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RE: The Accidental Designer, Part 2 – Meditative Daydream

in #philosophy6 years ago

Holy shit @zipporah. I just keep finding out you are more and more badass. That is not just a jacket. That is an experience. I can almost feel the creative energy of your jacket coming to life.

When you mentioned watching it come to life that really made me smile. That is my favorite part of creating; watching ideas and raw materials turn into concrete things.

When I was a young boy, one of my mother's friends came over with a drawing and it sorta blew my mind. It was my first personal experience with art and hyper-realism.

I remember being completely amazed by the idea that he had taken a piece of paper and a pencil and turned it into this. I didn't let go of that thought really ever.

You never really know where interest and opportunity will take you. Thanks for sharing this with us.


You're too kind, @art-mess. <3

I appreciate how much you've connected with that part of this story. It really did come as such a surprise to me – hence the title of this series. I suppose it's the mark of a truly creative mind that I was simply reaching for solutions rather than trying to create something special.

I love that story of little you, so impressed by someone's art. I had similar reactions to some of the artwork my mother, @faune, made when I was young. She was certainly my earliest artistic influence.

ps – Thank you for your wonderful 'shill' of this post today – I was sincerely touched.


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