Tittilating, Late Night Taunts from Old AngryMan...

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Well...I was asleep for a few minutes earlier in the evening, till that young, teenage neighbor began screaming like a little bitch again...

He was doing it a few times a couple of hours ago, while I was listening to some music and posting here on Steemit. The screaming sounds seemed to be coming much further down the street, because the windows were closed. 

Standing outside my door, looking and listening for someone who might be in peril, proved pointless after another scream from the kid was followed by a ticklish type giggling...Seems he and his friends were just horsing around; probably buzzed out on a bundle of bud.

It kind of made me wish 'I' had some bud laying around myself...maybe I'd be able to get back to sleep with a little dope to smoke...??? Crap...I didn't even have a beer handy...

Now I'm still awake five hours later, scrolling through YouTube; trying to find something boring enough to help me nod out. There was plenty of stupid, boring stuff...but, it didn't send me into a snooze.

I'm not really complaining about being awake; I don't fight awakeness (is that a word?) nawwww...'wakefulness'... I don't fight wakefulness in these senior years of mine. Who knows how many hours I got left - awake??? Who the hell wants to be asleep, when they'll soon enough be asleep for possibly an eternity?

I say, possibly, because we might just awaken into another dimension of space and time, after we croak...I don't know...???

Imagine if the Eastern belief is true, and we become re-born as a goat or caterpillar??? What would you do if 'you' died, then came back as a slug in your own garden, and you remembered being who you used to be??? Holy crap...At least you wouldn't be scared of 'you' coming out and sprinkling salt on yourself...

You'd probably hate your previous self for being such a cruel, heartless scumbag...

Yet...I wonder how a slug would commit suicide if they hated their life? If you remembered having a past life as a human, you'd know that transformation, re-birth is true...so you can kill yourself without much hesitation. Maybe the fear of death would still be there if you thought we have a limited number of reincarnations??? I can understand a slug's fear in that case...

I wonder if we pass through the doors of Heaven en-route to being reincarnated? Maybe we meet God, and he gives us a choice as to what or who we want to be in our next life? That'd be pretty cool...

What if I told God that I wanted to be an Angel and hang out with Him, or Her...or whatever God is??? Maybe God is both a He and She??? Nooooooo...I don't mean like a Ladyboy...maybe more like a Hermaphrodite? Who the hell knows...??? If God wants to be a giant lizard, that's alright with me...and I'll tell God that too. 

Whoever/whatever God is...I'm sure that God is content with it...otherwise, God would change into something different. God is probably happy with me being who 'I' am too...and happy with 'you' being who you are; unless you're a Psycho little bitch boy, who screams late at night and wakes old people up...

Well...that about say's it all for now...

I'm outta here my friends; see ya when I see ya.


Another Theoretically, Theological Taunt from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit, March 1, 2019



This article was featured in the artzone daily curation. I really enjoyed this post @angryman, this is an art. You made it to the page on my first assignment as a curator for Artzone—I only made one little mistake. “Whoops!” But I think it worked out great for us both! 😉 If you could tag your work with #artzone in the future, I’ll continue to find you.

Thanks for a great article. Happy Saturday!

Well, @dandays ... Happy Saturday to you 'too'...

What a 'lucky' honor to have been one of those chosen by you on your 'first' hunt as curator for @artzone :~)

I only made one little mistake. “Whoops!”
If you could tag your work with #artzone in the future, I’ll continue to find you.

I've edited this post to include the ArtZone tag, so 'fear NOT' I've saved you from savage admonishment by the 'head honcho' there...

My interest in Art of all forms is great, so I will use the ArtZone tag in the future as well. I'll also visit the pages to show some support. Perhaps the ArtZone initiative is what I've been waiting for to 'delegate' some Steem for the first time, to help with the mission?

Thank you.

Maybe chose to come back as one of those loud screeching birds. And wake that neighbour up early in the mornings lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah...that'll be satisfactory vengeance accomplished. Thanks for the suggestion @j85063

Well i tend to lean towards Plato and the Eleusinian's , my spirit is an immortal entity bound by mortal flesh to this realm called Earth . Earth the place that seduces us with all it's false riches and power so we never are able to leave it when we die . We all are fallen angels , we do not originate from the flesh , we came from the star's , we ones where stardust , the garden is our universe ;-)

Thanks for the 'music memory' @small1axe . Many of my friends attended the first Woodstock concert back in the sixties...I missed out because I was overseas with an M-16, wondering what the Hell I was doing there...???

For what it's worth , i missed Woodstock to , 69 i came in to this place called Earth full of wonder . Story's of war , or jong man walking overseas with M-16's did learn me not to become part of that thing called war . I am lucky to have bin born in a position to do so , to stay far from guns and war . Let's hope that we all may live without war's over resources one day . ;-)

Let's hope that we all may live without war's over resources one day . ;-)

Yes...Let's hope for peace, always.

I don't mean like a Ladyboy...maybe more like a Hermaphrodite?

That had me laughing heartily. :-)

Sleep you say?

So happy to have given you a good belly laugh Shepz...Being 'angry' is probably expressed best at times with a little humor kicked in; as you 'well know' from past experiences.

Thanks for the video lead...I'll watch it.

More late night viewing for you, if you want to see how the BBC that people "HAVE" to pay for, or be taken to court, make fake news up...

:~) ... I think I already saw most of this one.

Bloody hell, no flies on you, it only just came out.

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