Seriously, you want to know how I failed? Parenting fail

in #parentingfail6 years ago (edited)

I’m a Mom!

My heart skipped a beat when I first learned I am to become a mom. I was happy alright. But fear wrapped me mostly. And why won’t I feel scared? It was my first time! You know, that thought of having a little human growing inside the tummy. That should be scary. And what is more is that I know being a parent entails great responsibility in raising another human.

But yes, parenthood gives one different perspective on things. It makes one feel a little more mature. The joys of parenthood are never fully experienced until the children are in bed. Oops! Did I just say that? Okay, strikethrough. Pretend you haven’t read that part.

Walk the Talk

Anyway, as I have said, and as everyone may agree, raising little humans to be trustworthy and God-fearing individual takes great responsibility. A parent must always act in accordance with the what she says, abide by the house rules, etc. Walk the talk.

Some of our house rules:
1. Pick up after yourself. Put the plates in the sink when done eating. Put the dirty clothes in the hamper. Tidy up when done working, playing, etc.

“Mom, why are your chargers on the dining table?”

“Mom, your dirty clothes are still in the bathroom!”

“Mom, are you done with Steemit? Your laptop is still on.” She rolls her eyes at me.
“Little girl, did you just roll your eyes at me?”
“Sorry, Mom.”

Uhm, okay. I am going to put all those away. Soon. rolleyes Sorry about that eye-rolling, that was unintentional.

So yes, you see, my little one is learning, right. Not a bad parent after all.

2. Nap Time. When school's is done, after she dresses up and eats her lunch, I tell my little one to take a nap. When I fake a nap to help her sleep, it almost always turns out that I (un)intentionally sleep to an hour long, only waking to her playing or doing something else.

Aw. Mommy is but human too. She gets tired of doing all the chores at home. Yeah, a funny note describes mom having all twenty job. For free.


Photo Credit

Parenting fail

Yes, I want a time to sit and watch TV. Like I have always used to when I was single. But being a mom? I can hardly find time to sit undisturbed. Usually, when we are watching a movie or a TV show, she constantly nags. Uhm, well that "nag" word was quite harsh. Yes, she constantly talks.

“Why is she wearing a blue skirt? I say it would look better if she wore pink instead… Oh, look cute dog… Hey, she got a guitar, I want a guitar, too mommy, can we buy one. Please, please, please….” That was when we were watching John Lloyd and Sarah G’s movie.

“That man is so ugly, why did they ever give him the role of having superpowers?... That is so unreal, a suit that could fly alone?....Why is he so rich?... Where did he get all his money?... He must be a druglord or something….” That was when we were watching Iron Man

…you do get the point right? I hope you do. But if you do not, wait until you become a parent.

So, once in a while, when it was me and my hubby’s “date night”, I let her have a sip of my bubbly magic juice, otherwise known as beer, just so she could sleep faster. Magic it is, she always sleep fast. LoL!

Yes, I want a time to sleep late and wake up late. But whenever I do that, my little one's academic performance is jeopardized. She will be late for school.

“I got another C in punctuality because Mommy wakes up late, so that makes me late for school.”

What was worst about it was that she just pointed it out in front of her teacher during their Card Day! How I wished for the earth to swallow me right there.

Yes, I like to play. So instead of tutoring my little one for her school quiz, I give in to her request that we play together. Instead of going to her guitar and piano lessons, we play "teaparty" instead. Mommy's is too lazy to send little one to her lessons.


I am not only thinking of what I want, I also consent to what she wants. I give-in whenever she wants to take a dip in her made-up "pool" (well, since mommy is too lazy to pump air into the decent portable pool).

While she is in there, I am busy chatting with my friends. I have a social life too, you know.


The Reveal, is it for real?

Did I really want to reveal how I failed as a parent? I do not know. I am actually hesitant to join this contest at first. Scared to be judged, criticized and be condemned by the great parents out there.

But on second thought, why not? I guess every parent has been through something, hasn't they? We are but humans. Well, of course, I am in no way insinuating that being human is an excuse to fail.

Parents know how it is like to be parents

My little one will be turning 8 this summer. So that means, I am a Mom for quite a while already. But I feel I am still learning. I will never stop learning how to be a parent to my little one.

But more than being a parent to her, I like the point that she has become my bestfriend, my number one fan and critic all in one, my strength and my happiness.


This is my entry to @Kecia's Parenting Fail Contest

I am tagging @juwel and @jannie to share their stories too.

You can check my other posts_ (1).jpg

My recent posts:

Sending Out Positive VIbes This March: Love Hurts

Weekly Petshots Contest 3: Meet Our Kitty Perri

Monomad Wednesday: Happy Ripples

Killerpix Photography Contest #24: NOMNOM BALLS

Killerpix Photography Contest #24: Flower Ball

You can check my other posts_ (1).jpg

Brother Terry a.k.a. @surpassinggoogle has been a supportive and kind person. So I give my support to him as a witness by voting him at

You can do the same by voting him HERE Type in "steemgigs" at the first search box. Or you can give him witness voting decisions on your behalf, by typing in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box as a proxy.

I also support his project @teardrops SMT.



She is smart and bubbly :) I cannot join the contest, I don't have little one yet..hehe

nakow, di bale, madami pa namang ibang contest. pagnakapagdecide na kau gumawa ng little one, habol ka. heheh.

This post has received a 0.06 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

You got a 5.51% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @yadah04!

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