What does Winning Open Mic Actually Mean?

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)


Friggin’ Wowser!!!! I WON OPEN MIC???!!!

That was super unexpected!
The timing for this was divine, I must say!
I was feeling so sad and enervated about something today until this was brought to my attention!
earlier today
At first it actually hadn’t registered.
I had to remove the walls protecting the heart of the vulnerable little boy inside so that he could receive the love pouring forth from you all via this generous acknowledgment.
Then the love beams connected, expanded and multiplied so it now shines back to you all so brightly and gratefully!

To All My Followers! I Love You Guys! (: GIF - Love You GIFs

What’s the big tendentious picture?

I feel like this song winning this esteemed contest is a win for us all, it’s a confirmation that the mission I’ve been on for 2 decades is worth it, and it’s a win for the message held firmly inside it, which is that the future for our planet and our descendants has hope and that future is in our hands, or more accurately, in our hearts.
We all make a difference.
Or rather, more poignantly, we all can make a positive difference in this world if we are following our soul purpose.

Elwood And Jake Were On AMission From God GIF - ElwoodAndJake WereOnAMissionFromGod BluesBrothers GIFs

What about you?

I dedicate this win to anyone out there that has been diligently pursuing their soul purpose, their dream, their passion, but have yet to really receive and feel that outside acknowledgement we all wish we didn’t crave so much.

Even if it takes a very long time, you must be driven by the joy in making the art, expressing the art and sharing the art.
That’s really what Open Mic seems to be about.
The actual sharing.
It’s very much like a mega @curie for musicians.

Massive thanks to those that took the time to comment on my post.
Let’s face it, we do it for the comments and the connection that is born from them, don’t we?
**All who agree say, “aye!” **

Huge congratulations and thanks to the other TOP 5ers

  • Fellow Helpienaut @silentscreamer - she is just an incredible powerhuose of talent!
  • @mahomonroy
  • @samcook (is that your real name?)
  • @juanhobos
    All incredible musicians with such a creative flare! It's an honour to be alongside you all!

Congrats to all that bravely entered their hearts by sharing their music here in Open Mic!
You are truly winners! I hope you know this, and if you can't feel it yet, keep making your art...

Love You Guys GIF - Loveyouguys ILoveYouGuys GIFs

Who’s behind this OM community and what am I so effusive about?

Deep heartfelt thanks, not just from me, but from everyone who enters Open Mic, must go to the tireless work of assessing and adjudicating that all the judges do each week.

  • @meno, Helpienaut captain with a heart of gold!
  • @sound-legion, Voice of an angel!
  • @krystle, Secretly has the voice of an angel & is an Open Mic toure-de-force!
  • @verbal-d, Wordsmith maestro!
  • @passion-ground, da passionate blues-rock man!
    It’s seriously impressive.
    All who agree say, “aye!”
    "We’re not blowing smoke up your arse" (Aussie slang idiom that means: "we’re not kidding you with sycophantic flattery")
    I mean, they are people like you and I. They have lives in the offline/off-chain world too and this is an extra workload that they contribute to us, to our community and to our beloved platform that just blows my mind.

Best Fucking Friends Forever Man GIF - Bfff Bff Bffday GIFs

Above and beyond that, @luzcypher goes through every entry to verify its authenticity and veracity. And each week he must sift through scores of false entries, fake entries and theft posts so that the judges can just listen to the hours of music we share with them.
That’s dedication to us OMers and it’s time management mastery in action.
He’s the Yoda of time management plus he’s an extremely generous dude!
So much of the sponsored award prize money comes directly from his own money.
You understand that right?
Just take a moment to let that sink in.
I mean, after incredibly munificent @pfunk dropped out of the top 20 witnesses (update: he’s back in the top 20) he had to cut down his sponsorship, so Luzcy did an apologetic post that the prize amounts would decrease, yet the prize amounts are still so beautifully generous anyway.

And have you heard the music he makes and has made??!?!?!

Gosh! You think my tomfoolery is impressive? You should hear his music!

@luzcypher is a Steemit legend!

All who agree say, “aye!”

Now I think that it's important here to mention a smaller, but no less important music contest: DQmSRbgG3Mnnc8hFJvbeKzhgM32yRfapj4v2nXSbQX6wuap_1680x8400.jpg
run by a man with a huge heart, @chiefmappster.
They awarded this same song First place in their awesome contest!

Anyway, this is my very long-winded way of saying thanks to everybody and now a special thanks to you for reading this far!
Blissful Blessings and smiles,
In joy

Here are my previous Open Mic entries:

|Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 9.06.38 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.06.07 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.07.54 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.09.05 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.09.47 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.10.38 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.12.10 pm.png|Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 4.12.37 pm.png|

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @aggroed, @curie as witnesses here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses.
These beautiful beings do lotsa good.

Thanks so much for commenting below
(because I'm hoping you're about to ).
If you felt the vibe of this article, or it's helped you shift perspective,
please do click upvote, click resteem, click follow and comment.
Let's connect, be friends!
I'd really love to hear from you.

I try my best to check out the blogs of my genuine upvoters as well as those of you who do genuine comments and especially those who follow me…

Also, I'm a proud helpinaut!
Join the PALnet Discord group and be active there. Our scouts are in there all the time seeking new Helpienauts for our discord group!.
You could be one of them! https://discord.gg/fzxbrpD
Helping is the #1 goal!


You know you deserve this win, right? :-) You're a shining example of how we would all like to be and we love you for that also. The strongest tag-team duo is still honesty & love; you possess both in spades ;-)

They say that the universe is indifferent and doesn't care about good, evil, love or hate, that we shouldn't expect good things to happen to good people and vice-versa. In this case the universe didn't agree and you changed it's opinion; how's that for "the power of love"..?

Nah, seriously mate: CONGRATULATIONS! And thanks so much for your heartfelt music and lyrics! :-) <3

Such a kind and loving being you are!
Thank you for such wonderfully touching compliments!
I'm so very honoured to have connected with you here in the Steemit world!

Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

Congratulations, once again @nathankaye! You're awesome and love your music. Thanks for the props for Open Mic and the team. Look forward to hearing lots more from you and getting to jam sometime.

That’s really what Open Mic seems to be about.
The actual sharing.
It’s very much like a mega @curie for musicians.

It's funny. I was just talking to @llfarms from @curie about that exact thing. How OM is like a Curie for musicians.

Thanks so much, my friend @luzcypher!

Yes, that's where I gleaned the concept of OM is like Curie for musicians from. I saw that convo and it stuck in my mind as truth.

Can't wait to get that jam happening in reality.
Bliss bless blossoms!
Much love!

Congratulations mate, proud of you! Let’s thissmall piece of happiness be the start of endless joy :)

Thanks so much Kubby!
THANks for spreading the joy around.
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

YES! Congratulations Nate! You are an awesome human being and an INCREDIBLE artist. We are very lucky to know you (even if it's only through here) and to be able to witness your awesomeness. It is our honor to ride with you on this battlefield called Steemit OM. We hope to make a collab one of these days.

It’s the awesomeness in you that sees the awesomeness in me and others. Thank you so much! It is an honor to ride along side you too.
Let’s definitely get a collab in the pipeline.
Shalom and blessings

Couldn't have come at such a great time mate!

I am so happy for you and your win. Each performance you do brings about passion, emotions, talent and the grit to continue through.

We are so proud of you and much love Nathan.

Thanks so much bro. It means a lot to me.
My hope is that the amount of passion and energy and years of practice that I explode into a performance inspires others to do the same kind of thing with their passions. Because in doing our passions there is great healing.
Blissful blessings to you, mate.

Feels good right?!

You deserve it man (and I’m not blowing smoke up your arse.)

It does feel amazing! Thanks heaps bro!
wait. Is that smoke coming out my arse? HEHE

Aye, Aye, Aye, Aye, and freakin' Aye, Mate! We're all with you brother as you are with us... like you said... best friends forever, dude! .x

Connected, respected, reflected hearts!
Blessings to ya buds!

well done mate and thanks for sharing your vulnerability. you have a big heart

Thank you so much, mate. Our vulnerability is a strength.

Congrats man! It’s an awesome song 🎶

Thank you kindly, @drewley. I'm stoked you dig the song.
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

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