Feeling a bit down.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

I'm pretty depressed and feeling significantly discouraged right now..
I'm sure it will pass and I will be motivated to get back to trying to do all the things I wanna try to do in life.. But.. Right now.. I feel shitty... Anyone have any inspiring or encouraging words to share or maybe an inspirational music video or something like that?
Thanks if so... Sigh.. :\


People can help you if you inform what is it regarding. I wouldn't say that I write motivational stuff, but its quite eye opening. If you like any title from my blog, read it out, and if you don't find anything that helpful there then inform me what is it actually bothering you. I can not help until I know what is it that is disturbing you? God bless you dear.

So far you earned 49 cents for telling the internet you feel shitty... so you got that going for you.

Lol. Awesome... sarcasm

If you really did LOL then my work is done here.

Haha. Word. You did get me to laugh. A couple times. So, you did bring my positivity up a hair. Thanks.

Excellent. With your upvote and @bradfordtennyson 's vote, I've now earned 42 cents off of your misery. Feel free to feel bad again so I can make more pocket change. For now, I'm off to another post, another page, to spread my gift of laughter elsewhere, onward and upward!

Haha. You're certainly racking it up. Look at all those cents.
However.. I wouldn't say you're making money off of my misery but out of your own creativity. So good for you. Thanks for the laughs.

Not too good at the whole motivational speeches thing... but I'll say this: It tends to be a temporary thing.

Thanks for trying. :) And yeah.. I think everything may be temporary.. Though who knows, maybe there's something out there that is eternal.

I'm not sure... maybe we're all eternal, in some way. If that's the case, I'd like to think the "skies" over there are a lot brighter than they are here!

Comedy films helps some times with me if helps

I could use a good laugh. Thanks.

Yeah comedy always helps me. Video games do as well since they just distract me from my bad feelings long enough to get over them.

Everybody has bad days. The bad days help you to appreciate the good ones! Keep your chin up and continue to fight the good fight. Do something nice for yourself. Have a great meal, see a show, get a hooker, etc. This will pass and you will be back on top of your game!

Good point. If I get through this I'll look back at it in a way that it sort of helped me to get to where I get. And yeah.. Should definitely treat myself to something, I've never had a hooker before, lol.. But.. These days I would be more open to it than ever.

Thanks for cheering me up a lil. :)

You're welcome. Just remember: You can take the speed bumps of life if your shock absorbers are resilient. (Sorry, I'm not feeling very creative myself today)

Just try to see it as if your soul needs to take a deep breath to take you even further with ne next exhaling. Everything goes by. Even that. Don't try to erase this bad feeling, just accept it and trust it will be soon replaced by a new fresh impulse to start over.

And be sure there are a lot of people who care about you. Even those like us strangers here on steemit. ;)

Aw.. That was nice of you, especially the last part. Thanks :) Hopefully things improve, but if not.. I'm learning to appreciate what I have even if it isn't much.. Some people have much less or don't have anything. And I don't like comparing myself to others to help how I feel, but it does help to know that.. It helps put things in perspective a bit..

nothing motivational to say as I have no idea the circumstance you are in. I guess the only solace I can give you is that tomorrow will be a new day. Try to think of anything good in your life and just keep thinking about only that. If not depression just sucks you in further down. Try to let it out. Scream, cry, punch the wall if you need too. Sorry you are having a hard time. I hope it helped a little. Been there.. probably will be there again.

Thanks for the encouragement and empathy and for caring it did help a lil. :) Bummer to hear you've been there, though I imagine most people feel somewhat similar in their lives.. I did cry a lil bit.. But perhaps I should let more out or punch something, heh.

Passions consist of conceptualizations. The ultimate non-existence of these conceptualizations and imaginary fabrications--that is the purity that is the intrinsic nature of the mind. Misapprehensions are passions. The ultimate absence of misapprehensions is the intrinsic nature of mind. The presumption of self is passion. The absence of self is the intrinsic nature of mind. :)

Those are some really interesting words i'm going to have to ponder on for a while.. Thanks, and I'll check out the link you included when I get a chance as well, that looks like a good one!

Hang in there bud, when the shitty gets shitty, things always get better. I've had some shittyness lately too. Try to focus on the positive things in your life. New doors may be opened. Bad experiences will make you stronger and wiser. Sometimes shit just sucks and you got to wade through it till you get to the other side.

Thanks grizzman! Well said. I agree. I was about to correct you, but.. At the end you said it.. Sometims shit just sucks and you got to wade through it..
Life isn't easy, I think pretty much all go through some shit from time to time.. That's a part of life I guess.. Also.. Sorry to hear you've been dealing with some shittyness as well.. I hope you feel better soon man. All the best to you.

There's no single answer to depression, but, watching David Lynch be silly and do the ice bucket challenge is a pretty good short-term antidote. Maybe this can lift your spirits? Hope you feel better soon dude.

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