Steemit Open Mic Week 79 - Moon Hanging Low ( Serena Matthews @paintingangels ) Cover song.

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

For this week I am going to do something I've been promoting in my Cover a Steemian contest and I chose to play one of my favorite songs from @paintingangels, ''Moon Hanging Low''. Such a sweet and heart-felt song made by the beautiful human being that is Serena , so this is my humble rendition of that sweet tune, it's hard not to get emotional when playing it. It's quite magical.

As it states in the ''Cover a Steemian'' rules All SBD from this post I will transfer to @paintingangels as my way of support and gratitude towards her and her art.

Anyways , here it is , hope you like it :D :

Moon Hanging Low

I dont think the rain can wash this away
this wound is too deep to heal now
but don't worry about me
I'll paint on my smile
This world is too shallow to drown me.

There is the moon
hanging low
see that wonderful orange glow
smiling at me straight through the rain
that old comfort I know keeps calling

I wish that the night would swallow this day
and the clouds wouldn't steal the moon from me
but the rain starts to fall and the moon fades away
this wound is too deep to heal now

Where is the moon
hanging low
I miss that wonderful orange glow
smiling at me straight through the rain
that old comfort I know keeps calling

There is the moon
hanging low
I see that wonderful orange glow
smiling at me straight through the rain
that old comfort I know keeps calling me

Thank you very much for reading and listening! As always big props to @luzcypher and @pfunk for setting this space for us! and of course @krystle , @passion-ground , @meno, @soundlegion and @verbal-d for their amazing work as judges!



A cover of a song from a beautiful human being, by another beautiful human being = beauty overload
I liked it very much and I think your cover a steemian initiative is one of the greatest ideas on steem network.

Thank you so much @hedac for your words ! I am really glad you like my little initiative , it is made out of the love I have for music and art , nothing more! I hope to see it grow.. maybe have a HedasCripts entry ... ;) Un gran abrazo!

I take a lot of landscape pictures, and sometimes I even hang them on my walls in my home, if they mean a lot to me.

One day, a close friend asked for a print of one of my photographs because he really liked it. He had it blown up to a very large size, so much that it wasn't even a clear picture anymore, it was pixely. But he still loved it and he hung it on his wall in his kitchen.

He took a picture of my picture on his wall and sent it to me. It looked so special on his wall, the picture that I took. He liked enough to display it for others to see. That really touched my heart.

He has passed away now from cancer, and that is a world tragedy, honestly, because he had so much to give to this planet. He wasn't even 40 years old.

Anyway, I think sometimes about that picture of mine hanging on his wall. It was a picture of a tree in the rain. Sometimes now on a rainy day I will even look at a random tree and think of my dear friend. His name was Jorg.

This is how I feel about you covering my song. It looks so much better on your wall than it ever could look on mine. Thank you so much for doing that. Truly, so very sincerely, it means the world to me. You made it so very beautiful.

Much love to you, Pechi. Thank you!!
♥ serena

Awww serena , what can I say? This song for me is like that picture , that just feels special . Hearing this song made me connect with something and when I started performing it , I did break up a couple times , it is that powerful. It is one of those cases in where there is a message beyond the words and the chords, it just carries some special spark in it that lighted me a little when I heard it , and more when I started performing it. I think your picture is the painting and mine is just the picture of the painting that I wanted to hang in my wall to admire it a little more :) . It was a hard picture to take I must say , it's beauty in its simplicity and those are the hardest ones to get right, I really couldn't change a thing from this , as I tend to reharmonize and go all ''techy'' on music .. this i could not stain by changing a chord at all. So, feel proud of your painting Serena, it is part of you and your beautiful soul , I just wanted to tell a little of your story through my picture.

So sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, life is like that sometimes and we can't really understand why some people have to go early.. but some part of him lives in your memories, through that little picture, so in the end , we are all connected somehow.

Much love Serena , cake , hugs , choco and memes .


thank you so much, Pechi

This is very immature but I'm commenting right this second because I want to be the FIRST one to comment on your ever-so-very-beautiful cover of my song. I will BE BACK. With a more appropriate reaction.

I saw you comment down in this section so I will go answer there but I leave you a cookie here :) ! Love your art Serena :) ! Much hugs and cookies !

hugs and cookies, yum!

Such a beautiful song by @paintingangels and such beautiful rendition yours :) I seriously wanted to wave a lighter but I had none :) or a candle :), it sways slowly and it´s really different to listen it in your voice after being familiar with Serena's version. As she also says I will be back too with a more appropiate reaction ahahah :) too but wishing you the best with this one :). Loving it!

Thank you priscilla :) ! It is indeed a beautiful song , I really love it and I had to give it a little tribute , it was the right thing to do to me :) . I would like to have you someday join in with some of your beautiful music ( and cool hats.. and rat memes :D ) ... Much love. Pechiche.

I am going to do the "harmonize a steemian" of "cover a steemian" of an "open mic" lol weeeee. I agree beautiful song, and rendition too. Hmm sounds good

you sound awesome pechi! and its a beautiful song!

Thank you very much anka ! yes , it is beauty in it's simplicity , I really love it!

Great choice pechi!! I also fell in love with this song. I guess I'm generally a Serena groupie. You did a great job with this cover! Love it!

@melavie! I'm a mel avie groupie! I'm trying SO HARD to master that song, by the way. The end part is tripping me up. But I'll keep trying. ♥

Thank you @melavie , I did my honest good effort to try to capture the song , I am from the Serena fan club ( she gives away cookies ) . Wanna join the club? :D

oh the feels! great cover of a fantastic song. Lovely entry @pechichemena! You sang with a lot of emotion and that reached that special place directly in my heart. <3

ooh.. @slacktmusic! thank you very much , if the song reached someone then it all makes sense to me ! That's the biggest compliment I can get ! A big hug !

That was a beautiful rendition, bro!
Wow! You hit those high notes so smoothly!
I'd love to hear you both @paintingangels
do a duet of this!

Thank you very much nathan brother ! I'm not doing the twisting technique taught by the aussie didge monks ... ! A big hug mate !

Really nice cover. I'd love to see the duet :)

Are you laying down the fractals for the duet? thank you bro!

Great cover!!! That is possibly my favorite @paintingangels song that she has posted so far. All of her stuff is sooooo good though. Good choice.

Thank you @veckinon ! Yes , it's a beautiful song ! I really love it :D!

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