Hello World my name is Errymil Batol

in #painting7 years ago (edited)

<img src="" Hello everyone, my name is Errymil Batol, and i am a Registered Nurse for 10 years by profession, and an artist painter for 3 years by passion. i would like to focus more on my passion, i am a self thought painter, since birth i never draw or painted in my life, this just came spontaneously last May 2014.
Prior to that i was introduced to a very sacred symbol, which i saw clearly during my meditation, and its called "The Flower of Life" ()
i even had it Tattooed in my right arm.
and this symbol works in a very mysterious way for me, it connects me to the right frequency i guess, i have been obsessed with this symbol ever since, i read books and kept searching about this symbol, actually there is 13 ways to interpret this symbol, and it would take a whole new discussion to discuss each interpretation, and i always thought on sharing this symbol, then 1 day i wanted to have this symbol where i could hang it. so i started to paint.
please don't judge me for now.No automatic alt text available. my very first painting of the flower of life with a rasta background
it took me 2 hrs to finish it. then i figured mabe i could paint and try some more
No automatic alt text available. i i painted this in front of my wife and this took me 1 hr. its my family in the silhouette while im also holding a surfboard, which was my sport back then.
then i painted some moreNo automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available. everytime i paint it just gets better and better as if its evolving everytime
during that time my wife was pregnant to my third child so i painted a piece that would represent itNo automatic alt text available. here we are 4 koi fish and the yin and yang would be my third child.
then all of a sudden people keep approaching me at work and asking for a painting and would be willing to pay. and so it beginsNo automatic alt text available. this i![]( this is my best friend at work he is passionate abut fishing. this is titled Surf Fishing.
then something also interesting happen, 1 day my wife wanted a painting that we saw at the mall, it was expensive, and i told her that i wold just make her one, and so i changed the background and the design and made an original piece. Image may contain: bird this is titled "Haliparrots" and she very much loves this piece
i loved making birds because of the freedom that it representsImage may contain: plantthis is titled "Flappy Birds" gave this as a gift to my aunt.
No automatic alt text available. this ![]( this is was given to my favorite cousin. "Ju-koi"
Image may contain: nature and outdoor another friend from work wanted a piece that has mount Fuji. this is titled "Okinanam"
then through my journey, i went to Sedona Arizona and this place is like a Disneyand for new age spirituality. they had 4 main Vortex places that i went to, and that would be another discussion. but after that i painted this to represent the Juniper trees swirling in the vortexNo automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: flower and plant this was my representation of the energy that was around that place. it was the best feeling that i ever had, as if i raised my frequency after that i went there. and i also prayed there that i could be a great painter. and i will paint till my last breath.Image may contain: sky, cloud, ocean, outdoor, water and nature this was a sunset painting i did for my sister returning back from sedona. No automatic alt text available. my sister gave me some glass that i could paint on, so i painted Sedona Arizona sunset in front and when you turn it around it would be eveningNo automatic alt text available.![] thank you so much for viewing what i had to share. i only showed my first 6 months of my work as an artist. i will write more in my spare time. for now hope you enjoyed my story. thank you.


Beautiful paintings!
And a wonderful event to follow your dream :)

Thank you for viewing!

Welcome sir. Nice job.
Meditation is key :-)

Yes indeed. It changed my whole perspective of life!

For me too. :-)
I do this for years now, every morning when I wake up.
Do you know Abraham Hicks? "Law of Attraction". workshops (check youtube)

Yes i listen to her tapes. I love abraham hicks! But have not went to her cruise yet. Same here i meditate when my kids finally go to sleep or when i wake up! Takes off the stress

I already had that suspicion..
That's great @errymil
I love Abraham too...

I followed you already. Please do keep in touch!

wow, awesome man, I am very impressed, you will be a famous artist one day!

Thank you of such kind words. Im hope so one day!

welcome to steemit :) I also meditate and enjoy learning about spiritual health and mental health, the flower of life is truly a beautiful and powerful symbol. Im looking forward to seeing more of your art !

Thank you. Your the first one who connected to me. Yes indeed a lot more paintings to come.

Your paintings radiating zest for life and loving of nature. I'm also an artist, and have painted a lot of Flower of Life by now.

Wow nice. Thank you for sharing. Theres a lot to learn from this symbol, i wish they thought this in school, geometry would be so much fun and interesting.

Welcome to Steemit community Errymil. Happy steeming !!!!

Thank you sir!

You must welcome.

Wow man. Wonderful work! You have a gift.

Thanks when i reintroduce myself at 500 followers the i will post the next 6 months of my painting that i posted already

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