There's A Steemit Icicle Party Going On Right Now, Folks !!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #partyhardyiciclestyle8 years ago (edited)


"It's the WEEKEND...Time To Paaa'Te!!!"

5:05 PM C.S.T. - Hollered out the window of my dorm room on the 22nd floor of Howard-Taft, loud music blaring from speakers propped up in every other window on this side of the complex, term papers, pens and pencils, and spiral notebooks from Chem 101 tossed out the window and down to the waiting bushes below in thoughtless, "NOW is all that matters" moments of joy and reckless abandon. An extremely short-lived regret, since it IS the weekend..."Uh Oh, that'll probably come back to haunt me on at 0800 on Monday", he said with a tinge of regret, "when professor Von Winkle asks for my notes from last week."*

No is SATURDAY! Monday and all seriousness and academic admonishment is DAYS away. Time to cut loose and enjoy a few days from the grind of daily life and Steemit post creation. And what better way to do this, than at a party.


I recently noticed @haphazard-hstead is having a shindig this weekend, and we're all invited. It's an End to the Season ICICLE PARTY. And this is no ordinary party...there are contests, and prizes, and things to do and things to win. (Which is a contest and prizes...)


Thought I'd show up early and add my two-party-cents to the mix. I think you all should check it out, it will no doubt be a small BLAST!!! Party goes till Wednesday.

My first contribution to the Icicle party...

Icicle Joke of the Day #1:

What did the big icicle in the shade of the garage say to the little icicle on the gutter, out in the sun?
  • "You can't hang with me, you're too much of a drip"
What did the little icicle say to the big icicle in return?
  • "Oh, Chill Out."

Bring Some MUSIC to the Party

One of the contests/giveaways is to bring some music to the party. So...being about as musically creative as playing the spoons with one still in the top kitchen drawer, I went online and found some music that someone ELSE made, that I think is appropriate for this get-together. What better contribution, than ICE MUSIC. Pretty cool stuff. Hope you enjoy...

SO, all I have to say for now...

"Please come a-knockin, and let's get this party ROCK'N"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poste Script -- Image From @haphazard-hstead Icicle Series -- Check out the card contest at the Icicle Party.

Poste Script2 -- *Thank you @generikat for your tutoring in the library this week on divided quotations.

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 33 1/3 Award for Number of Followers

Self-Actualized ~ Multicolor 66 2/3 Award for Number Of Followers

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire

Second Contribution To The Party

My POEM - For HH Contest:

Ode To A Future Puddle

Once upon a time there was an icicle,
as staid as a furry old mouse.
Who hung about all day on the chill-air eaves,
of a big old Wintertime house.
He lived stolid and clear as long as he could,
quite content in his froze-en ways.
But when the sun peeked out
to brighten up those eaves,
It marked the end of his cold-state days

Third Contribution To The Party

CARD Contest Entry - For HH POST:



NOTE: These were added later, Poste-Post
-ThankYou VeryMuch-



Love silly jokes! @ericvancewalton does cringe worthy jokes every Monday night, I don't think I've missed one since I found out about it, haha!
I love to party, icicle party is definitely new, though it shouldn't be where I am in frozen NY.
I will definitely check out haphazard's's terrible that the first song that came to mind is Ice Ice Baby, right? LOL

Thanks for the read and reply. I've seen a few of @ericvancewalton 's cringeworthies, they are classic. The one about the snail really cracked me up.
Yes, you better head over to the party. You should definitely put up Vanilla, a real opposite to my contribution. This party definitely needs a few more moves.

Great work dear friend @ddschteinn, enjoy the weekend and the good music. Congratulations

Thanks so much. I think you should head on over to the party. It's a happening. Enjoy your weekend as well.

Dang dd, I didn't realize that my quotation contribution would be so "ice."

Guess it's time to let my hair down, grab a couple of icicles off of the roof, and party til it all melts!

Also, your joke was pretty slick. 😉

More than Ice, Iceee. Better head on over to the party, the jokes are flowing like an overpumped beertap.

Haha -- The Icicle Party's not quite in a van down by the river. We still may Rock Out, though, lol. Thanks for your support of my Icicle Party! Hope to see other folks there, too! Great joke, by the way, lol. :D

By the way, thanks for the Steem Dollar!

You're welcome. It was interesting to review the comments in all my ice storm posts. I hope you can make it to my party sometime. I bet you have some jokes or music about icicles or ice storms that you could bring to the party. ; )

It's possible. I recall a line from a rap song I always thought was funny. It involves ice, but it's somewhat profane so I will keep it to myself.

Glad you liked it. Don't hitch up your pants too much when saying that first line! Used to really crack me up.

Thanks so much for checking in and commenting. I think you should head right over and join in. The poetry and jokes are really flowing at this time of night ( :

Amazing pictures of ice! I enjoy reading your story, especially the "Icicle Joke of the Day"...... ;)

Thank you so much. I think you should write a joke and put it in. Silly is always best for these jokes...( :
Actually, the photos of ice are from @haphazard-hstead blog on these posts. So I cannot take any credit, except I added a frame, which is the easy part. Thanks again.

Thank you very much for your suggestion! Unfortunately, I'm not good at writing a joke! So, I will be happier reading your joke.....

For the photo of ice, yes, I recognized at first that it's from @haphazard-hstead blog and I always admire the photos in his blog. (yeah! They are different by the frame) :)

Ok, I'll see if I can write a few more you can read. Glad you've enjoyed the party so far. Maybe more to come? Probably. I must go to bed now. Have a nice day.

Good night and have a sweet dream! :)

Very cool, I will have to stop by! Unfortunately we have had our share of icicles this weekend here in Michigan!

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