Patenting Knowledge In The Perpetually Creating Universe (Part1)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Another aberration of our civilization, besides that of owning Earth, is owning Knowledge. This harmful concept goes  far back into history: the "mystery schools" of the antiquity, which most likely began in the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, then were embraced by the Greeks. The Royal Library of Alexandria was one of the  largest and most significant libraries in the entire Mesopotamia. The latter is also famous for having been burned, thus resulting in the loss of many  scrolls and books. 

Although historians would hope us to endorse the official narrative saying that it was an accident, book-burning episodes have dotted societies: for many centuries it has remained more efficient than the prohibition of knowledge. Very often too, the masses did happily participate in such book-burning events. All of them were meant to control the past and of course, rewrite history. Criminal arson satisfies many inquiring minds and agendas alike: in many occasions, very rare manuscripts and books that 'miraculously' escaped destruction often landed into the vaults of religious institutions or (foreign) monarchies. Today, we have the mass media telling us what to know and also influencing the entire educational system. As long as the pyramidal structure remains unaddressed, we should not hold our breath. 

The Origins of Power

What most people won't admit easily is that power is the result of a collusion of influential people, regardless of their social ranks. Cartels, mobs, gangs, etc... we find the same characteristics in every social, scientific, political and financial department. When going down the ladder of command, we also can notice that many are interested in directing others. They are called managers, CEOs, supervisors, etc: the latter too extract their power from "being in the know" at their own level. Kids also exhibit the same patterns. What is essential to grasp here, is that it is a taught behavior. Children learn it from cartoons and movies, and more negatively watching siblings and friends. The cultivation of power is a systemic dogma. So when people happen to shake their head, contending that it is the human nature, well far to the contrary... no it is not. It is about time to think of the unthinkable: that the change must come from each individual first. 

Going back to the beginning of this blog, 'mystery schools initiates' pondered what the masses would do if they could access all the knowledge that exists in the Universe. The verdict was 'collective guillotine'. They voted for the control of knowledge as they feared that the vast majority would not be able to access the right education to handle It .  Even a philosopher like Plato encouraged the move. And that was it: under such dark auspices, the educational system was born...  to keep masses perpetually conditioned. And from there began to spread what are called 'secret societies', which have become esoteric mobs, using Metaphysical Knowledge to imprison humanity further. 

Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks

The latter are the mere continuation of controlling the release of Knowledge. There have been, and still are, brilliant discoveries that cannot see the day as they are stored in vaults for many decades to come. Copyright laws make also no sense as no idea is totally original, but for example, paradoxically allow to sue whoever tries to improve classified concepts that could save us (and the planet) from our dreadful hyperconsumerism generated by 'planned obsolescence'. As for trademarks, the latter help consolidate monopolies in many ways. 

Our society is trapped into a insidious pyramidal-control grid that can only dissolve if each individual quits his/her own power game in his/her own life, and which is a programming implemented before 8 years of age. It is extremely important to understand that about 70-80% of emotional programming is the basis of how humans react today. In no way, this is the true Human Nature. We live in The Perpetually Creating Universe and there cannot be any limitation to the expansion of consciousness (... to be continued)

 PREVIOUS BLOG CONNECTING MORE DOTS:  |  When Conformity Quantifies Happiness. No Illusion Greater Than Fear & Objectivity As RemedyThe Future Is Now: How Can The Processing Of Fear Lead To Peace and Enlightenment  |  Reality Is Realistic: The Holy Secret Of The DNA And The Intergalactic Battle To Control It |  Reality Is Realistic: The 'Intelligent Design' Is Mathematically Provable |  Reality Is Realistic: Humanity Seems Unable To Embrace The Truth About The Unsustainability Of Human Civilization |  Reality Is Realistic: Truth Is A Destroyer (part 1) | and more 

The Earth Custodians will always provide content that    shakes minds and requiring the readers to do some homework   because Truth   is exposed everywhere and that no content is fully   original, moreover   one cannot resolve the issues with the mindset  that   created them. Yes, it is possible to see way ahead of the curve,  and  if it takes one generation for a money-free society to    take shape, that shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action,  and using    money strictly for online advertising until a critical mass  (20% of  population) is reached. The metaphysics of  the Earth  Custodians  Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration  

Thank you in advance for   following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims of the Earth   Custodians and don't forget to continue your own research!


Lucky for you that it doesn't break any Natural Laws for you to accept evil money. Even though it is evil. And causes every possible bad thing in the universe.

I think it is a sign of strength, and not hypocrisy, that you are willing to take money while complaining about how evil it is. Especially when you can click one button to decline that evil money...

Couldn't have agreed more.. It's all planned and no wonder, we're all conditioned in ways that certainly can't be detected that easily. Every sector, segment, religion, culture and eventually, civilizations have been controlled in various ways to keep the goals of some, intact and achievable.

but worse, when not aware of the history of power, the power game is addictive...
thanks for dropping by :)

Oh it surely is, for all the right reasons that are portrayed to the masses!

And it was a pleasure reading your post. Looking forward to more!

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