How "Mining With Minds" on steemit is opening up NEW OPPORTUNITIES for the DISABLED like me here in the #philippines

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

Being a person with disability living here in the #philippines, I find it that job discrimination for the disabled is quite alarming. As more and more Filipinos are having a hard time finding jobs, the ampleness of employers who lacks trust for the disabled and the scarcity of opportunities are quite rising. Despite having a lot of work online and work at home jobs now that are being offered, still a lot of us are having a hard time finding the right opportunity that would change our lives. I can say that I am quite lucky, having been able to work freelance graphic designing jobs both internationally and locally as soon as I finished college, and being able to start my own small printing business. But life is quite harsh even for a businessman, experiencing it first-hand, I am quite worried most of the time on how to continually support myself and expand exponentially.


Just a week ago, I was invited here on steemit by my friend @ninjace, knowing that I'm quite struggling right now financially and emotionally, he asked me to try steemit. I've had blogs before from other blogging sites, but non are quite like steemit. Steemit is rewarding! Financially, emotionally and mentally. After researching about the platform for some time, I have realized that steemit is a gold mine for opportunities, not just for normal people but more so for the people with disabilities.


We all know that steemit rewards its authors monetary value through cryptocurrency. And that its the main source of cash for people who use it as their daily source of income. But without good contents it would be hard to earn anything from it. This is where "mining with minds" on steemit is very beneficial. Steemit is a platform where one creates content for readers, it involves thinking to create not just any random content but valuable ones, and that I would like to add that "thinking is mining with your mind". A lot of people joining steemit thinks that its easy but to be honest it is not, you need good contents to get the attention of viewers and writing one involves a lot of drawing out your potential through thinking.


Besides writing and curating articles where you can be upvoted and receive money from it. There are other ways to earn from steemit. With steemit, mining minds doesn't go one way, because other people posts good stuffs likewise. This is where it becomes more amazing, because people are so smart about thinking of great contents, contents that are not just gold mines for knowlegde moreover there is an abundancy of contents that rewards readers and gives opportunities to earn money.

" #steemgigs and freelancing services"
I was amazed when I learned about this and the group that handles it, shoutout to @surpassinggoogle, he directed me to the right place. 😀Steemgigs is a community here on steemit where you can find various opportunities, most of these can be done with the use of the computer, from graphic designing, voice-overs, contests and challenges, proof reading, creative writing and many other freelancing services, where all are payed and rewarded with monetary value. For a disabled's perspective, learning about the existence of #steemgigs is a very exciting experience for me. It is very beneficial for people with disabilities who can work via a computer as the community offer a lot.

Anyway, thats it for now! And again, another shoutout to @surpassinggoogle because of the good content that he posted about mining minds, I was inspired to write this based on my experiences so far here on steemit.

If you enjoyed reading/viewing this don't forget to upvote👍, follow 👀 @oppaniayu & resteem ↱
You can also check my introductory post and latest posts by clicking the photos below~



Thank you very much!


Glad to see more responsible people writing about disability matters on Steemit. From time to time, I also cover disability issues in my own creative work as well.

I hope others can see this as well, specially the likes of me who are physically disabled. A lot of people gave me motivations so I'm trying to give back. :)

Hi oppaniayu! :) I am also disabled and joined steemit, just to check it out after learning about through bitcoin research, but it has turned into something much more.. it is a way to earn some money as well as contribute to the steemit community and make lots of new friends. yay! come chat on teamphilippines later..

im following u and upvoted now.

Ohai! I beleive we have already made contact on the discord chat! I didn't know though that you also have a disability, I hope you are doing ok, your posts tells me that you do, good job! And yes, steemit is amazing, actually, I think that I am addicted to it right now,haha.

:). yup, steemit is great. I was in a car accident, but that was back it 1998. i use a cane now, but just walk slowly and no more tennis for me!

What a wonderful post, i am massive in promoting opportunities for all. This is a great eye opener. Well done and resteeming.

Thank you! Reading you post was inspiring as well. I just want to let people know, specially the ones with disabilities that steemit can be a platform to solve their problems. Whether it is socially or monetary. Steemit is full of opprtunities. :)

Absolutely and with a meeting of minds we can do wonders! Will keep following you to keep updated!

Its wonderful having met people who share the same thoughts like I do. And thank you for the follow!

That's great to hear!

I am recovering from multiple concussions, and can no longer write software (hopefully, temporarily!). I'm gardening and just started creating abstract art, both of which I think are helping with my recovery. Mostly it's just time, though, but at least I can share both of these activities with people on Steemit!

I've found that hyperbaric chamber oxygen treatments help a great deal. Have you looked into whether they can help you with your disability? The first facility I was at had a multi-person chamber, and I regularly sat in there with a lady who was not doing well -- but her caretaker said that she was doing much worse before she started treating. It was sad, I couldn't communicate with her, but I did learn that it helps her a great deal.

Nice to meet you, followed! I like your search post and have some comments to add as well. :)

Hope that you are doing ok, and I wish for your fast recovery. Its good that we can both do the things that we like right now despite not being at 100%.

Actually, I was born with physical disabilities. The first few years where the crucial time for recovery said the doctors. Sadly the therapy and medical operations didn't made a huge difference. Over time though I learned how to accept it and tried to push myself, practiced how to walk and with my determination, I can walk now but just for a brief of time. Treatments now wouldn't do much because the bones that needs to be treated on my hands and feet settled in. But its good to hear about the hyperbaric chamber treatment, I will look it up. But I don't think it is available here in the Philippines and if it is, it would be pretty expensive. haha

Followed you as well in return. Thank you so much!

Great to hear and agree that it helps the so called disabled. Or as George Carlin says "differently abled"! I find myself to be very much differently abled as well.

Everyday on steemit is a new day for me, I keep on learning things. And little by little, I think that I'm improving, still I have so much more to share. Steemit lets me explore. Yes, it is very much helpful. And yup, disability isn't a hindrance, were just "differently abled" thats all,haha

Thank you @oppaniayu, your article answered my questions in extraction Steem!

Your welcome, glad that my post helped. :)

Am glad its been of help to you

Thank you, it is really helpful and because of it I'm planning to start my freelancing services here on steemit soon! :)

That is true and nice to know your experiences so far here on Steemit. :)

Its not easy, but when you make a content that is well received by others, it is so much rewarding. It makes me happy just to see people react to my posts. :3

Good job bro! 👍

Thanks bruh,haha!

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