Research of Potential Ideas №2

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

How can Idea cause change?

Ideas can drastically change the future of individual body. Main problem is fact that we grow without provision of lifelong Ideas. As individual becomes more adult, he get in rid with more drastic ideas, which require more amount of time. Ideas are much more stronger then the possibility to observe them, because they are the reason why observer is speaking, thinking, and it seems to be impossible to understand an Idea. There's a reason why ancient sophists associated Ideas with living beings. It seems to me that Idea can take a potential of thinker and be never vulnerable against him. Which means that if thinker's value core is rotten an Idea will be negative as well. But will it force the thinker? Will Idea act like a "bad person"? On the other hand, if Thinker is morally correct, won't be Idea warded from him by his own morale ethicum? If thinkers core is intelligent, won't he think that he can never understand Idea because Idea is what gives him an understanding? It is very likely that ideas don't like to change.

If we are Thinkers, why our Ideas won't change?

So now. We are somewhere around personal core, guarded by ethic in negative or positive constant.
To unlock the ward constant has to be neutral, because zero always represent Ideal state of anything.

If individual becomes ethically neutral, very interesting thing happens. He now has to defend, of course only in eyes of other people from negative and positive morale cores of every other body close to him in informative field.

Why is it that humans guard the Core not only for themselves but for everybody else? One may say that it is a huge protective system created by our Origin, for ourselves, so we will unite only together. Otherwise of this verbal formula is that humans are those who decide about themselves for themselves. If one becomes neutral as one should be, he will have to make neutral everybody else. Neutrality doesn't go with anyone. Neutral core is always alone. Negative core is always against everybody, and Positive core are always together. It seems to me that the solution is not to choose the neutrality or partiality. God must be able to understand everyone. He must know how to remain positive, think neutrally and dive into negativity to be with One second.

Clear answer:

To understand Idea which is the tool for understanding, One has to be independent on the current "nowagoes"  question and must be dependent on the solution of the question, to be dependent on the overall question, to be independent in its solution.

Now analyze:

I am unable to think clearly, when I am being observed in the purpose of the experiment as long, as I know that experiment can be understood dependently on experimenters core. But as I know I am neutral to myself am I dependent or independent? Question is wrong, I am nor dependent or independent. I am clear to observe. If I have a possibility to think by myself, I don't see anything wrong with it, the question is do I really have such a possibility?

Annotation: I am always being in the form of one situation going on, I can switch between them but always have to talk to one of them, this makes me ethical in my core, because I may want to choose to witch situation I want to reply when there is more of them going on. This makes me combining situations into one made of more individuals, to reply all of them without making attention to any morale situation. This must be an Idea of Unition

I am able to become abstract and represent more then only one side in thinking process, I am even able to answer to myself correctly, but I am unable to... I don't know, i don't feel like when i speak with my own imaginary me, it is really possible to obtain the answer to the question about which I am thinking. The thinking without opponent is very strange experience, like being in a dream and choosing everything what happens to me but not be able to remain as a chooser, with the memory of self. I still have to be myself, and somehow I don't let me become hyper-consciousness. 

I think I just know that I can create whole universe and it would be sad to destroy it. But I know that I am already seeking for any possibility to become hyper abstracted being.

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Research of potential Ideas №1

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