Steemit open mic 50 /// Original guitar composition

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Screen Shot 2017-09-11 at 6.18.32 PM.png

Glad to participate once again for this weeks contest. Always fun to see all the great entries and the amazing talent that this community has to offer.

This track is an original untitled guitar composition using tapping techniques. If you hit a certain precise distance on the strings you’ll hit harmonic notes. So the task ahead was to use the harmonics on both the rhythm and the melody. This song is quite challenging for me to play even though I composed it...

This is for open mic 50 and if you don't know about it click here to learn more.


Absolutely BADASS!!!!!!! Gave me the chills :) :) :) Ok, so why are you not performing on a cross Canada tour? :) :) You're great!

Ah Lyndsay knowing that I have your support is the best !! Did I win a price? I don't care. Did my post made money? I don't care. Did I get some upvotes? yes, whatever. Did Lyndsay is down with my shit? She is...? YEEEEESSSSSS !!!!! Canada tour out of the question as long as I am chain to my corporate job. One day we will tour together under the banner of truth! (maybe it's gonna be only a few small cafe in NS but we will still be able to call it a Canadian tour right?) Big hugs and my best to Brendan!

AHHAAA Well that sure made me smile and laugh!!! I LOVE it!!!! :D :D :D NS Cafe tour here we come!! And I cannot wait for you to ditch the corporate life and start farming and playing music full time. Perhaps Steemit is what can make that happen! Brendan and I sending hugs back to you and Ms Julia!!! :D xoxooxoxox

This post received a 20% vote by @msp-canada courtesy of @goldenarms from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Well that was fast. This thing got created yesterday! Thankful and appreciative even if I indirectly suggest it... :P

That was really original my friend. Love the scene you shot too with the black back drop. Great lighting.


thanks. I have my own studio so that's easy. The hardest part was to play again a composition I didn't play for 2+ years. Thank you for making it happen for musicians on steemit.

Oh shit, Vach - you're creativity and talent continues to surprise me at every twist and turn! This was quite a nice bend!

I am listening your last entry at the moment and your comment popped up right when I pressed play. Are we having a mental psychic connection? Don't freak me out like that man :)

Could very well be - I wouldn't be surprised in the least! :-)

V I love it!! Once again, you nailed!

Hey thanks man! I appreciate you are listening.

you have a great talent!! we like 👍🏻

Well then I like you! I also ride my longboard or cruiser almost everyday to work :) The best time of my day usually.


C'est le genre de compo que je verrais bien sur Candyrat Records!

oui j'ai déjà pensé leur envoyer des liens et leur dire écouter ce guitariste pour votre label... Je n'aime pas tout leur musiciens mais j'aime beaucoup Pino Forastiere sous cette étiquette.

Haha! Donc, tu connais! Moi, il y en avait une couple que j'aimais bien, mais pas de noms particuliers qui me viennent en tête en ce moment. C'est le remake d'Africa de Toto par Andy McKee, que quelqu'un avait poster sur Facebook, qui m'avait fait découvrir le label.

Good stuff sir. Guitar tapping...i am going to try this one day.

Thank you so much always appreciate fellow musicians around my post. I also play guitar in traditional fashion once in awhile.

I definitely must see more of u...u will see more of my work very soon.

👏👏👏👏 Gosh that is a technique I haven't tried yet! Fabulous sound, akin to a hammer dulcimer but deeper and richer. Nice one.

Salut mon ami! Funny you mention dulcimer I have a project with a modify auto-harp played like a dulcimer I am still exerimenting and my hammer skills are not really up to part yet...

Beau travail, je suis nouveau et heureux de voir qu'il y a de place ici pour les guitaristes expérimentateurs. Je suis moi même guitariste et j''ai l'impression qu'on pourra se relancer sur des concepts de guitare contemporaine.

Merci. 1- ça fais du bien d'écrire en français de temps en temps. 2 J,ai checker ton shit et je suis 100% d'accord avec la musique que j'ai entendu. 3- mandoline compo avec le rebond du delay
clic ici pour entendre

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