My first Steemit Meetup Cebu, PHILIPPINES | Mein erstes Steemit Meetup Cebu, PHILIPPINEN

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

Exactly 19 day ago I registered to Steemit. In just this few day I become so attached to this platform and the wonderful community. I felt so welcome and got so much support from people I didn't even know before. Yesterday was my first Steemit bloggers of Cebu Meetup at Dolce Cafe, Cebu, Philippines. In this post I wanna share my awesome experiences and what I have learned that day.

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The Cebu Steemit community is really active and this was actually the 6th Meetup of them already. But since I am a Newbie I was my first time to join such a gathering.

I read in the post of @jenesa that just 8 bloggers attended the first meeting she joined in September last year. And imagine we were around 50 today! Isn't it amazing how fast this community grows.

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This is just possible because so many supportive Steemians are putting so much effort in spreading the idea of Steemit. It is just so fascinating hearing from experienced bloggers how it was at the very first beginning.

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But now about the meeting itself...
I was really nervous when I first entered the cafe. So many strangers were standing there and talking, it was just overwhelming. But this feeling changed within one minute when the first person came to me and started to talk to me. Everyone was just so happy and open. It was so fun to hear about their stories and to share ideas and experiences. I finally meet @xsasj an amazing and brave girl from the Netherlands who travels through the philippines for 7 month already. I got to know @iWanderEla who owns a hostel in Cebu and her boyfriend @WanderingDanish from Denmark. And of course I got to spent time with my close friends @pizzanniza and @ninyea who introduced me to Steemit. And so many more...

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We arrived at 2 pm and spent more than a hour with talking and getting to know each other. We had the chance to draw about our feelings related to Steemit.

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After the chitchat we were divided into 3 groups.@jassennessaj was the one handling mine, the international one. He explained us so much about Steemit and how it works. He was really kind and patient with our questions (and I had a lot haha). Moreover @purepinay told us about her Steemit journey and gave us some tips and advice.


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After the presentations we took pictures - of course haha. But instead of going home we stayed outside the cafe and just talked for more than a hour.

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I am so glad and happy that I had the chance to meet so many great people today. People I only knew by reading their posts on Steemit. And now they became to a real person. Steemit is a community which is not just active on the internet - also in real life.

Thank you so much for this awesome afternoon especialy to @steemph.cebu core leaders: @purepinay, @fernwehninja, @jassennessaj , @itinerantph, @ninyea, @bellatravelph and @mikekenlytungal

Vor genau 19 Tagen habe ich mich bei Steemit registriert. In nur diesen wenigen Tagen fühle ich mich dieser Plattform und der wunderbaren Gemeinschaft so verbunden. Ich fühlte mich so willkommen und bekam so viel Unterstützung von Leuten, die ich vorher noch nicht kannte. Heute waren meine ersten Steemit Blogger aus Cebu Meetup im Dolce Cafe, Cebu, Philippinen. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich meine großartigen Erfahrungen und das, was alles ich an diesem Tag gelernt habe, teilen.

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Die Cebu Steemit Community ist sehr aktiv und dieses war schon das 6. Meetup von ihnen. Aber daher ich ein Newbie bin, war es mein erste Mal, dass ich an einer solchen Versammlung teilgenommen habe.

Ich las im Post von @jenesa, dass nur 8 Blogger am erste Treffen, an dem sie im September letzten Jahres war, teilgenommen hatten. Und stell dir vor, wir waren heute 50! Ist es nicht erstaunlich, wie schnell diese Community wächst?

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Dies ist nur möglich, weil so viele unterstützende Steemianer sich so viel Mühe geben, die Idee von Steemit zu verbreiten. Es ist einfach faszinierend, wenn man von erfahrenen Blogger hört, wie alles begonnen hat.

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Aber jetzt über das Treffen selbst ...

Ich war sehr nervös als ich das Cafe betrat. So viele Fremde standen da und redeten, es war einfach überwältigend. Aber dieses Gefühl änderte sich innerhalb einer Minute, als die erste Person zu mir kam und anfing, mit mir zu reden. Jeder war so glücklich und offen. Es hat so viel Spaß gemacht, von ihren Geschichten zu hören und Ideen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Endlich traf ich @xsasj, ein so mutiges Mädchen aus den Niederlanden, die bereits seit 7 Monaten auf den Philippinen unterwegs ist. Ich lernte @iWanderEla kennen, die ein Hostel in Cebu führt und ihren Freund aus Dänemark. Natürlich habe ich Zeit mit meinen engen Freunden @pizzanniza und @ninyea verbracht, die mich mit Steemit bekannt gemacht haben. Und so viele mehr...

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Wir kamen um 14 Uhr an und verbrachten mehr als eine Stunde damit, uns zu unterhalten und kennen zulernen. Wir hatten die Möglichkeit, über unsere Gedanken im Zusammenhang mit Steemit zu malen.

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Nach dem Gespräch wurden wir in 3 Gruppen eingeteilt: @jassennessaj, war derjenige, der meine, die Internationale, handhabte. Er erklärte uns so viel über Steemit und wie es funktioniert. Er war sehr freundlich und geduldig mit unseren Fragen (und ich hatte eine Menge haha).


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Außerdem hat @purepinay uns von ihrem Steemit-Weg erzählt und uns Tipps und Ratschläge gegeben.

Nach den Präsentationen haben wir Fotos gemacht - was den auch sonst haha. Aber anstatt nach Hause zu gehen, blieben wir noch über eine Stunde vor dem Cafe und unterhielten uns.

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Ich bin so froh und glücklich, dass ich heute die Möglichkeit hatte, so viele großartige Menschen zu treffen. Leute, die ich nur kannte, indem ich ihre Beiträge auf Steemit las. Und jetzt wurden sie zu einer echten Person. Steemit ist eine Community, die nicht nur im Internet aktiv ist - sondern auch im echten Leben.

Vielen Dank für diesen tollen Nachmittag, vor allem @ steemp.cebu-Führungskräften: @purepinay, @fernwehninja, @jassennessaj, @itinerantph, @ninyea, @bellatravelph und @mikekenlytungal


Amazing @m1r1 . Thank you for your enthusiasm during my talk. I was really amazed how eager you are in understanding the concept of Steemit as a Social Media Blogging Platform. I was happy to meet such a beautiful and lovely girl like you that I can't resist to take a picture with. So allow me to share it here :

I also forgot to give you the list of websites so allow me to comment it here.

Alternative links when site is not working :
zappl (Though texts are in Korean).

I hope that helps @m1r1. If I meet you on the next meet ups I'll surely take a picture of you again :).


aww it is a lovely picture <3 I am relieved that I wasn't annoying you with all the questions I had. But Steemit is such a complex platform and I am really willing to learn as much as possible about it! It is just amazing just like the work and effort you put into sharing the ideas and concept of Steemit. I am glad that I was able to meet you and I am looking forward to the next time (with more selfies haha). Thank you again for you patience and support! :)

Yaaaaay. Got it. See you soon!

Nice meeting you 😊

Nice to meet you too :)

Immer wieder schön Steemians live zu treffen. Resteemed :-)

ja es ist echt schön die Menschen in echt zu treffen, die man sonst nur durch ihre Posts kennt. Vielen Dank:)

Guys this is amazing, you rock!

hehe thank you

congratulate you very lucky

a very good post I like @m1r1

Hi @m1r1, it would've been nice if we two had the chance to talk there. I hope that in the next meetup we get to do so :)

hi @thegaillery yes I also hope that we will get a chance to talk the next time! :)

Had a great time chatting with you! Hope to see you more on steemit as well as the next meet up!

I enjoyed it as well!! You have a big talent, keep it up. I am really looking for more of your artworks. Maybe I can learn a bit from you haha :) I also hope to see you soon!!!

Thank you! Will try to post art soon as well!! Just need to come up with the right ideas! Hope to see you soon!

Dear @m1r1,

How are you? It was wonderful to met you. Thank you so much for being friendly to us. Welcome to Philippines. I hope you had a good memories here. Thanks for your beautiful smile. I am going to miss it. Keep going and you will grow here and you can have more friend.
Kindly keep my thank you card it has a value someday, hehehehe



hi @sorenkierkegaard I am doing great and you? It was great meeting you too indeed! Thank you for your kind words and also for the thank you card hehe :)
take care !

It was nice meeting you, @m1r1! You're really gorgeous and charming. I really love your eyes. <3 Can't stop staring at them during the meet up! :D

Hope to talk to you soon as I wasn't able to do that during the meet up. :3

Marysent <3

Me too. Her beauty is so much dazzling. The world is turning upside down looking on those perfect eyes. Haha

wow what a compliment, I am turning red right now haha :) Thank you for your sweet words @jassennessaj

hi @marysent thank you so much for your kind words, you are also a really pretty and cute girl :) I also hope that we will get the chance to talk the next time <3

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