Week 19: Pay It Forward Curation Contest ~ My Entry ~

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Saleum Steemians!

Congratulations to all winner from the Week 18, Now the Week 19: Pay It Forward Curation Contest is on going and take your chance to participate in this cool contest. All you have to do is create a post about under-valued steemians and include the link to their latest post that meet the requirement of high quality and original contents, the bloggers must be at reputation 55 or below. check the further information on @pifc blog.


@mudcat36 (41)


Here is something interesting I found in his post a few minutes ago, dunno what exactly what's going on, but reading the snippets make me thinking about how is that happened in this modern world? check on his latest post about it here >> Need Wild West in Social Media

@playonsteem (43)


In case if you haven't read @kaliju's post about the #fff-challenge yet, you should check and support this account. a contest is running now, here is the link Get your creative hats on, I think steemit it's getting interesting with so many contests and spesific choice for everyone who dare to try.


Welcome to our new judge @knircky and Thank you to @energyaddict22 whom I considered as my mentor on Steemit. have a nice week for our judges @wolfhart, @tryskele and @lynncoyle1. Thanks to @thedarkhorse and Congratulations @bengy for the spot of the week by @pifc.


Proud member of Curation Circle Creed


Great post u found. It is amazing how much good content is here.

Thank you @knircky, I'm just lucky to find that posters😊

What you think you can sneak in at the last second??? Too busy cleaning the shop LOL. You're a sly one @cicisaja. I have my eye on your 😜

Hahahahaha... that's another strategy to keep you coming to my post @tryskele 😂 you know the path where we come across only at pifc and fff-challenge.
I'm going to make you busy next week😉

Like I haven't been already LOL. I just now finished judging wk 19. Stupid job. Well we should have one more up next week. I have to find the freewrite Tuesday one. I know ...we can stalk @lynncoyle1 and comment on her every move :D That should help LOL

You're right 😉 but.. I have 430 sp delegation now, I can find another community who really needs my help to lift them up with that SP and I'm gonna make them busy commenting on others to grow rather than posting unnecessary common photos.

Really??? I was jazzed I got the 75 delegation. I'm such a peon LOL ok plankton @asapers is a good place. A step up. I know @lynncoyle1 works with @steemitbloggers a lot too.

I know working within @pifc is a great opportunity too. You go through the posts each week. You know what the rules are and you know where some need help.

I just found it out a few hours ago, it is part of Asher pay it forward I guess... being in the top ten engagement league for 4 weeks too. This is also their program to create minnows.. so, i will use it deligently to help other plankton to grow too.. and I can use the slider to give my 100% vote to simplymike and other who helps me out here on Steemit.

Another community with many plankton also became my concern now. I want them to grow like me too. Thank you for your suggestion 😉

You know we're going to be starting a minnow help program with @pifc??

I read but not really understand everything except some parts, I need to read carefully before asking any questions, beside.. thedarkhorse said to save the question and suggestion on the other day.. hahahaha, well.. I'm in in all pifc program, I am a loyal member of community once I decided to jump on the pifc bandwagon, eventhough I need to adjust my other commitments on Steemit too. No hesitate to join the crowd..

Running late as usual but visiting your features. Maybe I will catch up with everything this week.

That's okay @headchange 😃 to find a poster who loves to lead a conversation gonna be my next strategy on pay it forward contest. I haven't visited all the featured bloggers, yet... I dunno how to change the vote percentage back to 100% again 😂 and I really hope that you'll be back to the top 20 engagers again

You're sounding like me this week @headchange. My schedule got all mixed up.

Well hello there little last minute girl haha Glad you got an entry in @cicisaja; I was wondering where it was :) These look like great choices and I'm off to have a closer look and support them both!

Hehehe ... I was about to pause my entry for this week😄 but the first blogger create an interesting "rant" so.. there I go. Thank you for your attention @lynncoyle1

lon malam nyoe payah duek siat, baca mandum entry, malee teuh hana tom deuh support bak entry hahahahaha

beutoi nyan, miseu neu teumeung peugot komen dumpat pih, paleng han bak liga saboh teuk jeh.. na teutap nan drou lam kotak adak pih warna puteh mantong. ka lheuh neu baca tulesan baro bhah SBD ?

There you are! You have been quiet lately huh? What's up? 🙄

@mudcat36 opened up an interesting topic there. It is something that breaks the eye and make people think. Good thing that you spotted his post.

I can't join the contest of your second blogger so I just upvoted. 😊

There you are! You have been quiet lately huh? What's up?

so many things to take care of at the shop in the last 2 days, finally got my seat in front of the laptop for a while and completed the draft, I was so lucky that I encountered the interesting topic he wrote few hours ago, and it changed my mood, actually. I made a decision to not submitting my entry this week.,.. but then I saw his post and then choose the second blogger as a boost up for several friends outside the pifc.

you're still at the province? I haven't done my round checking post on pifc, draining my VP for some lovely post before.. hehehe, Thank you @macolette.

Good thing you're back! 😊

Was waiting for yours @CICISAJA. just sitted opened the laptop and find yours in my feed. will visit your entry soon.

thank you @sherbanu, I just find a free space in front of the open laptop.. hahaha, the owner had something to do outside and finally made this one, not the best but hope it provide something valuable for our day.

just visited your entries.good pick ups as well. Its good you still find time to put your entries.

thank you.. what do you think abput the first blogger? he is a great supporter of newbieresteemday and I really like his "rant" never thought about something like that would happened in a country like England.

Thanks for the entry, both posts have been upvoted.

You are most welcome and appreciate that😊

Hi @cicisaja, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @mudcat doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @mughat ?

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already make a correction @checky, thank you

dronh gadoeh maen lua sabe, tengok ne
@tinmiswary lagi goreng capres di postingannya



memang kop bereih droun neuh.. loen suwah meuén luwa saweub ka jai that loen kuet votes dari gob, bek hana manhgat sagai.. ta peu deuh drou teuh chit. boh preih dilee.. at teuk loen posting #pehtem keu awak drou teuh.. jadi ade bacut, awak nyan na awak drou na.. bek lagee lam gamba drou neuh, hek ureung goreng.. meubacut pih han geu peutinggai.

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