
You're not seeing through the use of Judaism as a cover for Luciferian Frankist/Sabbatean banksters. No race, religion, or ethnic group is a unified political or financial entity.

Zionazis include some ethnic or religious Jews. The majority of Zionazis perhaps claim to be Jewish, but that does not mean that Jews are all Zionazis. Most Orthodox Jews, for example, oppose Zionazism. The UN is but one fragment of the widely distributed mechanisms that work together to implement global government, merely the official public government face of the whole.

CFR, Bilderburg, The Club of Rome, IMF, BIS, Trilaterals, local and regional planning commissions, Environmental NGOs, and etc., are all effecting their particular portions of the whole of policy that results in de facto global government.

Also, saying 'males want to rape' is pure sexism and retarded. It's tantamount to saying 'females want to be raped'. Reality is a long way from such statements.

when sheep provide cover to wolves, and enter a symbiotic relation with the pack, to help it, get closer to other herd, what are they?

however, I agree, the entire super structure ruling the west from behind, specially OCDE that you forgot, must be entirely wiped, and all former and present CIA agents must be eat their children alive and then be killed.

thanks your informative post.

the problem is that zionazi aren't all zionist, in the sense, that for most zionazi it is problematic to rape in israel, as jewish haredim father may unleash hell to them... and I would support that, fully.

rape any girls, be feed to your parents or the parents kill it.

a kind answer from Emperor Sweecee !

Emperor of Darkest Empire, when my enemies are feed to their children / parents.

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