
Since I started actively posting 2 weeks ago, I have been having a crisis of self. Up until the day I started on steemit, I was a conspiracy investigator. Listening to pundits, chasing the days news, getting ahead of everyone else while getting nowhere.

I allowed massive bull markets to pass me by because collapse was around the corner. It's still around the corner but I'm done playing the smart prepper. I'm going to take part in this crypto coin boon and play a part in society.

Nobody cares that your government wants you dead, or at least impaired. Guess what? I don't care anymore either.

I'm quitting the conspiracy world. I already know how evil the powers that be are. They are evil. Seth Rich's murder investigation, or lack there of, is all you really need to see.

It's time to live life.

Exactly. Chasing their demons is just another way for them to win, because we are wasting our lives trying to be like them to beat them instead of approaching it from the other direction.

Super well said.

massive government corruption .but now we have internet and people are waking up to the lies when everyones woken up and ready we go kick there arses and them scum bankers .i no what your saying tho dont get to caught in the web

It's all about the banks....

People are easily swayed to negativity, just look at the 'programming' from the 'news'. Conditioned to it we are. And you are right @clayboyn, people will learn by experiencing positive examples. Our world needs lots more folks doing positive acts, leading by example.
"Avoid throwing bricks at a crumbling building, save the bricks to build a new structure based on a positive dynamic".- Tio Andy, Cherokee Medicine Man.

@bilbop always dropping some knowledge. <3

Thanks @clayboyn Seem as though we are on the synchronous positivity frequency :-)
And steeming on.

Indeed and in deed, thanks @battleaxe

Love this piece. Have come across a few individuals in my life like this who were conspiracy theorists , and i honestly try to avoid any conversations other than simple pleasantries like hello, how are. How would you suggest i allow myself to respond to someone like this without feeling the weight of negativity and just wanting to run away?

Honestly, I would just say do what makes you happy and if talking to them doesn't make you happy, then don't. I had to cut a lot of ties personally, but it was worth it.

Don't focus on attacking the individual or individuals in their lie. All you need to do is expose it for what it is and then like the wise Goldbloom says:

He also says, "Change your apartment, change the world."

I am going through a similar process. I was waiting and waiting for really bad things to happen so that I could prove I knew what was up. It was making me miserable. Since I have moved on I have enjoyed my life as it is a lot more. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Excellent post @clayboyn. Thank you for sharing your process of growth, acceptance and conscious use of your personal power with us.

My life experience has also taught me to stay centered in love to most effectively maintain my creative abilities. In doing so, I am better able to harness my will instead of allowing it to be hijacked by any person(s), place(s) or things.

Thank you as always! Namaste

:) Thanks. Controlling and accepting responsibility for our own energetic presence is the first step to having the impact we desire. Namaste.

Yessss..... :)


I think it's just a matter of doing on what you can do and feeling positive about it. The problem with digging too deep for truth and meaning in the corrupt nonsense is that it usually goes hand in hand with being alarmist and negative, which only really adds to the problem. I do appreciate people out searching for truth but I hope they can find peace in the good things they are doing, rather than dwell in the negativity of that which they are trying to expose.

Some shit doesn't have a positive side. Pizza and murder are hard to justify.

I don't mean feeling positive about what's going on, I mean feeling positive about what you are doing about it. If you can't feel positive about your efforts to expose crap and at peace with the universe, you probably have another calling ;-)

I get it, and unfortunately from what I've seen, you clear out one shit factory and another one opens down the street.

hahahaha are the shit factories making the conspiracy theories or the conspiracies? Do you no longer believe any of that stuff is happening or do you just think it's not worth focusing your energy on?

Net impact. I'm not blind, I just stopped having selective vision.

Nowadays I'll still drop some truth, but if I can see it's not being accepted, I'll plant a seed in hopes that it takes root and move on. But yeah, focusing on creating something positive is usually energy spent better than fighting the negative.

It certainly seems to make me happier focusing on the positive approach. Thanks for sharing!


Most sheep love the lies, so I don't waste my time on them anymore.
I've come to this conclusion, "nothing is as it seems."
And I'm happy knowing that I'm prepared, come hell or high water.
Congratulations @clayboyn and Steem on !!

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