New Year New Action - Day 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #paleo8 years ago (edited)


New Year New Action - Day 2

Today is DAY 2.

Ketosis/Low Carb Diet. No processed carbs or wheat. Measured.

I am just a coach looking to lead by example and to support those who need it.

I will post this diet based on the results however will blog each day.


The first day was not has hard as I thought. Preparation is king and I have all my meals prepared apart from breakfast which is easy enough. Separating the egg whites will be testing in time and a little bit of a waste so looking at an alternative or find away to best use the egg yokes. You can buy egg whites from the supermarket so will look to do that.

All these meals as pictured below were actually really good and I feel good.

Energised, satisfied and in control. So far no cravings for alternative foods or cheats although that has not really been an issue for me.

As I write this it is 2.00pm in Australia so I still have some meals to go for the day and will post pictures tomorrow.

Meal 1 – Breakfast - Day 2
1 Cup Oats cooked in Structured Filtered/Distilled/Vitalised Water
1/2 Blackberries
1 Spoon Honey
4 Egg Whites
1 Full Egg
5g L-Glutamine
1 Multi Vitamin

Meal 2 – Mid Morning - Day 2
1 Cup of Steamed Veggies/Salad
10 Almonds
1 Fish Oil

Meal 3 – Lunch - Day 2
110g Chicken Thigh
100g Basmati Rice
1 Cup Steamed Veggies
1 Fish Oil

Meal 4 – Mid Afternoon
100g Grass Fed Beef
80g Basmati Rice
1 Cup Mixed Steamed Veggies

Meal 5 – Dinner - Day 2
110g Chicken Thigh
2 Cups Mixed GREEN Veggies
1/2 Avacado
1 Fish Oil
5g L-Glutamine

PreWorkout - Everyday
5g L-Carnitine
5g BCAA in Structured Water

During Workout - Everyday
10g BCAA in structured Water

Post Workout - Everyday
30g Protein with Structured Water

4+ Litres Structured Water per day
8 Hours Sleep

Picture Day 1



~ Sebastian




I'm curious, are you testing your keto levels? Because that's a lot of carbs, fairly low fat, and probably too high protein. I would be having a blood sugar event on your diet.

Yes I agree. I also want to be able to sustain the diet for the long term. I am testing it and it is also in phases. First 4 weeks is conditioning the metabolism and habits and then the % of macronutrients change after the 4th week which I will share here. In regard to fats, I am having 4 fish oils per day, 1/2 Avocado per day and 10 Almonds per day plus all fats within the other foods. I am tracking it in My Fitness Pal app so can monitor if I need to raise fats which is likely and it will be addressed after week 4. It is not 100% full on ketosis diet to start as that would be too drastic a change for me as I think I would die on 5%-10% carbs straight away. :) I am also training very hard. Once/Twice per day. Will share the results as they come in. So far so good.

Where are you getting your information from? If you don't mind me asking.

To me, with about 18 years experience, that looks like a high carb, high protein diet. Maybe 20-30% of calories from fat at the most. That's about half of a ketogenic diet.

Basically it looks like a standard body building "cutting" diet. But maybe the phases are better?

I agree it is not a full throttle ketogenic diet from the first day. Christmas only just finished I think I would pass out if I did. :) It is however intelligently phased and if you see my reply below to @kiwideb I have explained what I feel this is. Appreciate your experience and I am sure it will come in good use as I work through this new experience myself. It does reduce to a 10%-20% carb intake from what I can fathom however I am just guessing at this stage as I have not yet recorded it in the app. I will refrain from using the word ketosis as to avoid confusion however I feel this diet will progressively take me to that state and in a way that my body can handle over the 12 weeks. Progression has to be the best approach? Anything else would be rather extreme and unsustainable I would have thought?

Most programs do it the other way, strong ketosis diet to begin with and lower as you become acclimated. But things can be done differently as long as they are done with knowledge and care. Where exactly are you getting this program from?

Oh no, I am not concerned about what you call it, I am just concerned for you. As long as you are being careful I think that's fine. There are many good sites to learn about low carb, paleo and ketosis diets, I usually recommend Mark's Daily Apple for beginners.

I got this from a stage professional of 10 years experience (Female). I am not stating it is a 100% Keto Diet. If I have misrepresented that fact I apologise. I am very interested in a 100% Keto diet and will be happy to be Guinea pig on next cycle if it is easy enough to implement. Do you have a reference to one here on Steemit? Thanks again for your input.

Will also buy some Ketone testing strips. Good idea. Thanks.

Good to see examples of real food.

But if I had a cup of oats and later 100gm rice, I would be nowhere near ketosis. Are you in ketosis with that level of carb? How are you testing? If so, is that because of the level of training you're doing?

I'm also curious about why you're not eating the egg yolks?

I am currently 6.3 and 105kg. :) This input of food is around 2000 cal and I train rather hard everyday and have a specific program for this 12 week cycle. It is most likely not enough calories and we will see how I go in regard to muscle retention and energy. I agree the rice and oats put me over my carb intake for true ketosis however this is a 25% - 30% max carb stage (first 4 weeks) as supposed to a strict ketosis 5% - 10% which I would find hard to fulfil considering my daily work loads, my body mass and my personal requirements to think laterally on a daily basis:). I want this diet to be sustainable and appropriate for my clients so I am testing it (I am a fitness/lifestyle coach). I know ketosis is based on extreme low carbs in regard to create relevant ketones however I am sure it is also relative to body mass weight ratio. Will test the results here as I am also taking photos which I will share later when I get a few done. Will do body pics weekly with the aim to see and create a vision of progression. Also tracking in MyFitnessPal App so will show the graphs too. 5 eggs a day would be too many in regard to saturated fats etc over a week (1 or 2 is ok). Egg yokes are very good for you however I am getting my minerals and vitamins from other sources for this diet. The whites are simply for the best protein quality. An average egg contains about 6 protein and 4g of the protein is in the egg white. An average egg also contains 4g fat and all of the 4g fat is in the egg yolk apparently. If you are on a high protein diet like this one, you want to focus on eating the egg whites. It isn't about calories, cholesterol or vitamins. Trial and error. We will see. :)

Ketosis is not generally a high protein diet, it is generally a highish fat diet.

It may be that you can be in ketosis on that level of carbs. But I'm concerned that calling it ketogenic would mislead others who need much, much less carb to get anywhere near ketosis. It may be better to say that it's a high protein, reduced carb diet, to avoid confusion.

Saturated fat is not dangerous, so no need to restrict it. Egg yolks also contain every other nutrient apart from the protein, so are very good for you. Paleo-trail have a very wide definition of Paleo - that is, anything that is a real food diet is considered ok. But to me, throwing half a food down the sink is not whole food!

But I'll be very interested to see how you go, especially if you reduce your carbs further and increase your fat and go true keto!

This diet is a "stage ready" diet used by some stage professionals that I know (female). It is also scaled and progressive. The % of macros change in time and are introduced to the body in 4 week, then 2 week phase with a specific final week. It has a steady and progressive reduction in carbs over the 12 weeks. I just checked the sheets and it has a 50% -75% reduction in carbs over time and also moves away from Basmati. Does it go to a 70% fat, 25% protein (approx hitting that now) and 5% carb ratio I am not yet 100% sure however will know once I enter it in the app. We will find out. :) I agree it is not a full ketosis diet from day one which is normally a 70% fat based diet if I am not mistaken which this is clearly not and you are correct. I have not done this diet before so I finding these things out as I go. Would the body not generate more ketones as the body identifies the reduction in carbs over time? Would be a safer approach I would have thought? Appreciate your expertise and feedback as I will no doubt monitor this all very closely with more awareness. :) are right. I feel funny about not eating them and agree they are full of the best bits. It is just a numbers game.

Oh, stage ready, yes, I'm familiar with that style of diet. Don't get me wrong with what I'm about to say, I'm not putting down your choice of diet or you wanting to give your clients something achievable to follow.

I just want to make a distinction here, for the understanding of anyone else reading this, between diets for weight loss, and diets for health.

Cutting back both your fat and your carbs will result in weight loss for many people. Though for some it won't, as high protein is easily converted to sugar. And it won't necessarily address the underlying health issues.

In the Paleo section, we want to promote ways of eating (better phrase than diet) that will help the body heal from biochemical/hormonal issues such as high blood sugar, high insulin, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and more. So for that we look to real food, ancestral style eating as an underlying principle.

Then people can put their own twist on it - LCHF, keto, intermittent fasting (meal spacing), avoiding your own individual allergies such as starches, gluten or dairy, or whatever is needed.

Although low fat is sometimes needed temporarily, in certain situations, it is detrimental to many people, especially in the long term. So it can't be considered ancestral eating, which was never low fat.

I'm sure you already know all that, but there may be others reading this who don't.

Totally agree. I have clients in drastic need of a sustainable diet that is going to bring them a short to mid term result. The biggest issue for many is getting started and then finding ways to sustain good food within their lifestyle. If this was a stage ready diet I would just be eating red beans, chicken and broccoli and hoping my hormonal system doesn't collapse. I have seen too many people suffer from these types of scenarios. This diet is not about cutting back on fats or carbs, it is about first regulating the food intake with measured portions and measuring better food in a sustainable way. I have already altered the intake of egg whites and replaced them with 2 full eggs as I think this is a better approach. I will also be increasing and maintaining my good fats as well as increasing the nutrient density and volume of my vegetables.

You won't know this yet, but we can only nest replies 6 deep. So this is an answer to your later reply. I'm pleased to see you're adding the whole eggs back in. I understand that in your profession, your clients want to see results quick. Coming from a health perspective though, rather than a fitness one, my approach is always to get people on real food first, then progress from there. Whereas @baerdric and @triddin both needed to go strict keto pretty quickly. Anyway, I think all these conversations will be very valuable info for others .

I've never heard this. What I have heard is that it's not possible to enter ketosis while the body is in glycolysis, as the insulin produced by the body in glycolysis shuts down the keto cycle (insulin regulates the cycle), In the presence of much insulin, the keto cycle cannot start and thus you will never get keto adapted. The only 2 ways I know of to begin the keto cycle are:

  1. Reduce carbs, which reduces blood glucose, which reduces insulin and thus stops regulating the ketosis cycle.
  2. Perform intermittent fasting each day to spend enough time without glucose in the blood that there's no insulin etc.

I'm not sure in the case of bodybuilders what happens if you're burning all the glucose before you need any insulin produced? However I believe in the presence of glycolysis but no ketosis, and plenty of protein, the body performs gluconeogenesis on the protein instead of switching into keto, this is pretty bad if you're trying not to lose body mass.

From everything I've read LCHP is bad, HCHF is bad, LCLF is bad. You seem to be starting out with HCMPHF, but with a lot of excercise thrown in... which could possibly make it a MCMPHF or even a LCMPHF if there's enough after meal energy burning going on. At 2 sessions per day, and 6 meals per day, I don't really see it. I am not a nutritionist though.

Also the other thing strange about this plan is the bias against saturated fats. It's pretty much universally accepted by all the LCHF diets, generally most doctors, and heck even Time magazine, that saturated fats are good for you these days.

It's an interesting experiment, regardless. I'll be following to see what happens, I just hope you don't do yourself any harm along the way is all.

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