Why I gave up Christianity

in #philosophy9 years ago (edited)

Giving up my belief in Christianity was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was raised in a Christian home, was a leader in my youth group, and went on multiple overseas mission trips. In college I attended multiple church services every week, lead bible studies, and even attended a 3-month leadership training program. I was that guy who only listened to christian music because all secular music was evil. I waited until marriage to have sex with the mother of my children. In other words, I was a hard-core evangelical conservative Christian.

While it is common for many people to lose interest over time, I suspect it is very unusual for someone to switch sides as dramatically as I have. It took me years to come to terms with it and in the process contributed to the break up of my marriage and made certain things awkward with my parents.

Pursuit of Truth

The whole process started back in 2006 when I began to pursue the truth in everything. I started reading about libertarian philosophy and Austrian economics. In the process I learned how to think clearly, rationally, and with a focus toward eliminating contradiction in my beliefs.

This is where I started developing strong convictions on the immorality of government. I became convinced that initiating the use of violence was wrong. Not only that, I became convinced that the use of violence systematically makes all of society poorer. This means I began to reject the legitimacy of all governments built on violence.

Biblical Support for Liberty

As my perspective on government was changing I began searching the Bible to see whether my new understanding fit. The good news is that I could find plenty of support in the bible.

… ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” — Matthew 22:39-40

Aside from “loving God”, the 2nd greatest commandment and all the laws of the profits supposedly hang on the phrase of ‘love your neighbor as yourself’. This phrase is effectively a statement of “don’t do to others what you don’t want others doing to you.” It might imply going above and beyond, but it certainly encompasses the silver rule.

So straight from the mouth of Jesus I had confirmation that my libertarian beliefs are founded upon the greatest commandment from which all other commandments must submit to.

I proceeded to reinterpret all other parts in the bible with this perspective in mind and found that almost everything taught by Jesus himself was compatible. What I also found is that many christians interpret Jesus’ teachings in ways that are incompatible.

Hypocrisy in the Church

For a while I used my new found insights to stir the pot at bible studies. I felt certain that most Christians would quickly recognize that their support and even worship of government was sinful. Sadly, most people could not make the connection.

Sunday morning sermons became unbearable as pastor after pastor gave messages that were incompatible with the 2nd greatest commandment. I took these pastors aside to talk with them about it. It went nowhere.

How could I attend a church that pledges allegiance to the flag of a government that is waging war around the globe? How could I attend a church that subjugated itself to the government by filing for 501.3c status?

There are certainly some churches out there that reject 501.3c, some that don’t pledge to the flag, and even some that are completely libertarian in their philosophy. But by the time you filter out all of the false teachers there is hardly enough for a small congregation in towns with 10’s of thousands of people.

Would God let 99.99% of Pastors miss the Mark?

I started to ask myself a simple question. How can people who pray every day and maintain a relationship (two way communication) with Jesus can be left completely ignorant to their obvious sins they commit. How can God let these people lead his flock with so many obviously false teachings?

There is only one obvious answer, these people are not hearing from God. If God was dwelling within them, and they heard the truth, then one would think the Spirit would stir inside them to confirm the truth. They would immediately repent, ask forgiveness, and sin no more.

This isn’t a matter of intelligence. Many of these people are incredibly smart. This is a simple matter of “hearing the truth” and “obeying”. Apparently God doesn’t care if you understand his laws, only that you obey. If God was speaking to these people, then they would know his voice and would obey. Clearly, these people are not actually hearing from God.

You cannot trust People

Since I have clear evidence that most people who think they hear from God are clearly not hearing from God, I must now question everything. All of christianity is a bunch of people telling and retelling the same stories for generations. Each generation chooses to believe the prior generation.

People believe because not believing would result in becoming a social outcast. Who wants to strain the relationships with everyone in their life? Who wants to question beliefs that seem to answer big scary questions for which there is no obvious answer (such as what happens when you die).

Back to the Bible

If you skip through all the intermediaries you end up going straight back to the bible. The bible is declared the infallible word of God by most. Here we have a logical dilemma, the part of the bible that claims this was written before other parts of the bible. Furthermore, it only claims the “word of God” is infallible, but no where does it state what is and isn’t the “word of God”.

So I started looking into how the books of the bible were selected. Lo-and-behold, it was done through a democratic process. People, many of whom were appointed by the Roman emperor, voted. Here we have the people problem again. Not only that, we have a government problem.

At the time the bible was written there were few people who could read and write. Those who were able were often employed by governments. It is clear to me that governments at all times and places attempt censorship and practice propaganda. It doesn’t take much, just changing a word here or there can completely change the meaning.

Even the oldest known copies of the bible are still greatly removed in time from the people who wrote them.

Shared Delusions

It became clear to me that people are very vulnerable to falling into group delusions. People around the world have often willingly adopted an unquestioned belief. Beliefs can be so strong that it is not uncommon for people to commit mass suicide.

What this means is that conviction unto death is not a sign of truth. Dependence upon communities was so strong that renouncing belief in the shared delusion could appear to be its own death sentence.

Ultimately, all we have is the testimony of people who knew Jesus directly. This testimony is as reliable as any other testimony of people today. After all, plenty of people have claimed to witness miracles. Many have doubts about these people, but we are supposed to trust someone who lived 2000 years ago?

Removing People from the Equation

The bible claims that even those who do not hear the word of God are still liable because all of nature testifies. In other words, ignorance is no excuse and those who remain ignorant are doomed to hell. You are only saved by knowing Christ.

I decided to take this point of view and simply pretend there were no people around to tell me what God says. I decided to look into nature. It was here that I discovered meditation and through meditation I became more connected to who I am.

If all that is necessary to know God is available to me without the need of people, then clearly reason and rationality are a major component. I concluded that anything that could not be deduced from reason and nature could not be guaranteed to be from God.

At this point I concluded that almost everything that makes christianity, Christian, cannot be derived from nature. What remains is a solid belief in a set of moral principles that hold me to a higher standard than what is taught in churches and the bible. But these principles do not make me Christian.

Am I going to hell?

Well, many christians believe Once Saved, Always Saved so I guess I am covered by my prior belief when I gave my heart to Christ. Some would say I was never saved, but I couldn’t tell the difference for years. I certainly have nothing against God and obviously am more than happy to yield to anything he requests of me. I just don’t trust anyone but God to deliver the message.


Christianity lost me at the age of 5, when I had a discussion with my mom about the amount of toilet paper I should use, and she told me god would watch me even there. I think this was also a key moment to questioning authority overall.

Thanks mom!

Privacy is so obsolete! God watches how much toilet paper we all use.

And don't you wonder how the modern public toilet knows that you just stood up and that it's time to flush?

They do say the NSA is everywhere...

Yeah, and I seriously trust them to really save my toilet metadata if possible. Courts will hopefully protect the contents at least!

I guess you live without smartphone and internet also right now for the same reason(?) Or did she not tell you about that yet?

Why? It wasn't fear of someone watching me. It started a process of thought, which finally resulted in not believing any religious stories any more. I've always questioned everything with reason, religions don't withstand that.

Age 5? Wow, congratulations!

It was a process I guess. I don't remember a lot of my childhood, so this situation definitely made a big impression. I learned reading at that same age, spent a lot of time studying the bible, and also received the communion with 7 or 8. I know for sure that I didn't believe anything that happened there.
I resorted to praying once, when I couldn't find a toy or something in my mess around the age of 10. But I quickly realized how silly that was :D

I knew the answer at the age of 10, don't need to read those today: imaginary friends can't talk ;)

Unless you prayed to St. Anthony, and he helped you find your lost toy ;).

From what I read you have given up on institutional Christianity (man made religion) but not Christ? There's more of us out there then you know. Keep seeking, be encouraged. I would say, being ordained into the call for 15 years and 31 years of being radically born-again, there's a real mess to sort through--if we are honest. About 2 decades ago I came to similar conclusions. I'm learning liberty is wrapped up in simplicity. Loving Christ and loving people is powerful truth. Though simple, this is a very big statement because we have to ask the question, "what does that look like" with authenticity. It will cost us everything: ego, reputation, fame, popularity, being understood, family, etc.

I believe Paul said it best, "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ." Phil. 3:8. Love will cost us everything BUT knowing the eternal Purpose (being conformed into the image of Christ--becoming love) and having an eternal relationship with Christ far outweighs these momentary light afflictions in this life. Living the reality of the Kingdom of God.

Thanks for your honesty my friend. The Spirit of truth will lead us into all truth. One last encouragement, as it was shown to me by the Heavenly Father, in the middle of our logic, rationalization we cannot circumvent faith. They should be married, the two wings of an eagle that soars. Blessings!

If you skip through all the intermediaries you end up going straight back to the bible. The bible is declared the infallible word of God by most. Here we have a logical dilemma, the part of the bible that claims this was written before other parts of the bible. Furthermore, it only claims the “word of God” is infallible, but no where does it state what is and isn’t the “word of God”.

Download the bible here...


I hope when you gave up on Christianity you didn't reject your faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus can reveal Himself to you in an unique way, tailored your system of thinking, that affirms He is the Truth. When Jesus offers His Truth to you, don't reject it. Please consider this thought.

Well said.

Such a sad post. If you are a Christian, you can't give up on it. You can't cling to the belief that "Once a Christian, always a Christian" because that supposes you were one in the first place, and does not mean that if you denounce Christianity you are still a Christian. It simply means that you CAN'T give up on it. I will pray for you. By the way, you are using my work in a way not allowed by Getty licensing agreements: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/wooden-crucifix-on-open-bible-royalty-free-image/200397018-001

There is only one obvious answer, these people are not hearing from God. If God was dwelling within them, and they heard the truth, then one would think the Spirit would stir inside them to confirm the truth. They would immediately repent, ask forgiveness, and sin no more.

I really believe that Elder Ephraim of Arizona is one of the exceptions!
(It is really worth watching it. I think he gives an answer to Daniel Larimer @ 43:10!)


Wait. Are you saying thay father Paisius is not an exception?

very strange

I know I said it in response to your introduceyourself post, but this one reinforces it, we are in such a similar place it's almost weird. Fortunately for me, my wife was already looking over the edge when I jumped down the rabbit hole and she very willingly followed me down it. The rest of my family, not so much. I've even started telling my wife that I'm not a Christian because I'm so, so far away from what the average definition of one looks like. I also found myself identifying as an anarchist and the more I paid attention to what the Bible actually says, the more I feel it's more of the way G-d intended us to live than what the average Christian conservative in America lives like.

I'll be really excited to see what other posts you have coming relating to your faith. It sounds like it will help me to process where I am even better.

Great read. I was raised Christian too and consider myself very fortunate to have been able to shake it off in my teenage years. This inspired me to write a little piece of my own on the subject

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