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RE: Entry to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 28

in #payitforward6 years ago

I wanna try the base jump! 😂 Though it's a good thing we do not have jumping sites here because I may have second thoughts anyway. 😂

I have visited and supported both of your featured authors. Entries are just starting to pileup that I need to watch for my VP. 😊 Good picks you got there!


Thank you so much for your support @macoolette, yes you should take care of your VP 😂 I knew someone who already gives up on managing her VP and kept wasting it because she loves the blue/green arrow too much and mistakenly upvote her own post.. well.. if you know what I mean 😂😂

I think I wouldn't do that jumping forever 😂 rollover.. hahaha those days are gone from my list of having fun.

Oh that "mistakenly upvote her own post" thing! I did it when I first tried few days ago! I did not realize that the self upvote was checked by default. 😏

those days are gone from my list of having fun.

Why? Maybe not for base jumping but anyone can have some fun regardless of age huh! 😃

not the age... but something with my bone's I don't have that "balance" anymore, can't fold my right knee.. and you know, you can't do rollover with straight feet.. LOL

Oh, I see... Well, that is okay. There are many other ways to have fun aside from base jumping.

You're provably mental, lol.
Yeah, I know what you mean on watching the VP... I'm thankful for my slider, but it's still easy to overdo it.

You're provably mental

Yeah, I guess so. 😂

Steempeak has a slider even if a user is still a plankton but yes, it is easy to overdo it. Ever since I got a value for my upvote (it started with 0.03 then fluctuated to 0.02), I always wanted to give that in full because I think anything less will be dust. I am thankful if I see that the post has other upvotes so my less than 100% upvote will have something to merge into a larger payout.

My full vote today is 0.03. Last week it was 0.04 which was cool - so I was trying to give 0.03 votes. This week, it's 0.02 so I can give them for longer.

I gave 100% at the start then I ran out when entries started to pile up. So I had to slice the pie before giving away...

Yep. Last week was hard because there were so many entries (great thing!) I have to go through the even numbers every week as a judge and generally give out three votes per entry - sometimes four if I feel I have enough to upvote the entries on the PIFC page itself. So, yeah, it's a little bit of a drain on my VP, lol. It's all good though! But that's why I try to budget from the start so that most of the entries I judge get the same vote.

Oh well, the first few entries get my 100% while I have to spread out to the next ones as more entries come in. I guess I also need to learn budgeting. 😊

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