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RE: Monthly Passive Income Report - October 2017

in #passiveincome7 years ago


Excellent post. It's obvious that you have superior drive and focus.


I am Jaichai. And I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.

RE: Your Post

You are definitely on the right path, young man.

Every moment of your life is precious. And there are only so many minutes in one day. Consequently, trading your time for money is absolutely the worst way to get ahead.

Work once, get paid indefinitely.

Actively seek ways to learn more about yourself and improve your world knowledge and empathy for other people.


When you understand others, you get an idea what they need and desire. Armed with these golden insights, generating passive, residual income becomes so much easier.

Then you can use sound preparation (due diligence) and patience to allow your obedient, silent money soldiers and ambassadors recruit more of their own to join the ranks.

Don't stress it.

Focus on your future, wealthy self.


What you fear you make appear and what you resist, persists.



Concentrate on your passion, while serving others.

"I recommend that everyone become wealthy; not because of the things you can get, but because of the person you must become. For it doesn't take long on this path to realize that you must give of yourself BEFORE anyone reciprocates." - JaiChai

Do not confuse lots of money with true wealth. On the surface, they might seem like the same thing, but they are not.


And during those inevitable times of discouragement, I hope you remember that it is temporary.


Revisit your passions and do them. Serve others. Create a product or service that gives some kind of pleasure or takes away some kind of pain.

From personal experience, I can confidently say that if you demonstrate your genuine motivation to give of yourself and benefit others, you will be more than rewarded in kind.

Upvoted and following you now.

Namaste (I recognize the divine in you, my friend),


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