Steemit Openmic Week 84: J.S. Bach Suite No.3 "Prelude" Live Performance @senzenfrenz

in #openmic6 years ago


Dear Openmic-Community,

again I am performing J.S. Bach here on Steemit Openmic. Not much left to say, just enjoy the music and if you like it feel free to upvote, comment or subscribe to my channel, I am looking forward for your response!

Thank you,


Liebe Openmic-Community,

schon wieder spiele ich Bach. Bleibt sonst nichts zu sagen, außer die Musik zu genießen und wenn Euch meine Performance gefällt, fühlt Euch frei zu upvoten, zu kommentieren oder meinem Kanal zu folgen. Ich freue mich auf Eure Rückmeldung!


Euer @senzenfrenz


Really good audio quality.

How the hell has this only received such a poor amount of upvotes and I've just seen another entry that plays the same entire 3 chords with awfull vocals recieve over $230???? This is crazy, it should be the other way round and it's things like this that just makes me not want to continue with the open mic section, it's not based about talent what so ever. Great performance bro and i really hope you get a hell of a lot more recognition for showcasing TRUE TALENT.

I empathize entirely my brother... However, there is an element of frivolity that exists within the realm of universal appeal, voting, preferences, and the like... Be not discouraged, but rather embrace, enjoy, and have fun with the aforementioned frivolity as it were... If we cannot accept such imperfections with a sense of humor and humility on the basis upon which such measures are drawn, we shall surely drive ourselves completely mad... LOL... Much love, bro...

I appreciate your response but I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree here with you on this. You empathise? Not to sure how when you've never put any of my entries in to your "top 5" list .It would be different if you had for weeks upon weeks and all the other judges didnt and i never ever got in to the "official" top 5 then yeah, i could understand, but you havnt. So that brings me on to being discouraged. Not only have I never been in the top 5 for any of my entries but the best I've had was one top pick from one judge and even that only just made it. Anyways, I have to accept that none of you are ever going to pick my entries for the top spot, not when you are picking entries like this one, to be in your top 5. I guarantee, you will all have this entry featured highly in your top 5 and it won't surprise me that this will actually (unbelievably) probably even win. That to me is madness and not something I can embrace and without sounding rude but just straight here, i feel like its a mockery to the whole open mic contest for people who are actually really talented. I don't expect to be winning week on week out, but I mean some of my entries i believe to of deserved to be at least in the top 5 and to never be featured in any of them is not something I find Humorous and I have plenty of humility but what I don't appreciate is being the only entry playing on a grand piano inside a church that somehow only receives $2, that won't get featured in any of the judges top picks and certainly won't be in the official top 5 ever, yet entries like this are herald as worthy winners for playing 3 chords and a voice that isn't exactly heavenly (no disrespect to this entry, but it's just not). Anyways who knows, I could be completely wrong, but considering the facts, I can't help but feel pretty deflated from this. I thought I may of found a bit steem building a few weeks back when my entry of "lost @ c #" got a good amount of upvotes and was the most of any post I've uploaded so wrong I was because the next two weeks of entries I have received just over $3 and anything I post no matter what it is struggles to even reach $0.50 so I appreciate if you don't talk to me about having humility and embracing and not being discouraged, when I thought that I was moving forward and building a good following and people are really appreciating my content. The reality tho is that no one gives a fk to be honest so it makes me feel like why the hell should I be wasting my time / effort / energy to just feel like a looser? I shouldn't, so might as well just stop posting I guess and save everyone's time from my negativity. Anyways, time to go, im sorry if this is seeming aggressive, but I just can't help be feel extremley upset with this platform right now.

Yeah, man - nobody gives a fuck... Truer words have never been spoken... Be that as it may - I appreciate your rebuttal in its entirety and respect it for what it is - an honest assessment of an artist's individual experience. I hold no answers, nor does anyone else to my knowledge - but know this - your artistry and talent need not the upvote and reward of the masses to be forever worthy. That said, there is no level of consolement that I can lend beyond that. But do know, that I for one, whether you made it into my top-5 or not - have made an indelible mark on my appreciation for your music. You've won a fan, one of many hundreds, I'm sure. With that, I trust you may rest better in such knowledge. Much love, brother...

Profound and well written bro.

Dude quite simple, If you love what I do, then you would of easily put me in your top 5, not just once but many times. The fact is that you have not once put me in your top 5 so you clearly don't love it. I will accept that you have appreciated my performances, but loving something and making out how much of an indelible mark I've left on you, while you have never put me in your top 5 is a contradiction and actually offends my interlect. The people who leave indelible marks on you are the people who you vote for in your top 5, those are the people who are the ones that inspire you the most and the ones that you spend time in writing about there performances. If you ever decide to put me in your top 5 then it will make sense and I can believe that you really do love what I do, but untill then, thank you for appreciating. Peace

I too like your music. You do realize that there are close to 300 people playing per week, many who have been playing Open Mic a lot longer than you have and that the point of this whole thing is to build a community of musicians on Steemit and have some fun sharing our music together.. More important than placing in the top 5 or winning is to get involved with the community and get your music heard.

If you feel that because you have not placed in the top 5 yet that you are wasting your time then you should leave. If you want to get involved with a group of musicians that like to share music with each other then you are in the right place.

Either way, whether you make the top 5 or not is not in any way a reflection of the value of your music and it is foolish to view it that way. Music is not really a competition and it very subjective. The number of upvotes one gets on Steemit is also very subjective. It's kind of a lottery really and to base the number of votes one receives on a post as some kind of value indicator of the post itself is kind of silly. This is just one big experiment and is supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun posting and sharing your music then what is the point?

For more on the topic read Steemit Open Mic Is About Building A Community Of Musicians On Steemit Not About Winning

Firstly, the entry to which you refer, to my knowledge, at least not yet anyway, has NOT been placed within any of the judges Top-5.

The valid argument you present with regard to excessive rewards relative to the quality of content is one with merit, and an ongoing frustration many share here on the platform.

I suspect you were not complaining when “curie” boosted one of your past posts, were you?… Be that as it may, there are flaws and problems within the blockchain architecture of Steemit; however, they are not, to the best of my knowledge, exacerbated nor encouraged by the Open-Mic venue, which is a definitively structured sub-set operating within aforementioned blockchain – flawed as it may be.

It often happens with those not yet aware, that after an ego-boosting up-vote from “curie” or an otherwise equally powerful entity of similar persuasion, that their expectations for future engagement and recognition are inflated beyond that which reality may otherwise impose or support.

I totally get your frustration, negativity, and disappointment. Some of it is well-justified, while other aspects of your discouragement are not justified at all in my view.

I may love what you do, but as a subjective human-being selected to “judge” and evaluate entries, I might also love what others do just a little bit more than I love what you’re doing for whatever subjective reasons that I may harbor at any given point in time.

Likewise, from my perspective of reality, one can most certainly make an indelible mark and positive impression upon my soul without ever having reached the pinnacle of scoring a placement in a Top-5 list or winners circle of any sort whatsoever.

So, my brother, - dude – quite simply, I respect your opinions, and most certainly embrace and agree with all of the very valid grievances you describe with regard to the “rigged, bought and paid-for” aspect of STEEMIT’s current architecture, however, I do maintain a stern cordial disagreement insofar as all of the above applying to the structured integrity of the Open-Mic venue specifically.

Peace in kind, brother… Much love…

Playing in a beautiful church on a beautiful piano / beatboxing and playing piano at the same time, using the piano as a percussive element with the beautiful sound of the piece with the incredible ambience and being the only entry that has done this, to not even get featured in any of the judges top 5 top list showcases to me that it is bias towards having to be a specific type of entry in order to ever having a chance with being "a worthy winner".

Anyways, id really appreciate if you could please not leave any more comments on any of my future posts that I upload. Unless of course you are going to put it in your top 5. Thank you

If you have something to say about Open Mic I may have a comment about it. That's just the way it is.

I also would appreciate it if you saw Open Mic as a community to get involved in and not focus on placing or winning so much, but I guess you can't do that and it's just the way it is.

I would appreciate it if you appreciated that we built this huge community on Steemit to support musicians and upvoted your posts, but apparently that is not enough to please you.

You and I have completely different points of view. I don't upvote myself at all so that I have more SP to upvote others. I give my votes and my Steem to others to build them up so when someone complains about it because it is still not enough for them I will have something to say about it.

If you are really unhappy posting your music for the Open Mic community you could always post it on Facebook.


Good interpretation!!!

Bravo Senzenfrenz! This was brilliant, my brother! I am often completely mesmerized by your ability to perform and translate such musical brilliance with the level of audio quality that you do. I thoroughly loved this performance!

Hey my friend @passion-ground, thank you for your reply, it is an honor! Yet, "Heil" is a little bit problematic here in germany, just for your acknowledgement;)

Fixed it, my friend... Thanks.

This is beautifully played. I do love solo cello and you did this piece
Well done!

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