Organ Harvesting in Haiti 2: A Webb companionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #organharvesting8 years ago (edited)

In my last piece on Haiti, I outlined a tentative complimentary/ alternative theory to George Webb’s Mirebalais University Hospital hypothesis.

Webb believes that the Mirebalais Hospital is where the Organ Harvesting is taking place in Haiti. Organ Harvesting as part of 'the spoils of war', a profitable and growing black market business. The hospital is in a remote location away from the major population center of Port-au-Prince.

I found another hospital in the north that I believe has the potential to be a second location where organ removal/ trafficking/ transplantations may occur.

L’Hopital La Coeur Sacré (The Sacred Heart Hospital) is located south of the port city of Cap-Haitian in the town of Milot. It too is in a remote area, but La Coeur Sacré (HCS) is conveniently located closer to: The Caracol Industrial Park (Clinton Foundation), the new Forte Liberte Prison, the sea port at Cap-Haitian as well as the airport.

25 mins to airport – 51 mins to Port Cap-Haitian

Town of Milot



HCS compound

As I mentioned previously, the Mayo Clinic has connections to the Haitian Hospital as well as an NGO called CRUDEM (Center for Rural Development of Milot). Cardiovascular teams make regular visits from the US to provide much needed medical care and support. CRUDEM has been providing assistance to the people of northern Haiti for over 30 years.


In my initial research into the Sacred Heart Hospital I relied mainly on a pdf from 2004 that gave a brief overview of the hospital and the CRUDEM teams. I have since found more pertinent information in regards to the hospital, its partners and operations.

Since the 2010 earthquake, La Coeur Sacre has experienced a major transformation. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake the hospital underwent rapid expansion to meet the needs of the crisis.

The hospital grew from 73 beds to 420 bed hospital in 2 weeks. In the wake of the disaster, more than 1000 patients received surgical care at HCS.

Today, HCS provides care for the entire surrounding area and an estimated 225,000 people.

A tent city sprang up in the adjacent banana plantation across from the hospital, there’s no doubt that the services provided by HCS were, and still are, critical to the local population.

From the CRUDEM Foundation website, under Services:

The US Navy, US Coast Guard and various other hospitals and NGOs sent many of the most critically injured to Hôpital Sacré Coeur because of its capacity and expertise to treat them.

This is an interesting passage as the US Navy hospital ship Comfort was also in the area providing vital medical support during the crisis.

Partners of L’Hopital la Coeur Sacre and CRUDEM

My theory on HCS was based on information provided by Webb in his working theory on Haiti. Much of Webb’s investigation into Haiti revolves around, not just the Clinton Foundation, but a coordinated effort by factions within a number of US government agencies to destabilize nations and profit from the aftermath. The US State Department which was under the guidance of Hillary Clinton at the time of the 2010 earthquake, played a leading role, as did the Clinton Foundation and USAID in the (de)stabilizaiton of Haiti.

According to CRUDEM website major partners of the NGO and HCS are:

1) US State Department

2) United States Agency on International Development (USAID)

3) Center for Disease Control (CDC)

CRUDEM has transformed into a major operation and has modernized considerably since planting roots 30 years ago.

It now has a mobile clinic, new outpatient clinic, radiology department, pediatrics, ICU, corporate sponsors, government partnerships, as well as employing over 200 staff members.

Webb on Vaccinations

In the introduction to “Day 101” Webb pointed to a certain steemit article called: Dyncorp, Vaccinations and Me that provides an overview of how DynPort (DynCorp), Baxter Pharma and the CDC collude in the development of viruses and vaccines in order to create a demand for and generate substantial profits through the process. This corrupt practice is literally and figuratively, a sickening business model in Haiti and has been repeated in other conflict zones.

Relevant links

  1. Shady in Haiti – DynCorp Infiltration of Haitian Police
  1. The Vaccine Industry, the CDC, You and Me

The CRUDEM website highlights its partnership with the CDC and also provides information on vaccination programs conducted throughout the region.

There’s also a page dedicated to infectious diseases that are present and/or endemic in Haiti. Cholera, Rabies, Tetanous, Typhoid and Malaria are all present on the island.

Most of these diseases are common place in tropical and subtropical regions, but not in the case of Cholera in Haiti.
It’s been well documented that Nepalese UN Troops are responsible for bringing Cholera to Haiti.

This is a painful and uncomfortable pill to swallow for the UN since we know that UN troops, supplied/trained by DynCorp, introduced Cholera to Haiti that infecetd over half a milion and caused thousands of preventable deaths. Before the quake there had never been a recorded case of Cholera in Haiti. Furthermore, the CDC/ USAID/ CRUDEM have created a vaccination program with HCS to combat outbreaks of disease, including cholera, in the northern regions of the country.

CRUDEM’s program provides vaccinations to approximately 150,000 Haitians in the area.

Knowing what we know about the CDC acting as a vaccine company, DynCorp’s presence throughout Haiti in the HNP (Haitian National Police), DynPort’s history with the CDC and the H1N1 virus/vaccine, their involvement with HCS and CRUDEM is extremely troubling.

Diclaimer 1

I do not have evidence of any organ harvesting by CRUDEM / HCS / Mayo Clinic, I'm simply adding this as a possible location where it could possibly occur.

What we have here is a situation where a hospital and a humanitarian NGO are partnered with CDC, and the CDC has a history of corruption/collusion with DynCorp.

Government contracts in Haiti are granted by the State Department and through USAID.
DynCorp has billions of dollars in US government contracts much of them issued by the State Department and/or USAID.


New information about CRUDEM and La Coeur Sacre’s partnerships with the CDC, USAID and the State Department and the institution’s rapid post-quake expansion, demands increased scrutiny of the Hospital and its programs. In my opinion, these findings increase the likelihood that an organ harvesting program exists at the site.

Disclaimer 2

I have worked with NGOs in Africa to improve healthcare conditions in poor regions. I know how vital healthcare services are and I do not doubt for a second that the majority of people and programs here are providing essential humanitarian aid.

I believe that the majority of activities involved in organ trafficking are compartmentalized and the average volunteer, ngo worker or doctor has no idea that this is even taking place around them.

But considering the history of Dyncorp / the CDC / USAID and State Department, we cannot blindly put our faith in these agencies and companies. We must investigate further.

I hope George Webb sees this and takes it into consideration.


Wow great article , I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening nothing shocks me anymore some of the horrific things thats going on in the world right now ... makes you apprechiate what we have in life .thanks for the great very eye opening read

Something I missed the first time around - another interesting partnership between CRUDEM and the Order of Malta (Jesuit order of the Catholic Church).

They have a website:

A few interesting points are that they are engaged in Syria and I found this recent article about how the Pope asked the Grand Majestrate of the Order of Malta to resigned, which he did. Apparently it is related to a cover-up -

In a statement in December, the order said Boeselager was removed "due to severe problems which occurred during Boeselager's tenure as grand hospitaller of the Order of Malta and his subsequent concealment of these problems from the Grand Magistry." It was widely reported the problems had to do with the distribution of contraceptives to prevent HIV/AIDS in health clinics run by or funded by Malteser International, the order's humanitarian relief agency.

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