Some Cause Of Obsessive Thinking.

in #philosophy6 years ago

Hello friend, it's amazing how obsessive thinking affects 1 in 50 people and is one of the psychological problems that most hide those who suffer. Obsessive thinking is about getting hooked on an idea and not being able to get rid of it. Generally, obsessive thoughts involve worry, an irrational or absurd preoccupation. All this causes unnecessary suffering.

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We have all had a bad day, a discussion or situation that just annoyed us the day. Situations that make us spend the day thinking about them and how we could have acted or reacted in another way. But, however much we want, we can not stop thinking about it. Although we can not change anything, our mind does not stop reviewing it again and again and it becomes a "I want to stop, but I can not". That's obsessive thoughts.

Obsessive thinking as a psychological problem

We all have some obsessive thinking. Thus, having one of these thoughts is not a problem, much less a pathology. However, for some people it does constitute a psychological problem, since these thoughts significantly affect their lives. In addition, they tend to hide. It makes a lot of confession that one has something strange and ugly.

For these people, recurrent obsessive thoughts. The obsessive thoughts they have are about absurd preoccupations and, although they know they are absurd, they can not help it. A classic example of obsessive thinking is found in "Will I be able to commit a dishonest, forbidden or serious crime?"

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Causes of obsessive thinking

Obsessive thinking arises for several reasons or, rather, for the combination of several reasons. One of the most common is related to the future, in particular, with the need to predict the future. We want to know the future to predict it, to know that tomorrow will not happen to us a misfortune. We want to control the uncontrollable, but we can not. Unexpected things happen every day.

Another reason for the emergence of obsessive thinking is related to our low tolerance to anxiety. We live in a world where we are always running and constantly being bombarded with stimuli and information. We need to be always idle, doing things. All this generates stress and we can get to feel anxiety. Something normal for what our bodies are prepared for, but not so much our minds. Before a certain idea that causes nerves we want to get rid of it, placate it in the moment. We do not tend to reflect on it.

The last reason we will name is the terribilitis. Terribilitis is the belief that any adversity is "terrible". We consider ourselves the center of the universe, so any setback we consider the end of the world. This tendency to exaggerate problems is another reason for obsessive thoughts. Although these are the three main reasons, there are others such as superstitious thinking, excessive shame, fear of ridicule, etc.

What to do in front of an obsessive thought?

Any obsessive thought has characteristics that define it and that can help us to neutralize its negative influence. The main one is that 100% of people can get rid of them or reduce their power until it is negligible. We can all get rid of obsessive thoughts without the need for drugs. However, we will need to make an intervention.

The treatment is based on learning to tolerate anxiety. The more anxiety we are able to tolerate, the higher levels of anxiety we will endure. For this you have to get used to anxiety, at least to certain levels of anxiety. In the same way, we have to learn to tolerate uncertainty. Being able to live without thinking that what we can not anticipate will necessarily be bad.

On the other hand, we must also stop giving importance to the "bullshit". Most of the problems we have are not relevant, so one of the best things we can do with a problem is to place it in its real place on the plane of transcendence. For this we have to accept ourselves as we are. Clear the image of "perfect" so unreal that we form. You have to start being "sweet thugs" who assume their imperfections. All this will help us to move away the useless thoughts in general and the obsessive ones in particular. In short, we have to get into the head that "nothing is so terrible".


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I'd say you covered this topic well. It affects more than 1 in 50 people surely. How does one tolerate anxiety? I agree this must be mastered. I think obsessive thinking can be used to your advantage to ultimately help you!

I did not want to be exaggerated when I said that 1 in 50 suffers from obsessive thinking.
Obsessive thinking comes from the anxiety of owning something or being the best in something that we constantly try to improve, at this point it is about obsessively thinking about surpassing oneself, but there is another obsessive thought that is the most dangerous " Emotional".

I well appreciate your post.
I think obsessive thinking is like bothering over a situation that you have lost control of.
The fear of the past, the dread for the future, are two thieves that we allow to come into our homes and lives to rob us clean.
Thanks for sharing

We tend to lose control when we think it could happen tomorrow at work because I will go with my project. And just thinking that my boss will see my project creates an obsessive thought about knowing the future.
what will happen? what will he say? Will the project support me? they are bombardment of thought that invades our mind.

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