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RE: More school districts offering firearms training to teachers

in #parley-guns6 years ago

Awesome! I can just hear the liberal administrators and teachers whining in their disappointment!

(Of course, what we really need is for an honest citizen to take down one of the FALSE FLAG shooters, and blow the whole game wide open.)


They would just deny it even if caught red handed, like how MLK was proven to be killed by a government conspiracy in court yet you don't really hear much about it.

We'd have to get a militia to take custody and work some things out for the record....(on video.)

CNN would just edit that video into something that they thought would make Trump look bad.


Pretty depressing being a patriot in Amerika, c. 2018, isn't it?.

Trump's steadfastness and the shrillness and desperation of the media gives me hope for the first time in a long time.

Yes...mixed with caution. I lived through the bogus "conservative" Reagan revolution, and he models much of what he does after Reagan, pretty much--including being a lifelong Democrat who switched before practicing his acting and then running for POTUS.

and being a movie star.


Sometimes, despite all the good stuff we're told he's doing, I still fear the big con.

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