others through some imagined "authority".

Whether the "law" is about harming others or not, it often just comes down to control. The dominators just like being the ones that dominate and subjugate others to their bullshit "rules". When in power, many of them just get to make up bullshit "rules" to make people bend and obey whatever they want.

This happens with police, judges, CPS workers, and who knows what others authoritarians who just like to have people under their boot. Anyone who dares to stand against their dictates faces threats of violence or actual violence.

Orwell had a scary vision of the future in 1984 that aptly manifests more into reality as we go forward:

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

Source, Source

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To follow up on our previous discussions on this, the ones passing most of these laws in my opinion are the ones currying favor with the perception masters. They are used as pieces on the chess board to move the cattle around, and in exchange they are allowed access to the power the perception masters own through their spells.

We have been deprived something so precious that people feel it, describe it as this hole that is missing. And when the madness over the loss and the battlefield becomes insane as the various control groups explode on one another, these dominators who serve these masters will often be sacrificed as the next wave was already prepared in advance to take their place and lead the cattle to the new area to be grazed.

I keep seeing people talk of 4d chess and Trump, and sadly I believe he is but one more of the pieces the spell masters are using to lead the herd.

I appreciate your posts, as you provide so much information in an easy to follow presentation. I don't know how you do it, so hats off to you. I usually have to be feeling it strong, and then its like I channel something inside that writes itself (it was like this when I was self publishing as well).

Hope all is going well with the new job and the girlfriend.

People fill it, but don't know what it is. They feel or sense something is wrong at an unconscious/subconscious level that they can't put their finger on with their conscious mind.

What's 4d chess? Like what data played on a Star Trek TNG episode? :P

My job was just for 2 weeks ;) Thanks though, and yes it's going well living with g/f :)

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I am breathing without a perrmit today. Maybe in 10 years, I might have to buy a license to breath air....

...and if I don't have a license to breath air, I'll be in violation of some sort of law, statute, or ordinance...

Sounds funny today... but if lemonade stands and garage sales are on the radar today.... Free air, can be the next major thing regulated too.. you never know...

They've already had that - Pay to breath" in several Hollywood Distopian Movies.

Yeah... I hope fiction stays fiction....

Yup, some cops ignore the violation of local ordinances or laws or whatnot, but some are obedient to them. Who knows what the future holds :/

but if lemonade stands and garage sales are on the radar today....

Are they? Ignoring the always-somewhere idiot that you can always dig up and that gets stuck in your mind because he makes the news - because he is the exception?

How many lemonade stands end sucessful for everyone that is shut down by authorities (ignoring if right or wrong)?

Search "Mulvaney family" and lemonade

It is enough to scare the public at large, and just refrain from the tradition in many instances.

I have always believed that just because a thing is the law does not mean that it is just.

"When it comes to those in power, they often just want to control for the sake of controlling." I think there is definitely something to that. It is a thirst that is never quenched for those who lust for power. They take pleasure from using their power to force others to do or not do things.

To me ,an ideal authority would be one who has no interest in being an authority, sadly, there are not many of those around.

The ideal authority is everyone acting together to not violate others, and when there are violations, there is unanimous agreement in a community that authorizes consequences ;)

There us a lot to like in that.

Assuming we are talking about the broken system now and how to make it function better, I think doing things like drafting vetted citizens to serve in positions of authority. It would far from perfect and it would come with its own problem but at least it would avoid handing power over to people who are looking for power to exploit.

I have always believed that just because a thing is the law does not mean that it is just.

Of course it is not. To say that woudl be stupid.

Nearly as stupid as to say that everything will be just the moment we have no laws.

They take pleasure from using their power to force others to do or not do things.

Or maybe they just want to help you? If a lifeguard tells you to not swim, does he do it because he likes your look of being soaked in sweat - or because it is dangerous at the moment?

To me ,an ideal authority would be one who has no interest in being an authority, sadly, there are not many of those around.

There are actaully quite a number of them, but they end up either out-elboyed by the power hungry or are simply disgusted by countless people telling them they do all the stressy work (when they could do more interesting things) because they lust for power.

"Nearly as stupid as to say that everything will be just the moment we have no laws." That would be stupid which is why I didn't say that.

You can point to lifeguards but I would point to the many cases where the police in this supposedly "free" and "just" country have used their power to beat, rape, and murder people without fear of punishment. Then I wound point to the people who are sent to prison having never comitted a crime because some D.A. gets his or her "jollys" from knowing that he or she ruins a life and forces their cases through the courts.

I could go on listing things and I could spam links but you know how to use google. The point is that it is far more dangerous to assume that an authority means well than it is to assume that it does not.

The point is that it is far more dangerous to assume that an authority means well than it is to assume that it does not.

But that is again something totally different.
And because of exactly this there are (in modern democracys) rules that intend to prevent that.

That in the US there are a ot less of those rules, mainly because people do not want rules, results in people getting pushed around by e.g. cops a lot.

somehow, not everyone will agree with the said rules or laws. take for examplw the changes taking place on steemit, some oppose, while others agree. it's all about perspective. however there are rules that are opposed by the majority. these are the types of rules that should be addressed as they affect the lives of many negatively.

Yup, wankers dominators, are gonna do, what they are gonna do - until they are stopped..

Their pathology will never let them stop voluntarily - It's not who they are...

Yup, some in the positions of "authority" ignore some of the "violations" of garage sales or lemonade sales, and some don't because they like to dominate and be obedient to "laws" blindly...

You're absolutly right, the dominaters here in the platform dominates in steemit for example they do not upvote you're post or comment even if the content good quailty

I think steemit is a perfect example of what he wrote about, albeit on a smaller scale than society. But you are absolutely right. If you followed any of the bernysanders down flagging bots posts (or drama), it is all about using the system to dominate to one's own enrichment/advantage.

Yup, you got it ;) Plutocracy. And don't dare talk bad about some of the rich rulers, as they go ballistic on your ass :/

Yes, the rich rule the platform indeed. It makes for a pretty phony place when you can't speak up without being retaliated upon...

you have no rights other than those you secure by force

as humans, we usually delegate out the force task to others

rent-seeking is pretty inherent in humanity as well

so sooner or later, those WE tasked with our protection get compromised

it just comes back to when we decide that the first condition I noted comes into play

you have no rights other than those you secure by force

wrong. We are Born with our Natural & universal rights.
They are ours simply by being born & living.

However - the way it works out in the real world- is HUMANS voluntarily give those rights away to others & let themselves be enslaved.

Therefore we can ONLY secure our Natural born rights by being willing to Fight & die for them.

Perhaps it's just a matter of words & not a disagreement much on the ideas. But I get sick of hearing people say WE have no Rights or we DESERVE no rights unless we fight for them. They are our rights & we deserve them- they are our birth rights as humans. But YES in reality we do not Get them, unless we insist on them.

the way it works out in the real world if someone kicks in your door at 3am, ether a bandit or a LEO "at the wrong address", then you, your guns, and your willingness to use force are the only things protecting your rights

Perhaps it's just a matter of words & not a disagreement much on the ideas. But I get sick of hearing people say WE have no Rights or we DESERVE no rights unless we fight for them

I can understand that, but we have to base things on reality. Neither g*d nor nature will protect us.

You don't need force if everyone recognizes each other's rights. Only to defend them from others trying to violate them requires force, I would say.

Agreed on the second sentence; the problem with the first is that it is an if that is not the reality.

At least 1% of any population are pyschopaths (Dutton, Hare) that will always use a greater amount of force/coercion that any normal person would use...that % changes depending on how crappy the culture people grow up in (compare murder rates between the ghettos and the suburbs, as just one example)

the sad thing?

to control culture, you have to control the society, which means violating other people's rights...the best way to deal with that is to let other people act as they will, and be ready to defend yourself as necessary

All animals are born and have a right to their lives and freedom.

Freemasons control everything in society. As long as they make all the big $$$ and have the power, nothing will change.

I thought they were the good guys?

Every single point you made as an example can easily be done by just following the rules.
Or having a permit, as you called it.

So get one and everything is okay.

There are reasons for those rules - mostly the simple reason that you may know know (which may be right, but could also be wrong) that you don't harm others, but do youn know that from the guy one street away?


That is why a society has made rules. To protect the Average Joe from the Average bad guy. Don't walk at red, don't sell food without proof you know what you are doing, don't do business without paying the due taxes.

If you don't like your societie's rules, change them.

But I guess changing a rule would make you a dominator?
Not to mention that telliong others there should be no rules looks extremely dominating to me.

Sounds to me you should try living in Europe. They have rules for everything. Seems like you would be very comfortable there:)

I am not trying this, I have been doing this my whole life.

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