A Legacy of Fear - Selling your soul wasn't even as evil as it could get...

in #philosophy7 years ago

Fear is a huge motivator in life. These days it may be one of the single largest motivators. This is why the government, the media, etc seem to be doing everything they can not to eliminate fear but to grow it in vats and mass distribute it. I find it ironic that we fight a War on Terror, but I'd argue that when it comes to the emotion of terror the United States is the biggest pusher of that particular drug in the world. Being a U.S. citizen this does not make me happy, and I certainly do not endorse or support it. In fact, if we simply open our eyes and dig back into our memories a bit it should be obvious that the War on Terror is a losing proposition.

If we were to measure success by the decrease in activity of the negative thing we are targeting then it is clear that we are failing not succeeding. For many of us this is no surprise. We expected this and could immediately see through the sham. I mean what else can you expect when your government declares war on an emotion? Even worse what does it mean when the people that seem to be using this emotion the most, especially on their own people, is the government that declared war on the emotion in the first place?

Religions have thrived on the fear of damnation for a very long time. You must be good or you will go to hell, purgatory, etc. You will not be allowed into Valhalla, the Happy Hunting Grounds, Elysium, etc. These are considered doom and this is the MOTIVE supposedly for why people are moral and good. Without this fear supposedly we would stray and all be evil animals that cannot have empathy and help other people. Of course this is a total farce as we can do all of these things just fine without the threat of damnation hanging over our heads, and I'd contend it is more genuine if you choose to do it without the threat/fear of damnation or penalties being hung over you.

Which is more genuine and meaningful? The person who does something out of fear of reprisal, losing face, or other negative event happening to them, or a person doing something without any coercive forces encouraging them to make that choice.

Now what really motivated me to write this post was sudden musings on people "Selling their souls" which is a theme in some religions. It is considered one of the most evil things you can do. Now you have nothing to stop you from being totally diabolical because you are already damned. So live your life, and do whatever evil things you may. That at least is how it is spun.

I am a musician, as such I've heard of Robert Johnson, Jimmy Page, and others that supposedly have made pacts with the Devil for their skill as a musician. I've also seen the movie Crossroads which is enjoyable and plays upon this theme.

Source: All Things Weird

Those people didn't turn into baby eating and killing necromancers who were out to destroy the world. They were simply very skilled and prolific, but they were ultimately doomed.

So the true impact of this decision seems to be that for fame, wealth, power, etc the person is willing to face this alleged damnation in the afterlife. If the person is religious then this may actually mean something to them. Yet it also tells me some things.

The person was willing to risk ultimate damnation. So would they perhaps practice harder and view that which they seek as the most important thing to them? Doesn't this imply that likely they were already working hard at it before they chose to sell their soul? Perhaps their skill has nothing to do with selling their soul. I actually believe that is likely the case, but this is my opinion.

I believe we do worse things

So if selling your soul and thus damning yourself is so terrible, what about the fact we casually sell out the futures of the future generations? Why do we keep endorsing bills and historical cycles that simply kick the can down the road? Is it okay that you've kicked the can far enough that it is no longer your problem?

The future generations walk to the road and are met by a veritable mountain of cans that have been kicked down the road. Do you think they will be worried about hell? Hell might seem like a holiday spa compared to the reality that we have handed down to them. Is this not evil?

Do you think kicking the can, and then going to church and praying for forgiveness truly makes this alright? I don't. I have a big problem with how many things we casually SCREAM for that are the doom of my children, grand children, and hopefully great grand children.

Let me give you an example. It is one I have written about before. It is called the debt ceiling.

We keep hitting the debt ceiling in the U.S. seemingly at least annually. Then they trot out the fear show in this multi-ringed circus. "and in the center ring we have FEAR!!!!"

The debt ceiling essentially means our government maxed out its credit cards. Though it is worse. You see with the federal reserve act of 1913 we permitted the formation of the Federal Reserve which is not actually part of the government and is owned by private banking families. They print money (see the word PRINT) and LOAN it to the government on interest. This means the government is instantly in debt to these banking families every time they ask them to provide some more paper with ink on it. It isn't backed by anything but our belief in it. These banking families just can magically create wealth that the government gets from them like a loan shark.

This means we are in debt to them by extension, and actually most of the taxes collected by the government go to paying the interest on these loans.

So the debt ceiling is the government reaching the end of their spending beyond their means. So they trot out fear, and they make sure to put up all the freshly created metal, wooden, and cardboard signs at all the various National Parks telling you exactly why they closed those parks. They closed them due to the debt ceiling. It can be easy for people not to really think about how much those signs cost, the barriers costs, and the fact they are still paying some people to patrol to make sure people stay out of the parks while they are closed. They may also not recall that only a few decades ago these patrols, barriers, etc were not needed.

Yet they are a great way to inconvenience the public, play into the fear, and convince the government that they MUST ask for a higher credit limit.

You see we should be letting the government fail, and not be able to pay for things. Then perhaps they'd be serious about cuts rather than doing what they actually do. I've noticed for years that one of the things they do is say "Senator X managed to come up with a Y cut". It is almost always bullshit. That Y cut was from Z in NEW EXPENDITURES. This means the amount they were increasing spending by was Z. Yet they are praising the Senator for reducing Z by Y. The end result is they are still increasing how much they are spending, so they didn't really cut anything. Yet by talking about the amount they reduced their planned spending the word games make the general populace think they actually cut something when they didn't.

This debt issue is a very big can being kicked down the road. I guarantee you they are going to trot out government shut down, and other fear tactics again the next time their credit limit is maxed out. We seriously need them not to keep increasing this as it is enslaving many future generations, and in actuality many of us see it as enslaving US now. What we have now is a holiday vacation compared to what we are pushing upon future generations.

We have a couple of ways this can be resolved. The non-violent one is to actually start balancing our budget, cutting things no matter how much we want them, and paying off the debt.

Then there is the violent one where if the people that hold the debt of the U.S. are no longer alive then technically there is no longer any debt. This though likely would not work and would result in world war. You see those banking families were not stupid. They created the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which many nations are indebted to, especially third world countries. They created the World Bank. They repeated the Federal Reserve experiment ALL over the world in the many central banks. So this is happening to the U.S., but in reality it is happening virtually everywhere.

So I look about me and was inspired to write this post thinking about fear, and how heavily fear is used against us. I of course thought of the selling the soul, fire and brimstone, and in general damnation that religion uses to motivate people and try to "keep them in line". I see the War on Terror as a similar shell game. Then I started thinking about how what we are doing is actually far worse than selling our souls. We are damning the future generations to hell on Earth.

Source: Sixteen Minutes to Palestine

I myself do not believe in heaven, hell, the devil, etc. I believe there very well could be some kind of creator which some people choose to call God, but I do not believe that this thing is found in any of our books. Our human language and books are too petty and incapable of defining reality, we must look around and observe and then we barely get glimpses. What I am is known as a Deist. I am also fine with the universe as a simulation hypothesis as that fits within Deism as well, because if we are simply in a simulation then something had to have started the simulation. That is fine. Deism believes in a creator/catalyst but they do not believe in revelation, prophecy, and other humans suddenly being able to explain the secrets of everything to you. They simply observe, and use reason. They can equally be comfortable among atheists if those atheists are also simply observing and using reason. I've gone so far as to call myself an atheist/deist before which seems a contradiction, but I have my reasons which I post about from time to time. My discussion of my beliefs was a digression from the purpose of this post. I mainly supplied it for new people, so they know some of my weird personal beliefs. If you want more detail you can check out some of these posts.


"You see we should be letting the government fail..."


Which it would do very nicely on its own if people would simply stop believing in it, and stop supporting it along with all the evil it commits.

I can't recommend Larken Rose's book about this highly enough:

"The Most Dangerous Superstition"

Thank you for a very thoughtful post.


In a few days we will see annother kind of fear...

~ in the crypto market: FOMO!

I really like that.

Fear prevents the usage of higher brain functions. Aka it makes you dumb.

yes. This is more important. Response to fear is actually no way to live. great men overcome fear.

You can get used to it too. I actually liked fear in my youth. I didn't do drugs, and things like that. I did do things that were dangerous and or scary that would give me adrenaline highs from fear.

So you can become more used to it and desensitized to it. I will agree with you that most people don't do this, and it can be very debilitating to them and they can indeed act stupid. This would explain a lot of what we see in the world today.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself! Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." FDR's Inaugural Address 1932

I believe in faith, but I have a hard time believing in organized religions.

Faith in what? Deism which I tend to lean most towards is totally anti-organized. It basically is "there is a creator, now look around you observe, and use reason" If you seek a holy scripture in Deism the closest thing you will find is what you can glean from what is written into nature and reality itself. As that transcends what our languages can define. We are constantly having to invent new words, and new concepts to define new things we learn. So how would it be possible for something written in an even more limited vocabulary and concepts to define reality?

Plus, deists don't claim to know what the creator is. They simply think there is one. The articles I linked on it explain that more.

Though I am okay with atheism as well, but not necessarily how people may think. That is also explained in some of those posts.

EDIT: My faith in what statement was not intended as an attack. It was short, but it was stated with curiosity as it's purpose not malice. That I realized after rereading what I wrote may not be apparent and could be interpreted as something else.

I still don't have an answer for that. Deism is close, but I'm not sure that there is one single deity. To put a steemit reference to my answer, I tend to believe more in a distributed group of deities/forces.

The StarWars reference to midi-chlorians is also very close to what I believe.

But I also respects everyone's choice in faith - since noone knows the answer, who am I to say who is right or wrong in their beliefs.

Yeah deism doesn't seek to define creator. It isn't even one of their goals. They basically just believe in some catalyst... now look around, observe, and use reason.

I like it because it doesn't try to force other people into a box of WHAT IS, and allows them freedom to think for themselves. The only truths they are really interested in are based upon observation and reason.

But I also respects everyone's choice in faith - since noone knows the answer, who am I to say who is right or wrong in their beliefs.

This too is true. It is also why I only talk about religion occasionally. I don't like to force it upon people.

Yet that doesn't stop society from trying to force it upon me, so I occasionally hit a cluster of articles on religion.

You can observe and deduct a creator very easily with your method.

Observe and deduct is called a hypothesis or speculation. That is not proof.

I can observe and deduct and make up MANY different plausible explanations. That used to be a game of mine. That doesn't make any of them true.

They just could explain what I observed at the time. Yet it didn't prove anything.

Observation and Deduction are not sufficient for ANY kind of proof. That is just the hypothesis stage. AKA speculation, guessing.

observing, and deducting is basically science. You can prove where you are, which in turn proves a creator, get it? No speculation required. This is not about religion. Trust me, I'm not religious. I'm a heavy metal freak , not a jesus freak. I just stumbled upon the truth, as known by secret societies and many more.. The answers are CLEARLY known.

Your observance of your existence does not proof the existence of a creator (or anything else at that).

The observance of a fish also does not prove the existence of a fisher boat.

observing, and deducting is basically science.

No it is not.

That is the first few stages of the scientific method. Science is things discovered using the scientific method.

It doesn't stop at those stages, and those first few stages prove absolutely NOTHING. It requires all of the stages to actually prove something.

Oh by the way I never said there was no creator. I simply stated I don't believe in revealed religions. In otherwords ones someone is basing on speculation about observations (primitive man at that) and/or visions or things they heard.

I am equally comfortable with being either an atheist (no creator) or a deist (there is a creator but we don't define it).

As you know what I do regardless of either of those?

Observe and use reason. I actually do lean towards a creator.... yet I don't believe it is anything like in any bibles. Those seem silly and don't explain a lot of things and require magical thinking.

I do think there easily could have been a creator or catalyst. That doesn't mean they are superior. I don't seek to define what the creator is.

Instead I observe and use reason. So yes I do DEDUCT... yet all that leaves me with is hypothesis. So yes while it is fun to think about such things I don't treat my hypothesis as the truth and then try to force people to believe my guesswork. I don't write it into a book, and tell people they must believe what I wrote based upon my deductions from my observations.

First the world is vast. Our language is ever expanding, but people can only express themselves in as complex a thought as they have the language to explain. They also cannot truly make sense of things they cannot explain so their explanations are going to fit within the confines of the words and things they do know. So those guesses are going to be way off....

I mean some of them thought lightning and thunder was Zeus going to town up there angry about something... or the Norse that it was Thor. The Native Americans it was sometimes the Thunderbird depending upon which ones you spoke to.

All of these people Observed and used Deduction based upon their limited knowledge.

I will simplify it for you. You can't prove there is one, and you can't prove there isn't one. All you can do is observe an use reason.

Also because I'm getting ready to leave town for three days and may not see your responses. You are totally free to believe what you want. I don't actually have a problem with that as long as you don't force me to, and you don't pass laws that impact me based upon those beliefs.

I also would not ever pass laws or endorse them that restricted your beliefs.

People can believe the earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese and that is harmless until they force it upon others or make laws up based upon those beliefs.

I also did not share my views (Deism/Atheism) to tell people they should be those things. I don't believe that. I only shared them to show where I come from, and how my mind perceives things.

I am also extremely well versed in religion. I own a lot of bibles, and as I was raised Christian, and that's predominantly around I know the most about that one... but I go back way further than just the Councils of Nicea (1st and 2nd) and also have looked into early Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and how they interacted with each other and how it influenced and changed the faiths.

Most people don't know that until Judaism and Zoroastrianism mingled there was no Hell, and there was no concept of Satan or Lucifer. Early Judaism truly was monotheistic. Zoroastrians on the other hand had a good god and a bad god, though like Satan they didn't always refer to the bad god as actually a god... but more as the adversary. They also had a heaven/hell type setup...

Eventually that leaked into Judaism (aka the old testament jews) and soon Judaism had a bad guy, and heaven and hell... later Christ came along as a Jew in judaism and said other things (very eastern sounding things actually) and we have the New Testament from that, and the Old Testament from Judaism. Though both were cobbled together and heavily edited by the 1st and 2nd councils of Nicea. A lot of material didn't make it into them (aka censoring) and thus that is part of the big deal with the dead sea scrolls, as some of that is items that were censored... one that is easier to find is the Book of Enoch which is removed from most modern bibles, but it was actually part of them for some time.

So observe and deduct... you can apply that to history too and the changing and evolution of the faiths. You can watch famous people in history and how they influenced and lead to changes. You can watch invasions, and attempts to convert people and how that lead to changes.

Observe and deduct... man.

I am not religious. I said a creator can be proven, by proving the nature of our existence. i think organized religions are mostly bullshit, but there's truth in there too. Cant' disregard anything when searching for the actual truth. What I'm saying is beyond all faith, you can answer this question yourself.

i think organized religions are mostly bullshit, but there's truth in there too. Cant' disregard anything when searching for the actual

You and I agree there.

you can answer this question yourself.

I can guess. I can't answer. I can guess a lot of different things too. I do enjoy guessing, yet I do not make that mistake of believing because I can guess something that makes it fact.

LOL The creator can be proven through seeking knowledge. It's out there. Not easy to find, but you don't need pure faith to prove a creator.

The proof is not in the bible or any book of that nature. The proof lies in the scientific understanding of the true nature of existence, combined with deep research into the secrets protected by secret societies. It doesn't lie in bibles, exclusively, though some truth is there. You need to really understand WHERE WE ARE to prove creation. There are people in the news who even tell you we live in a simulation..... Think about it :)

Faith is not proof. proof is proof. what do you think all those secret societies protect as their ultimate secret??? Any idea???? Perhaps you should find out.

Just because you don't know about something, does not mean it 'has not been done' how arrogant.

Prove it. So far it hasn't been done. Faith is not proof. So go for it, prove it.

Speculation is not proof either. Guessing is not proof. So prove it. If you can I'll agree. I don't think you can do it.

Oh I thought I better add... humans writing words in books is easy to do as well. That is also not proof. It can be just another human writing down their speculation as though it is fact.

It is even worse if you tell me to look at a book that was revised many times, and I happen to collect them so I can tell passages that are not the same between editions.

Throw in the Council of Nicea and what they actually did...

So yeah. Show me your proof.

Have faith in fear then!

EDIT: There is always a battle going on. Faith vs reason. I believe that if you have faith without reason you are dumb. If you only listen to reason and don't have faith you are boring!

I agree, to a point. faith without any evidence is stupid. Once you start to determine truth you can hear your heart speak to you to determine truth intuitively.

I like how you point out the irony of our culture's condemnation of artists "selling their soul," while simultaneously being ignorant of the effect our way of life will have on future generations. Your beliefs are sane. What is popular is weird.

If you understood the pact was in fact real, you may have a different opinion.

Well written article :) I will follow you!
There is nothing to fear but fear itself!

Fear is the mind killer. The little death.

Agreed! Fear is poison and spread like flames in dry lands. I wrote an article about fear yesterday, check it out if you feel like it :)
It's called: Don't let fear corrupt your heart

Some kinds of fear I enjoy. The key is not to let them control me.

totally! fear can be accelerating, at least when danger is involved. But then it's dangerous to let fear take over the mind. xD

Gavin DeBecker in his book, "The Gift of Fear" draws a distinction between what he calls "True Fear" and "Anxiety". Anxiety is imagining something horrible happening in your future and experiencing your body reacting to that as if it is real. True Fear is that energy that just gets you out of actual, present danger without thinking or pondering. Later on people may experience what they think of as fear. AFter significant research into the entire house of cards called our financial system, I believe we need to stay in "true fear" and take immediate and consistent action to be prepared to withstand the coming storm. Being aware of the precariousness of our economic system is NOT being anxious. It's being realistic and practical. Thank you for your willingness to think and write and explore these ideas that don't quite seem to be on the majorities Minds...

It's the type of thing that pops in my head. I reach for my keyboard and I write. I make mistakes, but I just keep on thinking. :)

That's the best way! Rock on!

You see we should be letting the government fail, and not be able to pay for things. Then perhaps they'd be serious about cuts rather than doing what they actually do

This assumes that the garbage of our political class are interested in our interests, instead of their own kickback and/or ideology ;>

Oh I know THEY are not. Yet they prey upon the fear in the populace until the masses are shouting for them to kick the can down the road. "But, you told me to do it!"

This is what Constitutional rule of law was supposed to mitigate; but it presupposed a moral people as a base.

The Founders were realistically cynical, but they vastly underestimated the number of rent-seekers, do-gooders, and "sheeple" (a word I dislike using) a free society might produce. I think they also underestimated the roles of conformity and security play in a free man's political decision-making

Very interesting and engaging read. Well written and well sourced I could not help but read the entire piece. Very wonderful range of ideas tied together in a palatable way. I agree wholeheartedly. Resteemed. :-) Thank you for putting this together, hope your day is lovely!

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