ONAM: Exchange of digital coins from an educational and business concept

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)
     Online commerce represents a viable option within the context of alternative economies worldwide. It is undoubtedly one of the advances of modern technology with a general social scope. On a daily basis, a large number of people join in the marketing of services and products, including cryptographic or digital assets. In this sense, all, absolutely all people, as users (clients) and rational beings, must be able to manipulate resources and tools created within the tacit context.

In view of the above, it is worth noting that in the commercial field, and at the digital level, there are numerous resources and tools in order to carry out actions aimed at storing, buying and selling and exchanging services / products or different cryptographic assets, as in the case of digital coins, namely: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE); as well as other economic-digital resources of equal importance in the implicit market. Among these should be estimated what is called and is considered a house of exchange of cryptographic coins.

Source: Pixabay
(Image modified with Photoshop)

Conceptually and contextually speaking, a crypto currency exchange house is essentially a website created with the aim of enabling the storage, sale/purchase and exchange of digital assets, anywhere and at any time, although it is understood that in some countries there are obvious restrictions. There is currently a great variety, in different languages, admitting an endless number of cryptographic assets, each with methods, techniques and processes that resemble or differ from each other. However, they have the same specific purpose: to facilitate the online marketing of crypto currencies.

The topics related to digital currency exchange require constant revision, especially in aspects related to online security and privacy, considering that users at all times think about the protection of the confidential data they provide when subscribing. It is for this reason that the constituent factors are previously analyzed, without ignoring others that are also of absolute interest. Here is a question of rigour: Is there a house of change that adjusts to the requirements and needs of users?So, the answer is yes and ONAM should be mentioned.

But what is ONAM?

Source: onam.io

ONAM is an electronic platform with a digital interface that works like a digital coins exchange house. It is compatible, and offers high levels of security, scalability, transparency, customer service, liquidity and compliance. It is a friendly website, with a set of functions and features that allow easy online manipulation. Its creators have understood the concept of security, privacy and transparency on the Internet, and along with other points in favor, offer users, a state-of-the-art digital currency exchange.

An interesting fact

It should be noted that within the digital ecosystems concerning electronic coin exchange houses, there are the centralized and decentralized ones.

.- When it is centralized in nature (CEX), it is understood that the organizational structure is vertical, usually obeying actions planned and executed by a leader or group of people with superior authority. The voice and vote of the members of the organizational structure depend on a reduced sub-sector. In the beginning, most of the online exchange houses were of this type. They are popular and abundant, they work in a similar way to traditional banking entities, with an intermediary.

.-When it is decentralized in nature (DEX), it is understood that the organizational structure is horizontal, usually obeying actions planned and executed by a group of people who lead the ecosystem, while the voice and votes come from all interacting users. At present, more digital currency exchange houses are emerging, with this typology. Its operation does not depend on any intermediary and use a system environment based on a software. Exchanges are made between peers, under the P2P approach. Peer-to-peer ecosystems (P2P method) is characterized by its status of anonymity and not dependence on any business organization.

Now! It is advisable to review each of the relevant aspects with attention to the digital operation of ONAM:

Practical solutions from ONAM:

ONAM has a set of features (practical solutions) that make it a digital coin exchange par excellence. Each of these specific characteristics are mentioned below:

Personal Imagen created in Power Point

1.- The security at ONAM:

ONAM understanding that the Internet is a human right estimated by the United Nations (UN), meets this fundamental precept by offering Security to users, specifically to those interested in electronic commerce and therefore, in the commercialization (redundant value) of digital coins. Security is a key aspect without which it would not work ONAM, therefore, its creators have adopted the best methods, techniques, tools and strategies to offer the protection of private/confidential data that users provide in the online platform interface.

The first thing that ONAM understands and assumes is that the security it is a computational attribute dependent on other secondary but vital factors in Internet network. For this reason, it relies on reliable computer techniques, such as "DDoS Mitigation".

1.1.- DDoS Mitigation: Its purpose is to face and resist distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on platforms with interfaces interconnected to the Internet network, where the basic thing is to protect the sending networks. To achieve this, it uses filters to clean web traffic. With this technique, the correct identification of the incoming traffic is also required, in order to be able to later distinguish between the traffic generated by both humans and Bots, which pretend to be human. It also pays attention to the type of web browser, ip addresses, cookies, HTTP headers and javascript fingerprints.

Another basic element to consider are the 2FA solutions. Reference is made immediately.

1.2.- 2FA Solutions: known as the authentication of 2 factors, which are based on a wide range of computer technologies. Among the most noteworthy options are mentionable: 1.2.1.- Single-use passwords (OTP), symmetrical. With this method, it is possible to generate single-use passwords in two places; namely, in the authentication server and in the token of hardware or software owned by the user. If they match, access is allowed. 1.2.2.- PKI authentication, asymmetric, based on a different pair of encryption keys, where one is private and the other is public. The tokens under this certification of hardware, smart cards and USB allow the storage of keys reliably and securely, but when it comes to authentication in corporate network, the server must offer a numerical challenge, which is signed with the private key. If there is a match, access is allowed.

In the same vein, ONAM uses other alternatives to ensure the security of the interface of its online platform, and so it proceeds to mention:

1.3.- Antiphishing Solutions: It is also known as Antiphishing Protection Service. It is worth mentioning that phishing is one of the most latent problems in online security. There are numerous attacks under this digital criminal modality: 1.3.1.- RSA FraudAction Anti-Phishing Service: this is an end-to-end product aimed at detecting and deactivating attacks related to online identity theft. It allows the detection and alert of threats, analysis and recovery of credentials, moderation and deactivation of websites, countermeasures, intelligence and anti-phishing education. 1.3.2.- Specialized Software: In the online market, there are many services and software for the security of private data on the Internet, thus avoiding phishing.

Source: Pixabay

From experience, ONAM's human capital recommends the use of different online security methods, assuming that each website, organization and user, executes digital processes on platforms and interfaces that depend on varying requirements, and therefore, for each case, there is a particular solution.

1.4.- ONAM recommendations to ensure online security:

Undoubtedly, a set of measures can be enunciated that contribute to the reduction or avoidance of criminal attacks on online identity. ONAM, recommends:

1.4.1.- Avoid the use of unknown networks.
1.4.2.- Do not share private data with strangers.
1.4.3.- Identify emails from third parties.
1.4.4.- Do not click on unknown links.
1.4.5.- Use recognized anti-phishing services.
1.4.6.- Consult with anti-phishing expert personnel.
1.4.7.- Others.

1.5.- Data to be supplied in the ONAM platform interface:

As in other digital platform interfaces, the personal or confidential data to be provided at the time of subscription are these:

1.5.1.- E-mail.
1.5.2.- Password.

The system will automatically send a confirmation email to the mailbox specified in the email. It must be confirmed. In addition, the platform interface can also be accessed with the ICOS ID. Really, it is a simple procedure, without complications, as in other similar websites. The image below shows the data requested in ONAM:

Source: onam.io

1.6.- The KYC in ONAM:

One of the requirements parallel to the registration in the ONAM platform and interface is to comply with the supply of the data requested from the KYC. As additional information, it is valid to emphasize that the KYC is a customer recognition process. KYC stands for "know your costumer".

Generally, to complete and validate the KYC, the following data are requested:

1.6.1.- Identity document (ID number, Passport, other).
1.6.2.- Receipt or invoice of purchases or expenses.

2.- The scalability in ONAM:

With an everyday example, it is feasible to consider that scalability refers to the process by which a person, object, animal or thing climbs from one level to another, as in the case of the photograph that accompanies this paragraph, where it is notorious that someone gradually climbs the steps of a ladder.

But, it is prudent to clarify, that it is a process that is executed from the bottom up, and not the other way around. Hence, it is about the action of climbing, that is, going from the bottom to the top, from the lowest to the highest. Never the opposite.

In computing, it is similar, because it is the property of increasing the work capacity (from smaller to larger) or the size attributable to a system or process, without negatively implying in its development, progress and without interfering with its execution.

At the ONAM platform interface, scalability will depend directly on the number of registered users and the operational capacity by establishing a close relationship between them (online) and the execution time of the electronic transactions carried out. It will also influence the amount of digital coins stored, in constant circulation, for purchase-sale and web exchange.

It is vital to highlight that ONAM has a record regarding the execution of transactions by seconds and latency. It is currently capable of manipulating the amount of "10 million transactions per second with latencies as low as 40 nanoseconds". (Source.) It is indeed an unprecedented achievement on any other platform and interface with the features and functionality of ONAM, representing a favorable aspect.

2.1.- Strategies to improve ONAM's scalability:

2.1.1.- To offer a high level of security, generating confidence in the users, allowing a greater flow of these.

2.1.2.- Use of cutting-edge software, capable of adapting to security standards and network speed.

2.1.3.- Promotion in other online platforms and especially in the known social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, others.

2.1.4.- Propitiate the investment of startups and other organizational forms on an economic level, either with fiat money or digital coins. .- It is highly feasible that, concerning the scalability of ONAM, the business sector is resorted to, with a strategy thought and defined in attention to "ONAM for Entrepreneurs", with the objectives specified here: (a) explore new spaces beyond the Internet, covering sub-sectors of society, such as: Industrial Zones, Shopping Areas, Shopping Centres, others; (b) To offer consultancy services for the commercialisation of digital coins, which facilitate the processes of buying and selling goods by business organisations and other commercial figures.

3.- The transparency in ONAM:

Here, it is convenient in the first instance to define what the term means: "Transparency". Well then! In this opportunity, the terminology under consideration has to do with the quality of that which is transparent, that is, with that which allows light to pass through a medium (in physics).

In the area addressed (information technology), transparency has to do with the legal, fair, exact and consensual manipulation of the processes concerning a computational action. In other words, it clearly reflects the veracity of the process executed at a given moment and pre-established time.

Technically, the term in computing is attributed to data compression. Here, two specific phenomena occur: on the one hand, lossy compression, and on the other hand, lossless compression, from which comes transparency in the computing scenario.

3.1.- Keys to optimize transparency in ONAM:

From ONAM's perspective, the main keys to optimizing the transparency of its processes are those that continue:

3.1.1.- Decentralization of the web platform.
3.1.2.- Establishment of democratic guidelines among the users of the platform.
3.1.3.- Periodic audits (agreed).

4.- The costumer service in ONAM:

There is no point in having a fast interface on a secure platform without adequate customer support.

Accordingly, customer service, together with the implicit security, protection, reliability and speed in the interface and platform, are computational factors of great importance to ONAM.

Derived from the above, that is to say that ONAM provides a service 24x7x365, using the Chat, while in the first months of operation, will also have a call center. (Telephone numbers). On an equal footing, it has a support ticket service, which speeds up the reciprocal relationship between customers and ONAM staff. The idea is to offer the following:

4.1.- Immediate response to any question, doubt or consultation of the users.
4.2.- Provision of information and technical advice.
4.3.- Conflict resolution in the platform, via online.

In ONAM human capital is capable of attending to all contingencies arising from the first day of its operation and for an indefinite period of time. The goal is to have a high operational performance customer service that satisfies the needs of active users.

5.- The liquidity at ONAM:

The liquidity of ONAM goes in parallel with the proposal to create the strategy "ONAM for Entrepreneurs", estimating in advance that it will allow:

5.1.- Attract large, medium and small investors in the digital currency market (miners, traders, others).

5.2.- The free investment of digital currency to digital currency and of these to fiat currency and vice versa, will guarantee the profitability of ONAM in the long term.

5.3.- The executed processes will be transparent, supported by a strict control, which entails the registration of exchange orders.

6.- The compliance at ONAM:

ONAM is subject to all the mechanisms and legal devices at an international level, which guarantee the good development of its daily operations.

The work team is fully aware of its legal attributions and responsibilities, and in correspondence, act with total adherence to the law, to avoid unnecessary sanctions, which may negatively influence security, scalability, transparency, customer service and liquidity. It is therefore able to understand the following:

6.1.- Almost all the problems that arise in platforms with similar interfaces, come from the manipulation of tokens. Therefore, the greatest transparency is required in the execution of all operational transactions.

6.2.- The adoption of licenses within the framework of the law is a priority, which validate the execution of processes to initiate offers, storage, purchase-sale and exchange of tokens.

6.3.- The human team that works in ONAM, is the guarantor of the correct functioning of the platform and interface, remaining attentive to the possible events and daily contingencies.

6.4.- AML regulation: ONAM, uses AML regulation, commonly implemented in the banking sector, to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

In itself, it is known by the acronym: AML/CFT. It should be made public that in the European Union, the methods applicable to AML vary, thus making it a little more difficult to deal with the public market, creating unequal rules of the game.

Techniques implemented in ONAM:

The techniques that are immediately mentioned are related to the precepts: Safety and Compliance, within ONAM's radius of action:

Source: Pixabay

1.- Enterprise Level Security: ONAM never stores passwords and encrypts confidential data prior to being routed to its own database.

2.- Anti-Market Manipulation (AMM): the system that comprises the surveillance, supervision and fulfillment of the market in the real context, has its foundation in automatic learning. It always works perfectly.

3.- Anti-Money Laundering (AML): Another option that works depending on automatic learning. This system filters customer data, classifying it and identifying any illicit behaviour.

4.- Quarterly Audits: This is a commitment adopted by ONAM, which is equivalent to mandatory compliance. It is not technical-computational but exercised by human talent. Its implication is legal.

5.- Association with BitGO: Relationship established to offer custody service to large institutional investors. They include: institutional grade policy controls, apart from 100% cold storage, with multiple signature vaults with banking category, for a total of 75 digital coins.

6.- Verification of Employee Data (Background): It is a requirement demanded by ONAM, to people who aspire to be part of the human capital that works in the exchange house previously identified.

Basic and complementary characteristics of ONAM:

ONAM conforms to a series of characteristics that configure it technically and operationally. Are listed here:

1.- Advanced order types: This type of order leads customers to higher levels of success in daily transactions.

2.- Margin trading: Allows users to positively leverage high buying power, based on a small interest commission.

3.- Margin lending: It consists of a process that allows users to earn interest by borrowing, and have the opportunity to select their own interest rate and duration.

4.- Composite index fund: Its purpose is for users to diversify their online wallet.

5.- Paper trading: Estimates the simulation of transactions on the platform, for users who start trading digital currencies.

6.- Modular user interface: It is used to allow the user to personalize their digital operations page.

7.- Trade assistant with trade alerts and signals: It is subject to the triggered by the learning of the machine; in parallel it sets limits on the risk when evaluating the current position, the balance of the respective account and the personal tolerance of the user.

8.- Auto-trading: Evidently, the so-called backtesting contributes so that the clients make use of the negotiation based on their personal knowledge. In conjunction, users can also use prefabricated strategies of their choice.

9.- Social media and sentiment analysis tool: It is an effective tool for analysing social media and users' feelings. It is a process driven by the learning of the machine, which at the same time estimates the conditions of the cryptographic market.

10.- Market scanning: It is also a process driven by machine learning, which allows the establishment of criteria that are intended for users. It makes it possible to identify the type of volatility expected, among other outstanding characteristics.

ONAM's positioning at present:

Today, there are many digital coin exchange offices hosted on the Internet. The diversity is wide and absolute.

Each of these has a different nature and special characteristics, which in some opportunities are similar, and in others, differ. Like any platform with a digital interface, it seeks to position itself on the Internet, working daily and arduously to ensure rapid scalability towards the first place of preference and reference for users. It seems like an impossible dream, but it is not for ONAM, that is to say, for its human talent that with dedication, constancy and proven knowledge, works to achieve it.

There is no doubt that ONAM's immediate objective is to become the stock exchange (online exchange house) with the highest capacity and best value for money in the digital currency market. In order to achieve this, its internal core ensures that traders have all the tools they need.

The following graph clearly shows the difference between ONAM and some of the main stock exchanges (digital currency exchange houses), as well as the differences in commissions.

Source: Blog Steemit: Originalworks

The ONAM financial ecosystem:

Commercially and digitally speaking, ONAM's financial ecosystem is designed for the distribution, storage, purchase-sale and exchange of a native token. Accordingly, in the continuity of time it will offer users an electronic currency called "ONAM" based on the value "ERC-20" corresponding to the Blockchain of Ethereum (ETH).

Consequently, it will have its initial offer period (ICO), and in the same instance, the exchange in the platform and interface, will be between that digital currency (ONAM), Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH);but, not before the user is properly registered on the ONAM platform and interface, through the AML and KYC verification processes.

The process related to the sale of tokens began on October 1, 2018, and ends on December 21 of the same year. It is planned to allocate 195M for the crowdsale, and 300 M tokens in total.

Source: onam.io

Source: onam.io

Source: onam.io

Roadmap of ONAM:

ONAM's exact roadmap was established as evidenced by the image below:

Source: onam.io

Integrated services in ONAM:

The multilanguage service is one of the digital attractions at ONAM. It allows communication between people who use different languages. Its usefulness facilitates the interaction between the qualified personnel of the electronic currency exchange and its users.

The telephone number for making calls and receiving technical advice had already been commented on for a reasonable period, and is therefore used to provide the number in use, as well as the e-mail id.

Source: onam.io

Team ONAM:

They say that "behind every good man, there is always a good woman" (from the world's popular saying). It should be equally understood that behind every business organization, whether traditional or online, there is an organized work team, capable of responding to the interests and needs of users or customers.

ONAM has to its credit a group of men and women with adequate academic and technical training, which enables them to face the responsibilities and challenges of the immediate environment.

The Team

Source: onam.io

The advisory board

Source: onam.io

The human talent profile of ONAM, includes:

1.- Immediate response capacity.
2.- Academic and technical training.
3.- Responsibility
4.- Situational leadership.
5.- Commitment and cohesion with work.
6.- Empathy.
7.- Mutual help and cooperation.
8.- Vision of the future.
9.- Constancy and dedication.

Further information on the strategy: "ONAM for Entrepreneurs":

Early mention was made of the "ONAM for Entrepreneurs" strategy. Now, it is appropriate to expand a little more information on this point or aspect, taking as reference points, the indicators:

1.- Strategys of education.
2.- Strategys of training.
3.- Strategys of awareness.
4.- Strategys of promotion.
5.- Strategys of recruitment.
6.- Strategys of reinvestment and feedback.

Personal Image created whit Power Point

The initiative consists of providing the basic conditions to attract the attention and participation of the business sector, based on strategies that encourage education, training, awareness, promotion, capture, reinvestment and feedback in areas such as: (a) online economy and commerce; (b) digital currencies; (c) blockchain; (d) network decentralization; among others.

To achieve the objective from ONAM you should try to visit: (a) industrial zones; (b) shopping centers; and (c) other marketable areas. This is practically an activity that can be carried out by the users of ONAM, either in person or online.

Uses Case:

Oliver has a small, dynamic and productive business that generates enough dividends in fiat currency, but when he hears about online commerce, digital currencies, blockchain and decentralization, he is interested in participating in the cryptographic financial market. However, he does not have the necessary knowledge for his initiation in this sub-sector of the economy.

Source: Pixabay

He searched several digital currency exchange houses on the Internet, but had not achieved anything concrete, until he obtained information about ONAM. From that moment on, with the help and guidance of qualified personnel, Oliver began to venture into the world of online commerce and crypto currencies, obtaining notions about blockchain, decentralization and other topics of interest to him.

For Oliver, it is vital to receive information through telephone calls, chat or with support tickets through the Internet. Now, he feels that he has made enough progress in the digitals currency market, and feels that he is able to invest in the platform and interface of ONAM.

Monic is a classroom teacher in a prestigious school in the city where he lives. During school hours, his students ask him a lot about digital coins, digital currency exchange houses, blockchain and decentralization. She is not sufficiently documented. However, she searched the Internet for information, and prepared to give a talk to the students under her charge.

Source: Pixabay

When the opportunity arose, Monic took advantage of one hour of classes to provide information to her students. When referring to a digital currency exchange, the eloquent lady spoke to the students about ONAM, making known to all its advantages and benefits online, in the context of the online economy, digital coins, blockchain and decentralization, as they are parallel but inherent themes.

The students were satisfied with the information provided by the classroom teacher, and Monic was pleased with her performance with the young people who are educated and trained to be better humans, people and citizens.

Integrative synthesis:

Within the set of characteristics of ONAM the ones linked to the online security of the platform and interface are highlighted, with emphasis on the systems adopted and adapted computationally speaking, to guarantee the protection of private and confidential data, as well as in the transactions executed by the users.

It is essential that ONAM has services such as DDoS Mitigation, 2FA solutions and anti-phishing, because they give the platform a greater guarantee of security along with its online interface.

For the human talent of ONAM it is vital to align to the international laws and regulations, with total attachment to the legal principles that allow to legislate in each country that is part of the terrestrial sphere.

Therefore, the establishment of behavioral patterns in accordance with the application of regulations is fundamental for the good performance of the operations assumed by the staff from ONAM, and agrees with the indicators within the profile of the men and women who occupy important positions within the platform.

Source: Whitepaper

ONAM, with its low rates in the digital currency market, allows the opening of the necessary media and channels to attract more investors. This is an internal strategy designed and created to complement production processes. However, the supervision of the values of the digital currencies circulating in the cryptographic market should not be neglected, in order to avoid a commercial imbalance that, on the one hand, produces losses and, on the other hand, drives away potential investors, with badly managed administrative and economic policies.

The adoption of different digital currencies within the platform from ONAM, is a favorable point that predestines and predicts acceptable levels of implicit interface scalability. The greater the amount of circulating digital assets, the greater the profitability and the greater the direct benefits.

One of the significant advantages of ONAM, is the ability to manage 10 million transactions per second, considered a unique and record achievement in the field of digital currency trading. Note that in other platforms, the highest level of executed transactions does not exceed 2 million.

Customer service is a key issue for the human capital of ONAM, since the success of the platform will depend in part on the strategies in this area. Customer service must begin with the adequate training of the personnel employed, who must meet a set of personal and professional conditions to perform a position.

The services integrated in ONAM, such as the call center, chat room, and support tickets, are a perfect complement to increase effectiveness and affectivity in the area of customer service.

The services integrated in ONAM, such as the call center, chat room, and support tickets, are a perfect complement to increase effectiveness and affectivity in the area of customer service.


ONAM was conceived and created as a platform with a computational architecture, friendly, without operational complications, with the idea of setting the tone in the online economy market, as this is a spearhead in the new alternative socio-economic systems.

It focuses on key aspects such as security, scalability, transparency, customer service, liquidity and compliance, being determining factors for the proper functioning of the platform interface under consideration, with the support and consent of active users.

It is feasible that, in addition to its online nature, the necessary means and conditions can be created to go further, towards the offline context, as proposed with the strategy "ONAM for Entrepreneurs", including the approach of little explored economic spaces, where human capital abounds with real investment possibilities.

Source: Pixabay
(Image Modified with Photoshop)

Perhaps this is not due to the nature of ONAM, but with all certainty, the vision of the future prevails, which becomes unrenounceable, when it is a sub-sector of the productive society and with a positive and unstoppable projection.

Therefore, the human capital that manages the actions of the interface of the platform under consideration, as well as the users, can direct the actions towards the massification of the actions and activities aimed at educating and raising awareness in tacit topics, which allow training people in areas such as online commerce, digital currencies, blockchain and decentralization.

There is full awareness of the scope of technology and alternative economies, from which the use and boom of electronic currencies stands out, and all that it implies, but it is also true that more people still need to be included in the proposed scenario, in this case, through ONAM.

The focus is:
¡To be leaders in the cryptographic transactions market!

ONAM Links

Finally, all links that redirect people in general to each of the websites related to ONAM are provided:



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