My beloved BB, can you stay with me forever? / 我親愛的BB,可否永遠陪伴我?

in #pet7 years ago (edited)

If you had read my self-introduction post or introduceyourpet post, you probably know I have 2 dogs, and the white one is called BB. Like a lot of Hong Kong people, we treat our dogs like our own kids. That's why I always say BB is the big sister among all the kids.



When I decided to keep a dog at 2003, I was such a selfish idiot! I just wanted to make my girl firend happy and even worst, I didn't want to spent big money on a dog. That's why I was very happy when I found a little white mixed Pekingese that was picked up from a garbage station was offered for free adopt.
After she arrived our home, her cuteness, her smartness melted our hearts. Within days, she become center of our home.



I still remember how she learnt tricks the third time we taught her. I won't forget how she licked my face when I felt sad and down. We still feel regret that we didn't bring her along to shoot our wedding photos. We loved to share a pillow at night.



After our daughters join the family, I need to spend more time on my job and with the girls, I am spending less and less time with the dogs. As BB gets older she becomes less active. Even worst, she lost her hearing ability since last year. Now she spends most of her time sleeping.



BB, you are now 14.5 years old, should you be a human, you would be over 100 already. We of course could not expect too much from you, but ever since you didn't show any interest to go out, we were worried!


This morning when we arrived, you didn't rush to greet us, we could only tell ourselves you might be still sleepy. When our maid told us you hadn't eaten any dry food for over a week! You only ate your biscuit snack and fruits, we freaked out! Especially we heard about one of our friend's 14 years old Husky died last week due to a tumor on it's leg.



Your mother asked me to buy you chicken for dinner. I brought you to your favourite groomer to have a shower and tidy up. The girls gave you hugs and kisses. We all wished you're just lost your appetite because we traveled for one month. We didn't want to think about the chances of diseases.



Fortunately, you finished all the chicken and dry food mixture in no time. So still show interest to the fruits we ate after dinner. So there is a higher chance that you just missed us so much.



People say that a small size dogs can seldom make it to 13, some even say 14 is already a miracle. BB, please allow us to be selfish, please extend the miracle to forever. We all wholeheartedly wish you a health and happy life. Don't leave us!




Because of today's situation, I could not stop writing this post. Originally I had completed my post about Stonehenge in U.K., I have to postpone it. Please stay tuned if you are interested.

原本已經預備的巨石陣遊記,因為今日的情況的緣故, 我不得不把它推遲。如果你有興趣巨石陣的話,敬請留意!


First sentence bit confusing because missing a space after "post". Also, I think you want to say "introduceyourpet" rather than "introductyourpet" :-)

Thank you for pointing out my typo, highly appreciated! Corrected.

you are welcome

我也很害怕那一天的來臨… 盡量抽多一些時間陪她吧


your dog is soo beautifull.....
great job.. keep it up... upvoted u... :-)

The dog is nice and beautiful, do not be bad again ya😀😀

I won't leave her for so long again.

Nice nice



台灣目前也沒有安樂死相關的法規,畢竟這對東方人來說, 這個思想太衝擊了!

加油啊BB~ 要努力健康的陪伴主人走下去!


i love this dog so much ... Cute dog.... Nice eye ...
1 vote for me

i myself have 2 dogs ..a pitbull who is i year old and a dog i found in a box on the road no more than six weeks old! today he is almost 18 years old! believe it or not when he walks into the room where the pit bull is the pit bull immediately lays down and will not move !

Your pitbull is a good dog, knows how to care for the other. Nice!

Stay strong Bibi , sending you the love, I can understand you , too adorable:) I love the pink bow

Thank you for supporting BB!

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