Engagement - details details and more details - Same Stuff different day ? maybe

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)


I have been ask to provide more detail on how to accomplish certain items here on Steemit . I do here and there offer Tips . For the most part I offer items for you to look at and incorporate them into the way you operate your account . Even a simple thing as voting is complicated by how one not only feels but how you interact and engage with others .

As a Plankton / Redfish your vote is really , really low and as such in the grand scheme of things means not to much to a whale or any only with higher SP. We need to do something about this that improves our odds .

Let's look at it and break it down to smaller parts . When we do so one of the small parts is visibility . The second item is engagement .
Without engagement there cannot be visibility . Without visibility why engage . The two run hand in hand . The two are also the fundamentals of Steemit . We have talked about engagement over and over . I will just say this about engagement . Your comment should always require a response . When you make a comment ask yourself . Why should I , and does it , require a response .

Now let's incorporated engagement , visibility and voting all together . Don't vote on the main post , instead use your vote (because you have limited votes) on a comment . Not on your first comment because you soliced for a response . and if you don't get the response you would have wasted your vote . Instead wait for the reply to your comment . if you received a vote for your first comment that's a plus . You then reply to his reply with a comment and a vote . It is more likely that you will receive a vote from him at this point because you have shown interest in what he had to say and not just someone with a quick comment hopping to get a quick vote

I put this out the other day in a post as such;e
a vote is best placed on someone's comment, and followed with a good reply. This will make your vote visible, and if the author likes what you have to say, the vote and the comment combined can work well.

This advice was given to me by someone who has my respect . I did say I would pass it on to others 👌
Only one person engaged with me in this manner . I was waiting and looking and gave a 0.12 upvote to them that would have and another who just engaged well . (not going to happen all the time) Engaging is more than just making a comment !

You must be getting tired of hearing about engagement . Well I am not done that's how important it is . Two more how to's .

I am going to tell you about an engagement league . One of the purposes is to assist with engaging with others and expanding your reach . Here is a comment I made in response .

The league has a huge positive impact on the community as a hole . it also does wonders for the individual . Newbies can gain a lot of information about the platform and make a couple new friends

All that is required to join is send a comment " I would like to join the league" The league come out once a week on sundays posted by @abh12345


This is an engagement leguage for Indonesia By @paulag

Engage away and make new freinds

  • Payment methods


Power Up - pays out 100% in SP
Default or 50% / 50% - pays out half in SP and the other half in SBD
Decline Payout - You do not receive any payout for the post

I use 50% / 50% . The reason is that SBD is currently worth more then $1 and when converting into steem I get more Steem for the transfer of SBD . If SBD is worth less than $1 then I will change to 100% SP

If you have a topic or that needs to be discussed bring it up



I have much respect for abh12345, but for some reason when I read that post on the league something isn't feeling right. Maybe I am misunderstanding something. Is it basically they are saying vote for certain posts and then everyone piles on voting on those posts? It reads like that, even though that doesn't seem like something he would advocate for. Cripes, I have enough trouble having enough votes for the posts I am interested in, lol.

It also looks if I am understanding correctly my renting delegation is not allowed, and even though it averages around 10% there is some type of penalty I would incur for self voting?

Dang I like to see myself as smart but when it comes to these type of things I really have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Oh, one last question please. Is this another thing one has to join Discord to take part in?

@practicalthought There is no discord requirement anywhere .
A requirement is that leasing delegation would alter the results . so no leasing
as far as the comments go its more of a way to interact with the others and gain support . the second benefit is that is gives you more comments and with more levels LOL Jumping in there will not have any negative effect .
Its hard but you have to scale back on your votes when under 500 SP . I am having problems now with voting and how I would like to spread it around more .

howdy @wolfhart you write such informative posts and I thank you for helping so many people, it's what I want to be able to do on here also. I think I'm supposed to wait 30 minutes to reply?
I'm going back and reading your posts to learn more, I've been told to not vote until my power is at least 85%, it's 65 now so I'm not voting at this time which makes me feel bad but I wanted to acknowledge you.

don't vote until it gets back up to 100 . then only vote 8-10 times in any 24 hour period
waiting period is like 20 seconds
that's great we all have to help other . its the way of the west LOL

mr. wolfhart I was never able to figure out how to join the league as per
your instructions, seeing no box at the bottom etc.
what do you suggest?
Regarding your discussion with @practicalthought, it is going to be
really tough not voting for people that I have been voting for everyday
because there are far more than 10. I assume there is no other way until
we reach 500 SP? thank you sir for all the help

@janton that's one reason its so important to reach the 500 SP mark . I have problems with it every day
there is no box you just make a comment "I would like to join"

There is a way

it has a slider

ok @wolfhart I will go back and make that comment because I need help and I want to help others and you and this group seem highly honorable.

also, I already have fast-reply and didn't even realize that it had a slider because I was told I had to get to 500 until I could adjust the percentage.
however at my level it seems like no matter what almost all votes are worth .00! just need patience. thanks so much for your help!
so you are a veteran, what branch and war?

@janton Army I did not know there were others 😆 Iraq
I started on 1 feb this year . I put at least $20 a week into powering up . I wish it was more but right now its the best I can do . That has made a huge difference over the past 4 months . Are you also using steemworld
Another important thing is to use @dustsweeper This one here might be the most important . The Pay it forward contest will also help in building some SP
Patience and consistency are a must

thank you for your service sir!
I am using steemworld but didn't know about steemsweepers so I will go look that up.
I have a dumb question though, how do I put some into powering up each week, you did $20.
does one have to buy Steem with Bitcoin first?

sir @wolfhart I tried to go to the @steemsweepers page which you recommended but I get an error message. is that the correct username? thanks!

thank you sir wolfhart I will do what you suggest if I can figure out how to take my selfvote off of my posts. also, to join the League do I comment on the post/link from 6 days ago that you give above?

@janton you can if asking to join . hopefully he will get you in before he runs the new list in the morning
There should be a box at the bottom of the of the post across from the submit button . un check it . it happened to me before . I would go to the post after I posted it and click on the vote button and remove it that way until I found the like or whatever that button said

I'm sorry wolf these instructions lost me, I don't see a box at the bottom.

@janton I went and look too I have to research it or ask in the morning on the league's post

ok thanks

Great article @wolfhart. I think that we'll be chanting engagement until the end of days.

@tryskele I hope so 😆 . Maybe we can get @bengy to score (put music to it) it as a jingle or something classic . yea classical . and it can be sung at Steemit gatherings

Oh most definitely!! @bengy would do so much better than I know I could all that popped into my head was "Engaaaggeeemenenenet" sung to the charming little ditty by Ace Ventura... "all all alrighty theeeeen' (and yes my husband thinks I have lost my marbles.)

@tryskele fun stuff there😆
A little silliness never hurt anyone

Articles are incredible friends, I hope this becomes a motivation that can develop ;)

Thanks for the advice of how to properly use my time on steemit and benefit from it.

Power Up - pays out 100% in SP
Default or 50% / 50% - pays out half in SP and the other half in SBD
Decline Payout - You do not receive any payout for the post

I use 50% / 50% . The reason is that SBD is currently worth more then $1 and when converting into steem I get more Steem for the transfer of SBD . If SBD is worth less than $1 then I will change to 100% SP

your choice is very precisely my teacher, I also arrange income like you

Yes, hurray, I get it now too! :) thanks for the post @wolfhart!

very usefull, i will do it as you say

You speak a lot of sense on your articles. Steemit is a community and in a community engagement/interaction is very important for rapid growth and development . @wolfhart

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