Look at all the false claims they make, they claim "bringing guns into the classroom will have a severe impact on learning" but they don't even bother to say what that is, these are concealed guns we are talking about, guns the students can't see and don't know about, why would that have a negative impact on their learning?

They claim that kids are too scared to go to school and are distracted with fear, armed teachers ought to alleviate that. 

The MSmockingbirdM says that guns are dangerous.
Thus, knowing there are guns out there makes kids scared.
Thus, if there may be guns in the school they should be doubly scared.
That is the thinking.

Unfortunately none of this will really help.
This is what happens when you send kids to minimum security prison / indoctrination camps.

"No child left behind" and "results based testing" should be abolished from schools,
and those who are behind their implementation should be rounded up and shot on public tellevision.

Oh I see, they trust teachers with their children, but not with a firearm. The NCLB thing was George Bush.

The latest one, (can't remember its name), is even worse.
And yes, i feel that Bushee should be rounded up, and punished for destroying children's lives.

But, in reality, this child indoctrination program has been pushed by the rockeeperson foundation. From the prussian system to worse and worse and worse.

What amazes me is how few school shootings we have.

I was a public school teacher, there is always something. You see there are these people who hate teaching so what they do is come up with various new programs and policies that are all going to be the solution to the problem of education so that they themselves no longer have to teach children. So as a teacher you are always expected to follow these fads and try to integrate them into your instruction and they spend a bunch of money on training programs made by those folks who don't want to be teachers anymore. And since we have the federal department of education thanks to Jimmy Carter often these fads and directives come from totally out of touch central planners and of course always fail miserably.

Awesome! I can just hear the liberal administrators and teachers whining in their disappointment!

(Of course, what we really need is for an honest citizen to take down one of the FALSE FLAG shooters, and blow the whole game wide open.)

They would just deny it even if caught red handed, like how MLK was proven to be killed by a government conspiracy in court yet you don't really hear much about it.

We'd have to get a militia to take custody and work some things out for the record....(on video.)

CNN would just edit that video into something that they thought would make Trump look bad.


Pretty depressing being a patriot in Amerika, c. 2018, isn't it?.

Trump's steadfastness and the shrillness and desperation of the media gives me hope for the first time in a long time.

Yes...mixed with caution. I lived through the bogus "conservative" Reagan revolution, and he models much of what he does after Reagan, pretty much--including being a lifelong Democrat who switched before practicing his acting and then running for POTUS.

Mankind has always needed good people with weapons to protect us from bad people with weapons. The lack of good people with weapons has always emboldened bad people with weapons. It has always been this way. To wish it different is the hope of good people. To expect t it to change is the folly of a snowflake.

or better yet everyone has weapons and since most people are good then bad guys with guns don't stand a chance.

History tells us you are correct.

Also, one thing you can depend on is that people who like to live off the hard work and sacrifices of other people will not risk injury to themselves so fear of good people with weapons is a powerful deterrent.

yup, guns save more lives than they take

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