Paragliding Tips and Tricks #2steemCreated with Sketch.

In a effort to pump up the hashtag #paragliding, and to give inspiration to new pilots, I will start posting little things that I am learning along the way.

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One of the personal goals I have set is to fly long distances. Paraglider pilots call this XC for Cross Country. Ultimately, what I would like to do is fly from one place, then go to a place where I can land, camp and the next day fly back. This goal is not reasonable if I don't know how to find thermals to get as much altitude as possible. Thus my study today

I want to quote Dennis Pagen in the book "Understanding The Sky"

Over deserts and terrain where the surface is largely undifferentiated, the high points will be the thermal sources. The highest points are the better sources. One way to envision this is to turn the figure upside down and imagine a layer of water on the surface. (see picture below) Where it would drip off is a thermal source. You can perform this imagination trick while flying to help you locate the best possible thermal sources.

By the above analogy, flat pans and depressions would tend to be areas of sink. However, over a large flat area a depression may serve as a trigger source if it disrupts a normally steady wind flow that often exists in desert areas.

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The angle of the sun will determine how much lift will be coming off the sides of hills. As illustrated below.

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What do learn from this?

  • When flying long distances, there will be times when you are going to need to have great imaginations.

  • What a great illustration that we have here, flip the terrain in your mind and think "where would water drip from".

  • The time of the day plays a great hand in where the lift will be.

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Be safe! And have as much fun as you possibly can!

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you definitely have a unique niche on steemit. Don't know any paragliders in the real world.

They say that there are only 5000 active pilots in the USA. But there are over 100,000 in the EU.

cough, cough. There's me ;)

You defo look the part in the piccy :)

To fly out, camp and fly back...... is that what they call bivouac flying?

I believe so! Bi= Fly, Vouac=Camping or something like that. I saw a fantastic video called "The great rocky mountain travers" I will see if I can find the link and I will post it on here. BTW Thanks for the support all the time! It makes a huge difference!

Rocky Mountains Traverse is here, totally worth the time @eggmeister (and anyone else who loves adventure and flying.) Just put out a feeler on the local FB group to see who's up for doing the spine of Baja as a vol-biv trip next spring. Stoked!

I'd like to see that video if possible. You're welcome re: support. Thanks for your support too Robert, much appreciated :)

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