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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 84: J.S. Bach Suite No.3 "Prelude" Live Performance @senzenfrenz

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

If you have something to say about Open Mic I may have a comment about it. That's just the way it is.

I also would appreciate it if you saw Open Mic as a community to get involved in and not focus on placing or winning so much, but I guess you can't do that and it's just the way it is.

I would appreciate it if you appreciated that we built this huge community on Steemit to support musicians and upvoted your posts, but apparently that is not enough to please you.

You and I have completely different points of view. I don't upvote myself at all so that I have more SP to upvote others. I give my votes and my Steem to others to build them up so when someone complains about it because it is still not enough for them I will have something to say about it.

If you are really unhappy posting your music for the Open Mic community you could always post it on Facebook.


Thank you for your response. I think what you've done is great and fantastic for musicians like I have stated in some of my comments / posts, it's not that I don't appreciate what you are doing, it's more to do with the frustrations of my talents being overlooked. Just because I have upvoted a few of my posts, does not mean you and I have completley different points of view. I don't have anywhere near as much voting power as you do and that's understandable through the time you have been using this platform. I'd also like to share with you that I am autistic and have asperges syndrome and ADHD and its extremely difficult a lot of the times with dealing with my emotions. I am a very sensitive / expressive soul and not afraid to showcase my feelings (even if it means putting things at jepordy which is a shame but is something that I need to work on so I don't react in certain ways that will eventually affect my life in a negative way). Anyways, once again, thank you for taking the time to respond like you have, I do have respect for your guys but please understand that equally, have respect for my own reasons as to why I may be slightly aggressive with my approach if it's something I feel that (in my head) is of an insulting nature. I shall continue with this platform as you have taken the time to give me a bit more of an insight and depth of how the openmic structure works.



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