Permaculture Playing Cards, Episode 2

Y'all don't forget the CONTESTS built into this series. One SBI for a name, five for the needle! That makes thirty one shares for the series if someone claims the prize before the post pays out.

On to today's featured permaculture tidbit!

Today's topic (no, I didn't run through and select my favorites; It's a random shuffle) is the FOOD FOREST.

Wow, what an in-depth topic to touch on so early. This may be a long one...

Food forestry incorporates every bit of permaculture all at once. In the course of building our small 2400 square foot South Project, I've been inspired by such permie steemians as @rawutah and @mariannewest, among others of course. Give them a follow if this interests you ;)

As the name suggests, a food forest's job is to be a sustainable, perennial food source for generations to come. A large scale system is no easy feat, but they can be done on a micro scale as well.

Jake at @rawutah has something like 110 fruit trees in his tenth acre urban food forest, but he once explained his "food forest archipelago" approach to me. It can be as simple as a fruit tree that acts as a trellis for a tomato plant that has marigolds for pest control and pollinator attractors and comfrey for mulch and fertilizer. Throw in strawberries for ground cover too. Each player in the system benefits the rest, and it is stronger than the sum of it's parts. Due to the stacking effect here, this highly productive combination can be accomplished in just a few square feet compared to planting each element separately.

This small section of cooperatively grouped plants is called a guild. Using guilds, I imagine it is possible to build a larger food forest one small piece at a time as you're able. If that is your goal.

Food forests can serve many roles for people, while also helping repair the earth. If you're a prepper, getting ready for the end of days, a sustainable food source may serve you better than cans of spam and beans. If you're willing to invest a bit so you can save money on groceries, perhaps you could plant some seeds or an inexpensive guild or two. If you're wanting to eat organic, the food forest is optimized to not need external inputs of fertilizer or glyphosate. If you're like me, looking to get away from the big ag/big pharma paradigm, a food forest is a great option that can serve to support you and your family for a very long time with both food plants and medicinal herbs. I'm even told that fruit trees can improve property value, serving to put more money in your pocket later on.

Consider what a small food forest could do for you, and I promise it can do even more.

Thought for the week:

what if your community church used some of that spare space for a food forest instead of not touching it? What good could come? What kind of outreach? What message could that send?

Be blessed.
Be fruitful.
Stay relevant.


Posted using Partiko Android


testify!!!!! :) bro...thank you for this post...and the mention. beautiful!!!!! YOU sir...inspire me!!!!!!!!!! truly grateful for all you're sharing nate!!!! thanks for all your support too. loving our steem tribe!!!!!!

Credit where due, fam. You're the professional. I'm a dude with a shovel and playing cards 😂😂

Hey, quick question. What guild would you plant with blackberries? I'm gonna be ordering some soon from @mountainjewel when they get back from meditation. They recommend comfrey and clover, which will both be ordered as well. Anything else you can think to add?

awww...i'm still student. ;) i appreciate you bro! :) they nailed it! clover and comfrey bro. white dutch clover. those are my main every guild.

Sweet. Comfrey and clover it is.

Been thinking about ordering some true comfrey seeds too and just going bananas with comfrey all over the place. The chooks ate most of my comfrey and I think I'm left with like eight or nine of them out of over thirty I planted. With seeds, I could have comrey patches everywhere... Then, if I don't like it there, I'll just get over it and work with it.

Wow! I would like to see what all of those fruit trees look like on a tenth of an acre! I've never heard of guilds of plants. This is interesting! Do you happen to have any resources handy where I could find more information about them?

Also, are Marlene and Terry Elliott one of the contest names?

Go check out @rawutah, he posts dtube videos of his food forest all the time, it's amazing.

Let me look up some guild info for you really quick.

And YES! You're the first winner of an SBI share for this series, congratulations!!!!

There's a really cool one. It seems a lot are based around apple trees, which are pretty cool, but I don't have much interest in an apple tree. Looking for more, thanks for asking about this. It's a big learning process for me too! Gonna send off for your SBI, then I'll be back with more links!

Made it two shares for being the first winner :)

This article is awesome. More geared towards a peach tree. That's more like it!

Woo hoo!! Thank you!

I'll definitely check out all of the links, and I'm really interested in seeing @rawutah's videos.

So excited to be finding permaculture community here on Steemit. It took me a little while to understand how to find you all via tagging since permacuture and foodforest do not exactly come up high on the tag rankings. Especially excited by this post as I am starting to convert my urban yard into a mini-food forest. I'll be posting as I go. I'm in the Cascadia region, Pacific NW.

HEY! Welcome, from North Central Texas :D

There's a few permies here, and they're all (I may be a bit biased) badasses! @papa-pepper, @rawutah, @goldendawne, @buckaroo, @mountainjewel, @craigcryptoking, @riverflows, and @sagrscrub JUST TO NAME A FEW. Give em a follow, and you're sure to get swept up into the community :)

There's also some awesome community things going on at @ghscollective, @naturalmedicine, and @homesteaderscoop. Lots of development, learning, and sharing going on here.

@homesteaderscoop is @sagescrub's new project. A site where permies and homesteaders can sell sustainable and handmade goods for SBD. A really innovative notion, and the first marketplace of it's kind.

Are you on discord?

Thanks so much for the list of folks and projects to follow. I'm not on discord, and not really sure what it is. Is it part of steemit? I'm super excited about the homesteadersco-op idea.

Discord isn't part of steem necessarily, but it's a social media messaging app where a lot of steem communities are gathering.

Thanks. I was wondering how folks on here talk to each other directly. I sure wish messaging contacts was built into Steemit somehow. Also, I'm super confused about all the bots doing upvoting with delegated steem power. Seems like something to steer clear of, but also seems like all the big fish are doing this putting those not playing that game at a disadvantage. Thoughts?

Ahh, great subjects!

Messaging isn't integrated on chain yet outside of dust transfers. Partiko however has an on-board encrypted messenger that is really cool that only works between partiko users. But I'm not aware of anything that's more popular than discord, which is not an encrypted messenger but is really versatile and easy to get the hang of. It's hard to talk about discord and steem without mentioning everyone's favorite bot, @ginabot. Probably the most used steem related service ever. She's an awesome steem notification bot that helps you increase engagement and community. Everyone loves Gina.

As for bots, I don't personally have a problem with them. I use some fairly regularly myself, and my favorites are @steembasicincome and @rewards-pool, which is a new one that's really good. Those two are share-based, so you buy into them and are entered in their service. @smartmarket is really easy to use as well, but is more traditional: send steem/SBD, get a series of profitable votes. I do think bots are easily and often abused, but they still provide a valuable service on the chain. Another amazing one to check out is @treeplanter.

Oh...thanks so much for all this info. I don't have any "real life" friends that are on Steemit so am a little behind in understanding common stuff here. For example, I've never even heard of @ginabot. I'll think more on the bot upvoting. Thanks for your opinion. <3

Lol NY real life friends on steem aren't active. Womp. But there's plenty of friends to be made here.

The bots are usually a personal decision. I had a stint with them before when I used to talk politics, but laid off them for a while because I felt uneasy about it. Now that I talk about things that matter, I do t have that inner conflict over it.

Love it! Glad to see you doing this for sure!

Yes you are right ... it is very interesting if someone can make and manage food forests such as @rawutah. I have watched his video. I really appreciate it. These activities can also be used to green our earth.

Exactly! Greening the day just like Geoff Lawton. Anybody can do it! All it takes is seeds and patience :)

Marlene and Terry Elliott - anyone else claim it.

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