
Wow, you continue to surprise me, @scrawly! Awesome work that is! ^.^
I love the lotus flower and what fascinates me more is the fact that you can express the features of the face, the clothing, the entire essence of this incredible culture in you piece! Great job, @scrawly, great job! ;)

Fun fact - the lotus was very popular in Ancient Egypt too. It was used for almost all of their architecture, because the meaning of the flower was associated with rebirth and the Sun. ;)

You also continue to amaze me, katalina!
Your knowledge about flower is really impressive, I wouldn't need Wikipedia if I have you to consult.

And thank you for your kind praises <3. I am still inadequate at drawing so whenever people praise me, it feels like receiving a great and unexpectedly nice present hehehe.

Aw, thank you, @scrawly! blush ^.^ I like researching, but don't use Wikipedia very often. :D

Um, you don't look inadequate at drawing, not at all. XD We are all learning with every project and task. ;)

I'm very fond of the Lotus flower and especially Ancient Egypt. In my previous job my fellow colleagues and I were developing games inspired by different ancient cultures. I did a lot of research on Egyptian architecture, gods, jewelry, patterns... one of my favorite tasks was drawing the columns. ^.^

I am also very fond of Ancient Egypt!!! Wohoo, we're really quite synced lol.

I used to play these old city simulators and the developer made several games in similar veins, all of them are themed with old civilization. Thus by playing them, I was introduced and fell in love with Rome, Egypt, China, etc etc.

Hmmm, you said you were developing games, it couldn't be that I was playing the games you made???!

No, unfortunately it wasn't me. :( :( :( It's my dream to make computer games with such themes.
I was in a company developing slot games. They have similar script, characters and animations, but are used only in casinos. ^^''

I'm so happy you like those games. I still play some of them, they are very relaxing. ^.^ One of my favorites is Riddles of Egypt, don't know if you heard of it.

I just looked it up. It's a puzzle game? Those are fun to play <3.
I like them even better if they have a storyline along with the puzzles, I love playing adventure games ^_^.

Thanks, @scrawly! ^.^
Yeah, for an illustrator who's making games for adults (that's what we call them, because no one under the age of 18/21 is permitted to play slot games), to enjoy these kids games sounds a bit contradictory. xD

Another interesting fact about the lotus @scrawly is the Hindu perspective on it.
The most stunning lotus grow in the stinkiest, dark, oozing mud, but from that a single stem rises upwards towards the sun, where it's green buds, ever so slightly turns the colour of the emerging flower - white, pink or whatever.
Then it bursts into a blaze of glorious colour, brightening up or world.
The Hindus see this plant as a metaphor for humanity, that we too can rise up out of the muck, violence, disharmony, hate, etc and blossom into beautiful, heart-centred human beings, honouring and respecting each other and living in peace.
Now what a gift that would be from the sacred Lotus!
From our garden to your heart

What a philosophically beautiful comment!
I am very happy that you shared this knowledge with me, thank you :).

My pleasure @scawly and keep up your great digital art.

Once again, that eye. You're very good at capturing the details of eyes.

Hehe, this is only true because I would abandon a picture if the eyes don't look right :).
Thank you, master of macaroon.

And they have a rare ability to be revived into activity after prolonged period of stasis. What an awesome ability.

Maybe us human types have a similar ability, if we choose to use it ;)

You've given life to another sophisticated lady among the petals. This series has been so tranquil and feminine.

If we can also be revived back, that would certainly be something awesome. Or are you saying that you can do it already? :O

And thank you for your kind words, I think you would be interested with the one I'm going to upload today ;D.

Maybe not as drastic as back from beyond, although the human being is an incredible machine, and truth is often stranger than fiction. I've been revived from a life of apathy and discontent!

Thank you for thinking of me, I will definitely check out your latest beauty, Scrawly. Take care ☺

Beautiful painting. Love the colors and especially the eyes look very lifelike.

Thank you, maysi :).

Thank you ghulammujtaba and slothicorn. You guys are awesome <3.

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