On the basis of Blockchain launched exchange Internet memes of Pepe.

in #pepe7 years ago (edited)

On the basis of Counterparty Blockchain exchange platform launched "rare" internet memes about the frog Pepe. On the project drew attention Edition Motherboard.

The corresponding site was named Rare Pepe Directory. Images with different subjects of the frog Pepe placed there in the form of assets that belong to a specific user.
The system works on the principle Cryptocurrency service: each image issued digital token is recorded in blokcheyn, and users can share a currency. Each user has his own purse with memes - Rare Pepe Wallet, which is available free to create on the same site.
This memes can be bought and sold through two cryptocurrency - XCP
or Pepecash (apparently created specifically for Rare Pepe Directory),
both of which can be exchanged for US dollars and Bitcoins. Price pepecash not fixed and has a floating exchange rate - at the time of publication of notes worth $ 1 = 2302 pepecash.
How Motherboard notes trade "rare Pepe" is really underway - users can place orders up to $ 10 and $ 20, while the largest transaction on the platform amounted to almost $ 500.
Some users agree to transactions in a special Telegram-channel.
Users can also monitor the memes that may offend other people and post them to block users, the newspaper notes. Head of Counterparty Foundation Trevor Altpeter in conversation with Motherboard commented that the phenomenon of "rare Pepe" shows how such services can generate Counterparty value of digital objects.



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