Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - Part 3

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

In 1916 the Russians had entered Mus (East-Turkey) and Bitlis. He was able to strike back and reached the conquest.

From 1919 to 1920, the winners of the First World War, after signing the Peace Treaty of Sevries (Versailer Treaty), wanted to share the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan agreed. In addition to the loss of all areas outside Anatolia and Thrace, the territory of today's Turkey was to be further dismembered. Atatürk and the nationalists were against it.British and French troops occupied East Turkey and Istanbul.Grichen were imported into Izmir and Italians in South-East Anatolia.

During this time, Mustafa Kemal went to Samsun and began to organize the Turkish resistance. He built up a secret national liberation army. Between August and September 1919 there were important congresses in Sivas and Erzurum led by Mustafa Kemal. They laid down the strategies for the liberation.

At the end of December, he went to Ankara. The Great Turkish National Assembly was opened. This was a huge step towards the founding of the Turkish Republic. Mustafa Kemal was elected Chairman of the National Assembly and the Sultanate was abolished. The great Turkish National Assembly accepted the laws necessary for the successful implementation of the liberation war and began its implementation immediately.

Thus, the English, French, Italians, and the Greeks fought against the armies of liberation. And by the reinforcement with the army founded by the Grand Turkish National Assembly, the war could be conquered victoriously. So many enemies from the country could be defeated Like all Atatürk. The liberation war was concluded on July 24, 1923 with the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne. Thus, no more obstacle appeared in the country, which by the Treaty of Serves to pieces a new Turkish state.


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