IoT technology at the service of society

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)
    Technology represents a significant advance for the development of human, animal and plant life on the terrestrial plane. It enables a variety of simple or complex activities to be carried out using state-of-the-art equipment, devices and tools. Methods, techniques and strategies to facilitate the flow of information through digital networks, are quickly and securely interconnected.

Year after year, new opportunities arise to advance technologically, and thus, the achievements are innumerable, positive, satisfactory, usable in different sub-sectors or areas of modern society, which is characterized by the manipulation of large amounts of information, both traditionally and digitally; and this way, one can speak or write about the "Internet of Things", known by its initials: "IoT".


The Internet of Things (IoT) far surpasses the progress of modern technology itself, both in architecture and in the speed and security of the Internet network. This is undoubtedly one of the purposes of the current technological era, and this is how the great visionaries who evolve with time in modernity have understood and assumed it. The objective, in any case, is to improve the processes related to the storage and distribution of diverse information in real time. Technologically IoT, points towards that objective.

It is a concrete fact that, on the Internet, the interfaces of the multiple active platforms are focused on the following premises:

1.- Security.
2.- Storage.
3.- Circulation (Distribution).
4.- Exchange.

The technology Iot effectively contributes in the improvement of each one of the previously mentioned premises, which in turn, constitute necessary and unavoidable computational processes within the current computing environment.

But, is security, circulation, storage, exchange and reciprocity possible in a single digital interface?

Definitely yes, thanks to The interface aspects of the platform in question, which is part of the IoT technology, are discussed below.

NOTE: The Non-Profit Association (which functions as an association of people) must be differentiated from (which functions as an electronic platform and interface).

What is is a non-profit civil association, founded in Singapore late last year (2018). It is essentially a multifunctional project based on IoT technology, whose specific mission is as follows:

1.- Data Security.
2.- Data Circulation.
3.- Sharing Data.
4.- Data Transactions.

In this way, it coincides with the functions of the Internet, in terms of digital operation in real time, quickly, safely and efficiently.

The philosophical conception of starts from the principle of ionization, a process demonstrated by the famous Swedish physicist Arrhenius, who at the right time considered that in the same way as molecules and atoms, ions are also basic particles of matter; and by analogy this means that becomes part of the ecocysteme of the Internet of Things (IoT). focuses its processes towards the unification of criteria and efforts to enhance the interconnectivity between the thousands and millions of intelligent devices worldwide.


Mission of has as its supreme goal, to become a leading organization in the planning and execution of electronic policies aimed at facilitating the flow of digital information, in real time, with the highest security on the Internet, speed and efficiency.

Vision of aims to encompass social spaces where technology plays a preponderant role, offering state-of-the-art methods, techniques, strategies and tangible elements, thus contributing to the development and consolidation of the post-modern digital era.

Administrative Policies of practically deals with the factors that are immediately stated:

1.- Qualified human capital.
2.- Capacity for immediate response.
3.- Latest generation equipment and raw material.
4.- Availability of platform and avant-garde digital interface.
5.- Optimization of digital communications.
6.- Improvement of IoT technology.
7.- Advances in technological research.

Duties and responsibilities of the platform:

Within the wide range of duties and responsibilities attributable to the IONChain platform, the following stands out:

1.- Governance (direction) of the ecosystem as a whole.
2.- Admission of IO devices.
3.- Establishment of basic rules for data transfer.
4.- Administration of the economy in the platform and interface.
5.- Establishment of guidelines for casting votes in the community.
6.- Permanent research.
7.- Development of Dapps and other digital alternatives.

Scope and limitations of is characterised by its dedication to digital market research, i.e. the modern Internet and communications network, improving with significant contributions aspects inherent to the progression of connectivity and proliferation of information in real time, based on IoT technology.

Source: Pixabay
(Image modified with Photoshop)

In the same way, it recognizes that the digital age is in continuous development and growth and that therefore, some aspects still require theoretical and practical improvements, such as, for example, in areas such as the speed of connectivity, size of electronic devices and other topics that should not be ignored.

Limitations, therefore, are subject to tertiary factors, such as data transmission speed, number of interconnected electronic devices, and the size of these; but these are factors that depend largely on external agents a

SWOT matrix of

Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths and various Threats are present in the evolution of Next, the most outstanding indicators in each of these areas will be reflected:

Table 1: SWOT Matrix
Source: Personal

Regarding Weaknesses and Threats, which are external to, the idea is to address and overcome them in order to support the appropriate operational level of the platform, together with the interface.

Challenge and reality of has as its defined objective that all computational parameters are established to achieve equality in technical processes, as an action totally independent of the devices implemented at a given time and place.

Source: Pixabay

1.- Speed in Data Transmission:

Assuming that IOT technology seeks to transmit and exchange various data in real time, the speed of the digital connection is paramount. Consequently, it adheres to the pre-established criteria regarding the tacit topic and, in that sense, advances assertively.

From that instance, recognizes the progress of the Internet, through the years, and the stages corresponding to the level of speed offered, adjusting to the requirements of the network in general, and the needs of cybernauts or users.

Currently, works depending on bandwidth, and standards related to specific levels, which as is well known, has evolved from "ARPANET" through "EDGE" technology, and "WI-FI", reaching the 4G and 5G era; and the proximity of the "LI-FI" signal cannot be excluded.

Source: Pixabay

2.- Number of electronic devices used:

Another variant to consider by is the number of electronic devices connected to the Internet, because it obviously affects the speed of data transmission, moderately or drastically.

It is a fact that the greater the number of electronic devices connected by an equal number of users, the speed of data transmission on the Internet will slow exponentially, creating a barrier, which of course can be overcome by applying the corrective measures indicated.

It is a basic and unavoidable requirement, the not saturation of the Internet network, with a high number of interconnected electronic devices, unless the network is efficient and the data speed optimal. That is why the technical conditions must be suitable so that the processes corresponding to the technology Iot, take place in a satisfactory way and without setbacks, as it devised, planned and is raised with

Source: Pixabay

3.- The size of digital devices applicable to IoT technology:

Another factor considered by is the size of the devices connected to IoT technology. Presumably, the larger these devices are, the larger the internal components (processors, capacitors, resistors, etc.) are required, and thus the higher energy consumption and the slowdown of the system due to the heating effect is estimated.

Because of what is considered in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to use smaller pieces, but with the necessary power to allow the realization of the electronic processes required within the dynamics of IoT technology.

Therefore, taking into account that the specific purpose of IoT technology is the collection, storage and distribution of daily life data in real time (home, educational institutions, health, workplaces, etc.), based on safety, speed and efficiency, focuses the action on a platform with a user-friendly interface, which offers practical integral solutions, contributing to the massification of digitized information, but taking into account the aforementioned factors beforehand, which depend to a great extent on the action of third parties. and decentralization on the Internet:

The emergence of Blockchain brought with it the possibilities of decentralizing the Internet. In the past, most of the actions were carried out by a "digital government" (administrators, small groups of users, among others); however, at present, the gap is widening progressively and gradually, giving the opportunity to all users, on equal terms.

Source: Pixabay

Previously, due to Internet centralization, users confined to non-participation in digital platforms and interfaces lacked the possibilities to control the information they provided to the network. Now, if possible, thanks to decentralization.

Decentralization also creates a shield against attacks by computer criminals, thus creating the minimum and maximum conditions to offer security, privacy, transparency and trust.

In contemporary times is responsible for the development of its own Blockchain, which allows, in general terms, give solution to the problems currently manifested in the collection, transmission, security and other processes related to data on the Internet.

The democratic character of

The decentralization of leads to the adoption of a "Democratic Government" in the context of the digital platform and interface, with the direct participation of users with equal opportunities for voice and vote, sometimes requiring consensus on issues of general interest.


The parity established from the democratization of the platform and interface of will offer all active users the same margins of action both theoretically and practically, and in contexts such as functionality and economy, among others of equal significance.

Technology and Structure Iot:

The basic operations of, are based on IoT technology, which brings together hardware, software and Humanware specialized in the Internet of Things.

From the previous conception, everything supports the creation of the practical conditions to generate the computational processes that become the use of the Internet, in each and every one of the activities that are executed in the sub-sectors and areas of modern society.

Operationally, IoT technology is structured as follows:

1.- Architecture of 3 Levels (perception, network and application).
2.- 5-level architecture (perception, transport, process, application and business). pays attention to each of the previously mentioned levels, as they are considered to be of real importance in the execution of the processes that characterize IoT technology.

Devices that can be used in IoT technology:

Within the range of IoT devices usable in explicit technology, they should be mentioned:

1.- Sensors (Physical, Chemical and Biochemical).
2.- Actuators (Motors, Servomotors, Stepper Motors and Solenoid Valves).
3.- Mobile telephones -Smartphones- (accelerometers, magnetometer and gyroscope). -Source: González y López-

Source: Pixabay

They are also used in combination, with equal results in the collection, storage and distribution of data in real time, to speed up the actions and activities of everyday life, as suggested by the Internet of Things. and the EDGE Computing System:, is aware of the future of humanity in charge of computing, robotics, and accordingly, computers interconnected as nodes, in conjunction with other electronic devices (intelligent) will be of wide use, high commercial demand and functionality.

Software´s and hardware´s, must be directed towards meeting the basic interests and needs of modern society. At the same time, the human talent in computer science, must comply with the duty to provide the best of itself, to achieve objectives and goals.

Source: Whitepaper IONChain

The implicit technology, in correspondence can be used in IoT to minimize the impact of the high density of data that is stored and circulated on the Internet network. It is characterized by the integration of the following elements: (a)Network; (b)Computing; (c) Storage; and (d) Edge applications.

EDGE technology is an alternative action that offers a solution in the field of fast connectivity (internet speed), which is as previously stated, one of the latent problems both in the network and in IoT technology. EDGE Computing will allow a greater radius of protection and security over the data supplied to IONChain's IoT platform, while guiding users on the proper use of the supply and how to share personal, private or confidential information.

The Ionization Algorithm at

Now is the time to refer to the "Ionization Algorithm" inherent in , which will generally allow each of the IO devices on the network to act as a "miner", provided with a reward system that will be subject to indicators such as: (a) volume; and (b) time.

This in turn opens the compass of possibilities for reconciling the computational trilogy, based on the use of an intelligent electronic device, an identification code, and a native digital currency for rewards.

One Device, One Coin, One Code


In the future, the aim of, is to establish partnerships with startups, global manufacturers and the like, to advance jointly in the physical integration of codes of electronic and intelligent devices until they have a kind of identifier in the IONChain network.

This initiative will create the primary conditions to make the used IoT devices unique, secure and standardized; at the same time it will be integrated with the IONChain software, and consequently, establish the protocols related to data processing in the IoT network, earning rewards for executed data transactions.

IPFS file system at

It is evident that through the blockchain technology a high amount of encrypted data is manipulated, and consequently, the internet speed becomes slow, difficult, representing a limitation.

Source: Pixabay

It is therefore vital to integrate IPFS files (Inter Planetary File System) to address the process of origin of transactions without compromising access to relevant data, when storage is distributed to large numbers of IO devices.

It becomes evident that, with the Ionization Algorithm and IPFS Files, what is sought is to minimize the computational impact by manipulating large amounts of data in real time, which is specifically the superior purpose of IoT technology.

Computational architecture of

The computational architecture (structure) of depends on the "Ionization Algorithm", which within the computer processes implicit in the platform and interface addressed, will schematize the separation of value creation and the subsequent transfer of this cryptographic attribute.

Source: Pixabay

The computer processes are therefore focused on the creation and processing of data locally, from the use of electronic devices, intelligent, but unilaterally, to complete the process by connecting to the Blockchain of formed by all IO devices that interact articulately.

Generation and transfer of value in

The generation and transfer of value in are two different processes, each with several stages, as immediately reflected:

Table 2: Value Generation

Value generation
Information is processed and stored on each intelligent device individually. The data is converted to a standard format and passed on to value verification.
Verification of value:
This is the friendly part as blockchain. The data are processed through a PoW / PoS combination consensus mechanism exclusive to IONChain.
Evaluation of value:
This is where data is authenticated and protected from double-spending attacks.
Value confirmation:
The data is confirmed, and IONC is generated.

Table 3: Value Transfer

Layer number:
Application Layer.
Service Layer.
Protocol layer.
Intelligent Contract Layer.
Blockchain layer.
Data Storage Layer.

Source: Whitepaper

Economic model of

Like every platform and interface with Blockchain itself, has its official token: "IONC". This digital asset can be acquired by all users of the implicit ecosystem, as long as they invest the stipulated amount of fiat money. The token launch will last approximately 20 years.

After this period, the "Administrative Committee" selected by consensus, based on the voice and vote of the users, will be empowered to decide whether or not to relaunch it. To do so, the number of devices integrated in the platform and Blockchain interface will be taken into account for

Source: Pixabay

The amount of circulating data and tokens issued by Blockchain will also be estimated; which means that, depending on these three specific factors, it will be the fluctuation of the cryptographic value: "IONC".

This means that the "IONC" token will be used to reward IO devices that are part of the IONChain ecosystem and users who with their digital actions allow the fluctuation of data. Another interesting fact is that the supply of token, each year will depend on the demand for access to IoT devices and data in circulation.

It is important to note that the "IONC" token has an upper limit (like Bitcoin), and at the same time, it is made known that it is the only digital currency available and authorized in the IONChain ecosystem.

Distribution of the Token IONC

The distribution of the "IONC" token is as follows:

Source: Whitepaper IONChain

One Device, One Coin, One Code

Smart contracts on

The cryptographic market involves the process of storing, exchanging, buying and selling and distributing digital coins. In view of this principle, it is an unavoidable requirement to conclude intelligent contracts, which estimate the points or aspects concerning.

This is an exchange of data, in addition to the transaction of the authority with respect to the operation to be carried out. Intelligent contracts are customizable and adapt to certain scenarios and real circumstances, allowing direct interaction between devices and people, and between devices and devices, along with the transfer of value through the decentralized network. (Blockchain IONChain).

Internet of Things and Real Usability:

Who can doubt that the Internet is currently one of humanity's best inventions? Who can doubt the high demand for interconnected nodes worldwide? Who can doubt the usefulness of information technology and its derivatives? Who can doubt the usability of IoT technology, i.e. the "Internet of Things"?

In order to answer all the above questions, it is reasonable to make a retrospective analysis of the situation of the usability of traditional Internet, and also (it is the central theme) of "Internet of Things".

From 1969, when "Arpanet" appears, to the present day, each of the changes and achievements achieved by the Internet are visible and verifiable. It is believed that the number of users of the digital network exceeds 50% of the world's population, which means that the number of people connected, amounts to 4,000 million, according to the documentary source consulted. (Source: M4Ecommerce).

Source: Pixabay

If it is a question of "Internet of things", the year 2009 can be pointed out as the beginning of the use of both the term and the actions that conceptualize and contextualize the use of Internet in innumerable subsectors, areas and human activities. In which, of course, representatives of terrestrial fauna and flora participate. By the way, this is a terminology attributable to Kevin Anston, according to the reference source consulted. (Source: Bruno Cendon).

In short, the Internet is used in most sub-sectors, areas and activities related to human beings, animals and plants of the terrestrial environment; and because it is present in all these forms of organization, the theory of the "Internet of Things" arises.

Progress and Profitability of Internet of Things:

Internet of Things, in its conception and contextualization is in a flourishing stage. It can be said that practically, in its beginnings, to be exact. Thus, it is most likely that in the continuity of time its progress will be accelerated and highly productive, generating profitability in the sub-sector of online commerce (e-commerce). Here, it is a priority to contextualize what the Internet has been, traditionally.

Source: CISCO

Figure 1 shows that in 2003, the world population was 6300 million people, with 500 million devices connected to the Internet. The number of devices connected per person is considered to be in 0.8.

By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be 7.6 billion people on planet earth, and 50000 million devices connected to the Internet. It is also estimated that the number of devices per person with conecction to the Internet will be 6.58.

The exponential growth of the Internet is a materialistic fact, depending directly on the number of people in the terrestrial orb and the number of electronic devices connected to the network. This suggests imminent progress denoting greater interconnectivity, data storage and exchange, and use of IoT devices.

The real reach of Internet of Things, and Use Cases:

The "Internet of Things" encompasses a number of sub-sectors, areas and activities where human, animal and plant presence is evident. Thus, the construction sub-sector is one of the main ones. It is followed by the sub-sectors of traffic and roads, health, education, and others.

First case:

Joseph and Louisa have a company that distributes automotive parts and supplies for vehicles. Commercially they are doing well, and month after month, the number of parts in the warehouse increases. It is no longer possible to manually register and control storage operations, and by traditional digital means, it is also impossible.

Both learn about the existence and operability of and decide to consult their human capital, as IoT technology experts. After an analysis of commercial strategies, the professionalized personnel of the company regent of the service (Internet of Things) offers to Joseph and Louise a Work Plan, that will allow to maintain a Record and Digital Control of the existing pieces in warehouse, counting with the electronic devices and specific software.

After the implementation of the Work Plan offered by, Joseph and Louise saw a positive advance in keeping the Register and Control in the Warehouse of Automotive Parts and Supplies.

Second case:

Charles has a small health care provider (a private clinic) that specializes in care for the elderly. There, it requires that at least in the Emergency Room and Intensive Care, there is an Automatic Monitoring System of Vital Signs.

But, Charles, he has not the remotest idea of how to get that service. He gets to know about the existence and functioning of and decides to consult his specialized human capital, about the possibilities of creating the system of automatic monitoring of vital signs, which he requires in his private clinic; and they offer him a Work Plan adjusted to the specific interests and needs in the health sub-sector.

The professional staff of designs and installs the System of Automatic Monitoring of Vital Signs, which regulates the ambient temperature, artificial lighting, and in addition, with the appropriate devices, you can in this private clinic, monitor the vital signs of patients, namely: (a) heart rate; (b) respiratory rate; (c) pulse; and (d) body temperature.

Integrative Synthesis is presented as a viable alternative in the computational context, with the aim of researching, educating, raising awareness and deepening the development of computer policies that lead to the concretion of the processes required to increase the use of the Internet of Things.

From the actions of a social, technological, computer and cryptographic impact is achieved to a great extent, with positive repercussions at an organizational and business level, that must be taken advantage of to the maximum, in function of the consolidation of the Internet of the Things, that by the way, facilitate an endless number of own activities of the development of the life, in the human, animal and vegetal spectra., is par excellence, a platform with a friendly interface, which guarantees the incursion of Internet users in the field of the Internet of Things, from a philosophical, procedural, sociological and computational conception, which fills a gap in the construction and consolidation of strategies aimed at providing solutions to practical problems, and thus, move forward with regard to IoT technology. also delves into socio-technological market research, based on the usefulness of the Internet, which includes what is known as the Internet of Things. It determines in theory and practice, the need to plan and execute actions tending to the formation, qualification and training of Internet users, so that they get involved in the development of actions in the search of viable alternatives that promote the Internet of Things, being the specific purpose is, the intercommunication between people and devices in the processes of storage and processing of data, in real time, making contributions and concrete proposals that improve the quality of life of people.

On the other hand, EDGE Computing technology allows the Internet of Things to fluctuate faster, without setbacks due to the immense amount of data processed, which generally makes the network slower. It is basically a computational option that adjusts to the requirements and needs of the network referred to the Internet of Things.

In the order of the economic model of it is unavoidable the importance of having a native digital currency, which among other actions of the Blockchain IONChain, guarantee the operation of the platform, offering cryptographic and economic benefits to users, in equal conditions for all interacting parties.

The strategy "One device, one Code, one Currency" characterizes the functional dynamics of, which is equivalent to the transactions carried out by any device added to the IoT network, after identification with a code, and then cryptographically rewarded, as happens with the digital currency: "IOTC".

All this is estimated in search of mass adoption, which will depend in part on the good actions performed, and the multiplication of these over time.

Finally, the standardization of the processes inherent to IoT technology is considered a premise, as a response to a practical problem, in which equality is sought both in the IoT devices, as well as in the software, hardware and other elements of the technology under consideration.

Links to platforms related to

Telegram Team:

As in other platforms and digital interfaces,, has a team of people, with suitable training, appropriate training, and willingness to face challenges and commitments in the present and future.

Immediately, part of the work team can be viewed from


This is a group of men and women, able to interpret the world, reality, and offer proposals to improve the quality of life, based on the Internet of Things.


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Gracias, amigo...

Big congrats to you @jessfrendcor. The @originalworks weekly contest is now becoming more and more competitive as every week pass by.
I fell within the 12 steem reward category with this entry

After period of different offline struggles, I finally came across the blockchain space and saw how it can impart and empower one financially and spiritually.

My current struggles is centered around securing an accommodation. As a young African from a country with poor economy and a period of recession, I find it difficult doing this on my own despite my hustle with low-paying jobs.
After my failed attempt to raise fund over 4 months ago through this steemit post campaign

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Here is one of the bounty program I participated in which require at least 100 votes to be considered for a reward.

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I will also very much appreciated all support made directly in steem.

Thank you and God bless.
I wish you more continued success in all endeavors of life.

Your contribution is very integral to make this a success.
Thank you once more

I really love this, what a nice job.

Thank you, friend!!!

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