A little boy dancing on stage partially clothed at a club called 3 Dollar Bill while men take photographs. 11 years old Appropriate? You be the Judge!

in #pedogate6 years ago (edited)

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Before I even report on this story, let's just look at the commenter's name talking about this boy's performance. Not a 21 year old or older, oh no. . .an 11 year old boy. Not just a perv for praying on young boys, but on Children!

Nudus.elite . . .does that Not say it all? When are the radical progressives who call themselves on the side of this party going to Wake up and see all the evil perpetuated and Now Lauded?

Would they be okay with this if it were Their son? Would they like someone making these remarks about their son or daughter? Perhaps they Are okay with it, because I haven't heard One, Not even one that condones the way of these progressives and their "all inclusive groups," say One Word about it.

This is a review for the place he was dancing so clearly people there in person who care about children Were appalled.

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Here are some photos from his instagram

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Instead they choose to name call, mock and belittle those of us who call it What it blatantly IS. . .predatory and Child abuse!

I'm not just trying to pick on these followers of a party which is filled with, based upon and fully supports such debauchery, no. .. I am More disgusted with those who claim to be on the Side of Good, but continue to Stick their heads in the sand, pretend to be neutral and straddle the fence.

As God has already Called them out as Lukewarm! Revelation 3:16-17

16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

By the looks of this boy's instagram, he does these appearances quite often being praised for dressing in a manner that is an adult lifestyle preference.

Now Why is a child being encouraged and applauded based upon a Sexual preference?

Would this be appropriate in a heterosexual setting or would people be furious that a child is being exposed and Encouraged to interact and gyrate in a sexually explicit manner?

Would it be okay if your child was in a heterosexual strip joint or bar having dollar bills thrown on stage while they dance?

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Why is this child made up with make-up to look like an adult. . .not for Halloween (which I'm not in favor of inappropriate child costumes for that either just to be clear), but for a stage and a place called 3 Dollar Bills?

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You will find from a clip I put in, these adults in this Bar are taking pictures.

Do you find this inappropriate even if you Are on the side of these radical progressives who try to indoctrinate children and make it okay for them to Appear on Stage in a bar? Is this okay with you Democrat Voters?

Is this okay with You Conservatives who stay quiet and applaud yourselves for Still being the Quiet majority?

Why Is he half clothed. Is this appropriate for a child of any age any gender even If encouraged to be "gender fluid" or a drag queen? Shouldn't that be for Adults to decide?

Should children be immersed in adult situations and sexual preferences?

Desmond taking money from adult men while on stage.

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What parent would be okay in this?

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Men in the crowd taking footage and photos

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I put to you, why isn't every person out there who considers him or herself a "journalist" telling This story? Stopping These predatory practices?

Could be many are being played and purposely distracted by a system that Doesn't want them to Zero in on what is at the Crux of This agenda?

So this little boy. ..8 years old, is in this place where the people there are attesting to there being half naked men. How is This okay?

We have also been witness to the fact that in Gay Pride Parades, it's Not enough that the adults just allow them to display themselves mostly unclothed, but they do so among children and Encourage children to attend.

How is that Not a Blatant agenda? How is it Not indoctrinating and predatory?

As I have said many times, I am not saying all of the LGBTQ community condones or participates in this practice and believe of including children. Thank God! There are many awake, but there are also many who Are predatory and those who condone this whether a part of the LGBTQ community or not.

We cannot just turn a blind eye though, based on the fact that All don't condone. Our concern and protection needs to be for the children Against these people who Are condoning and Encouraging it.

This youtube contributor, whose clip I will be sharing takes note that the Gay Marriage isn't enough for them.

Now they Are going after our kids and some parents are encouraging this agenda with their children.

This youtuber feels this child is Being Coached. Why would you allow your child in Any bar.

It is a known fact that drugs Are a big problem at these bars according to Ozia Media.

He has been featured before on ABC

Here is his clip pertaining to this story as I came across his channel when researching about this little boy.

Slippery Mets Slope - Drag Kid Desmond is Amazing "PERFORM" at Adult Gay bay

What are your thoughts on this?

Should it be allowed? Is this okay with you?

Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed Fellow Patriots and Guardians of the Children!

His mother of course condoned her actions of allowing this in a FB post which stated,

Hi, it's mom. I can't believe I have to post this, but we have had some kickback from the drag community and I want the opportunity to defend all involved.

Articles have been coming out recently claiming that my son danced half naked and stripped in a sleazy gay bar for grown men who threw dollar bills at him and is being exploited and forced to perform. THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN BLATANT HOMOPHOBIA and display of the grossly outdated belief that gay men are pedophiles. The truth is, my son is a professional drag performer, not a stripper. No one forces him to perform, performing is what he loves to do and has always loved to do. He was a ballet dancer for four years and is currently earning an A+ grade in drama at his school. He is extremely talented in his celebrity and character impersonations. His costumes are less revealing than a dancer's or cheerleader's uniform, and are always age appropriate. While he dances, he does not move in a sexual manner. He often collects tips, as drag queens sometimes do, which we allow him to keep and he uses to buy clothing and the toys he wants. His engagements are contracted and booked by his management agency. All of his performances are conducted in accordance with the Dept of Labor's regulations for child performers. Desmond is never allowed into the bar area of any club, nor the main floor. He stays backstage with me, in the dressing room, or on stage only. It must be noted, however, that it is not against the law in New York City for a minor to be in an establishment that serves alcohol as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Desmond was the sole performer for the performance at the center of this controversy and he performed three numbers. The venue took measures to make sure it would be age appropriate and audience members that attended were respectful and in good conduct. The performance was widely promoted and anyone who did not wish to see a drag kid perform in a club did not have to attend. No one forced you to go. I know a lot of drag fans/drag queens do not want to see kids in what they consider an adult form of entertainment or venue, but drag is changing and becoming more widespread and popular with people of all ages, genders, identities, races, abilities, and disabilities. If the drag kid isn't performing in an adult themed show, what is the issue? Instead of tearing drag kids down, why not mentor them? They are the future of drag and will be your successors one day. Practice love and less hate.

#haters #brooklyndrag #clubkid #drag #dragart #dragartist #dragkid #draglife #dragmakeup #dragperfection #dragperformer #dragqueen #dragqueenmakeup #dragqueens #gay #gaykid #genderbender #genderfluid #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nycdrag #queer #welovequeens


booking: @pegmgmt

The link in her post of course has been removed that would have drawn attention to the predatory actions.

Here is the fb post link

And of course, they are still booking him and pushing the attempt to normalize!

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They of course mock anyone who Calls it What it is and seeks to Protect These Children! Sad.


In a related story,



From an article written in 2018

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Which states,

Unless something has changed fairly recently, Wendy is unemployed. Last Christmas, some friends did a Go Fund Me for her and the boy. They raised just over $2,500 to get them through the holidays. In 2016, Wendy did an interview with “Bettina May,” a burlesque performer and “vintage” stylist, from whom Wendy took a class to learn “how to find the pin-up inside” herself. It sounds like Wendy is doing the classic stage mom thing: living out her own fantasies through her son.

If she was so broke as recently as one year ago that she had to turn to Go Fund Me, it seems fair and even necessary to ask: is her 11-year-old son Desmond her cash cow? The man who started the Go Fund Me for the family last year re-opened it on August 30 of this year, explaining:

I found that on a cached page. The account has been closed.

Why are these able-bodied people unemployed? Who paid for this expensively designed website? For Desmond’s lavish costumes?

To be fair, it does not at all appear that these parents are forcing the boy to do something he doesn’t want to do. But they are clearly exploiting him.

Here’s how sick it is. Does the name Michael Alig mean anything to you? He was briefly famous in the early 1990s as a New York “club kid.” His star flamed out when he murdered a guy. The Village Voice recalls:

A hammer was the weapon Robert “Freez” Riggs used to hit Angel Melendez over the head, incapacitating but not killing him. It was Alig, his fist wrapped in a sweatshirt, pummeling an unconscious Melendez over and over and over again, that actually finished him off.

The pair then lifted Melendez’s lifeless body into the bathtub of the luxury apartment paid for by Alig’s boss, club impresario Peter Gatien, and doused it in Drano, baking soda and a few liberal spritzes of Calvin Klein Eternity. They left it there for “eight or nine days” before chopping Melendez’s body into pieces, and throwing them into the Hudson.

Alig was convicted of manslaughter and sent to prison for 17 years. He was released in 2014. Macaulay Culkin played Alig in the 2003 feature film Party Monster.

Last December, Desmond appeared as the guest on a skeezy YouTube talk show Alig hosts with his former club kid roommate, Ernie Glam. The image that illustrates this post is a screenshot from the interview. Notice the painting above their heads; it features the word “Rohypnol,” which is a date rape drug. Wendy Napoles allowed her little boy to appear on a show hosted by a freak who spent 17 years in prison for killing a guy and chopping him up.








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Meanwhile predatory religious leaders are actually raping children and you are silent because your outrage is concentrated on the children who want to wear drag.


Thank #GreatWarrior #GuardianOfChildren Sammy James for the following spot on and concise link,

The Real Agenda Behind #Transgenderism


#Transgender, #Agenda

There is Nothing new under the son, as it was in the days of #Noah [Noe] so shall it be again!

Rhuan 9, was stabbed to death by his mother CPS states the boy was given a sex change by her and partner under no medical. He is now dead though the father tried to stop them.
#Transgener, #Agenda


An abortion doctor tells the truth about baby murder. Woe unto them who call evil good & Good evil!


As seen on Wimkin from Warrior Michael Devis

UNBELIEVABLE, yet there it is, right out of the mouth of a child!

11-Year-Old SILENCES School Board As He Reads From DISTURBING Book Found In School Library

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