Committing Your All to Jesus

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

I welcome everyone to the period of lent as a faithful believer and also the followers of Christ. This post is to remind everyone of us about how to conduct ourselves during a time like this, let make use of this opportunity to get closer to God and purification of our body and soul which is the acceptable sacrifices from God. Today post is a teaching on how to commit our all to Jesus Christ.

Roman 12

Jesus has always demanded one’s all in following him. He never made an exception. If he ever did, it would have A been the time a rich
young man came to follow Jesus

Outwardly the man had all the trappings that would make for a great follower.

Inwardly, however,
he was holding back.

Jesus recognized that. He will not accept a partial commitment.

"The apostle Paul
provides a theological framework for what it means to follow Christ totally and the consequential changes it makes in a person’s life.

This sermon will remind the reader that God expects unconditional surrender. But once made, a metamorphosis takes place that changes a person into the real life they seek.

When we think of sing and dance, we'll reminded of another instruction. This one is from the apostle Paul, he writes: “Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship” (Rom. 12:1).

“To present your bodies” is Paul’s way of saying, “Put your whole self in.” The song and dance routine we call worship involves offering our whole person to God. That’s more difficult than the dance

Most of us understand the idea of giving an offering of money at church. There are plates and envelopes, and we put our money or our cheque in an envelope and drop it in the plate. It represents an acknowledgement of God’s blessings in our lives; it represents our commitment to the ministry of the
congregation; it is a part of our worship;
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it’s a way in which we open up the windows of heaven so God can bless us even further; it represents for many an antidote to materialism. While a few could use some encouragement, most of us understand what it means to make an offering to the church. But all of us without exception need some help with the idea of offering ourselves to
God, to put our whole self in.

We can’t put ourselves in an envelope. We can’t climb into the plate when the usher comes by and say; “My offering to God today is myself.” Most people do not come into a worship service prepared to give our whole selves over to God.

We brought sins that need to be
confessed and cleansed before we leave. We brought questions that need answers and problems that need solutions. We brought burdens that need lifted and anxieties that need to be dispelled—and frustrations and
depression and boredom and preoccupations, all kinds of distractions.

May I say that for most of us it would be easier to take out our cheque book and double our offering and put it
in the plate than it would be to turn ourselves over to God.

But dare I say that we have not worshiped until we have given ourselves to God. Worship is the total commitment of the total person for the total life.

Anything less is not genuine worship.

Let quickly check what will can offer to God:

1.We offer ourselves to God because of His mercy (v. 1)

Paul presents God’s mercies as his strongest argument for giving ourselves to God. “I urge you,” Paul said, “by the mercies of God . . . to present your bodies” (Rom. 12:1).

When we recognize what God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ, the only response is to give ourselves completely to him.

Jesus is the grace-giver. The dead-raiser. The one who saves us. We are sinners. That sin has deathly consequences. But while we were still sinners Christ died for us. He took our place taking upon himself the consequences and
punishment of our sin so that now there is no condemnation for us.

Brethren if will deeply think over and over we'll know it good to give our life to Christ who redeem us.

2.We offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice (v. 1)

Paul said “... to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Rom.12:1).

The expression “living sacrifice” is set against the backdrop of the Old Testament sacrifices. While the Old Testament worshiper offered an animal, the New Testament worshiper is to offer himself or herself.

Just as the people of Israel presented their animal sacrifices to the priests we are to hand over our bodies to God.

Out of celebration for what God has done for us through his Son, Jesus
Christ, we give ourselves to him. We offer ourselves to God all the time.

Living implies life. Life is an everyday
experience. Offering ourselves to God is not something that should be contained within a sixty-minute worship.

A living sacrifice is a sacrifice that is alive and continuous in action.
This means worship occurs not just in the sanctuary but in our whole world.

This means that worship moves away from just this hour to all the hours of our lives, and it moves away from one activity of coming to worship to all of our activities: each relationship, each
task, each opportunity, each problem, each success, each failure.

  1. We offer ourselves to God through transformation and
    renewal (v. 2)

We demonstrate our commitment by refusing to conform to this world by being transformed through renewed minds.

Paul stated, “Do not
be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).

When we give ourselves to God it is reflected in how we live. Believers stay in the secular world without being trapped by it and molded by it.We live as holy people. People who are distinct, separated from the ways and the wiles of this world.

We live as nonconformist people. People who are not chameleons, that is, people who do not take its being and likeness from its surroundings.

We live as transformed people. People who have been metamorphosed on the inside. Worshiping people are changed people. It is reflected in their walk, their talk, and their personality.

When we give ourselves to God
we live, not as self-centered, but a Christ-centere life. This happens when Christ comes into a person. She becomes a new person; her mind is different, for the mind of Christ is in her. Rather than allow the world to squeeze us into
its mold; we allow Christ to shape us into his likeness.

The primary goal of worship is transformation. The only way transformation can occur is to
give ourselves totally to God so the mind and power of Jesus Christ can indwell in us. And when that happens, every moment, every activity of life, we are like Jesus.

I want to be like Jesus....... Hmmmm
The question is that, are we fully ready to commuting all to him?

Are we ready to put your whole self into the arms of God?

Are we ready to commit your
all to Jesus?

“Worship is the free offering of ourselves to God; ever renewed, because ever imperfect.

It expresses the consciousness that we are his by right, yet we have not duly passed into his Hand.”

Last words I we drop tonite

commitment is the giving of all one knows of himself to all one knows of God.” Anything less than total commitment is unacceptable to
God.God bless and happy lent.

Posted using Partiko Android


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