Greener is cleaner?? Or cleaner is greener?

in #ophumanangels6 years ago (edited)

Good morning ya'll!!! Today is trash day.. time to go out and clean up our planet... since i'm always camping there's always a dirt road on the way in littered with trash..

I saw a challenge by @hickorymack about cleaning up a movement i'm definately behind... and not to be outdone by @lyndsaybowes and her #grownassman bag of trash I headed out...


Of course I ain't got no trash bags but I'm not scared to ask the neighbors...


Alrighty then... let's head out...


This is where the camp grounds start so this is where i'm going to start...


A couple views..



Damn. A blank canvas and me with no paint..


A fork in the road.. there's my bag of loot so far..


At the end of the road.. with trash from 1 side...


Time for the walk back and the other side of the road..


Almost back... this bag is getting pretty heavy..


Is that a lot of trash?... Is the Pope Catholic?


So whether you say greener is cleaner or vice versa.. iy don't matter.. just go do something about it.

Peace out ya'll

PS... contributions for garbage bags gladly accepted.


From the pictures, I've gotta say the place looks so clean, but you still managed to get a hefty load of trash. Good job on cleaning up the place. One of the things that infuriate me about tourists is how they litter everywhere. That paradigm is changing with more clean up committees etc but we're still ridiculously wasteful. It's really nice to see people making a difference all around the world. You also did it entirely by yourself, so kudos for that!

Ooh, you and @lyndsaybowes with your #grownassman bags of trash. I'm gonna have to do one, too. But not this weekend. I just had a tooth pulled.

I need one pulled. I've had a abyss tooth for a month now

Nooo, I'm sorry. You have my empathy.

HAHAA!! No rush Phe!

I have thrown a dime in your hat for more garbage bags!

Now you are entertaining us with adventure AND cleaning up the planet.

You have earned your bowl my friend and I will blaze one on your honour.

Thanks. Puff puff pass..

You are entertaining and clearing the planet with our courage
Show respect for you.

Good for you Dave <3 <3 <3 Thanks for doing this!!

Good work @davedickeyyall ..samp you more than I get ...

Holy shit hahaha!! Okay, you got me there wow!!!! I cannot believe the amount of trash you found, great work :) :) :) So many smiles!!

Thanks ... I knew you'd enjoy ... #grownassman bags of trash!! 🤪😃👍👍❤

Great Job! Our new superhero @davedickeyyall. Way to go. If we had just one person in every area do what you are doing, our planet would be a much better place. Much love. Keep it coming

Agreed... everyone should do their part.. we're all sharing the same planet..

wow this is very excellent location i really like it , thanks for sharing .

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