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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 84: J.S. Bach Suite No.3 "Prelude" Live Performance @senzenfrenz

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Dude quite simple, If you love what I do, then you would of easily put me in your top 5, not just once but many times. The fact is that you have not once put me in your top 5 so you clearly don't love it. I will accept that you have appreciated my performances, but loving something and making out how much of an indelible mark I've left on you, while you have never put me in your top 5 is a contradiction and actually offends my interlect. The people who leave indelible marks on you are the people who you vote for in your top 5, those are the people who are the ones that inspire you the most and the ones that you spend time in writing about there performances. If you ever decide to put me in your top 5 then it will make sense and I can believe that you really do love what I do, but untill then, thank you for appreciating. Peace


I too like your music. You do realize that there are close to 300 people playing per week, many who have been playing Open Mic a lot longer than you have and that the point of this whole thing is to build a community of musicians on Steemit and have some fun sharing our music together.. More important than placing in the top 5 or winning is to get involved with the community and get your music heard.

If you feel that because you have not placed in the top 5 yet that you are wasting your time then you should leave. If you want to get involved with a group of musicians that like to share music with each other then you are in the right place.

Either way, whether you make the top 5 or not is not in any way a reflection of the value of your music and it is foolish to view it that way. Music is not really a competition and it very subjective. The number of upvotes one gets on Steemit is also very subjective. It's kind of a lottery really and to base the number of votes one receives on a post as some kind of value indicator of the post itself is kind of silly. This is just one big experiment and is supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun posting and sharing your music then what is the point?

For more on the topic read Steemit Open Mic Is About Building A Community Of Musicians On Steemit Not About Winning

Firstly, the entry to which you refer, to my knowledge, at least not yet anyway, has NOT been placed within any of the judges Top-5.

The valid argument you present with regard to excessive rewards relative to the quality of content is one with merit, and an ongoing frustration many share here on the platform.

I suspect you were not complaining when “curie” boosted one of your past posts, were you?… Be that as it may, there are flaws and problems within the blockchain architecture of Steemit; however, they are not, to the best of my knowledge, exacerbated nor encouraged by the Open-Mic venue, which is a definitively structured sub-set operating within aforementioned blockchain – flawed as it may be.

It often happens with those not yet aware, that after an ego-boosting up-vote from “curie” or an otherwise equally powerful entity of similar persuasion, that their expectations for future engagement and recognition are inflated beyond that which reality may otherwise impose or support.

I totally get your frustration, negativity, and disappointment. Some of it is well-justified, while other aspects of your discouragement are not justified at all in my view.

I may love what you do, but as a subjective human-being selected to “judge” and evaluate entries, I might also love what others do just a little bit more than I love what you’re doing for whatever subjective reasons that I may harbor at any given point in time.

Likewise, from my perspective of reality, one can most certainly make an indelible mark and positive impression upon my soul without ever having reached the pinnacle of scoring a placement in a Top-5 list or winners circle of any sort whatsoever.

So, my brother, - dude – quite simply, I respect your opinions, and most certainly embrace and agree with all of the very valid grievances you describe with regard to the “rigged, bought and paid-for” aspect of STEEMIT’s current architecture, however, I do maintain a stern cordial disagreement insofar as all of the above applying to the structured integrity of the Open-Mic venue specifically.

Peace in kind, brother… Much love…

Playing in a beautiful church on a beautiful piano / beatboxing and playing piano at the same time, using the piano as a percussive element with the beautiful sound of the piece with the incredible ambience and being the only entry that has done this, to not even get featured in any of the judges top 5 top list showcases to me that it is bias towards having to be a specific type of entry in order to ever having a chance with being "a worthy winner".

Anyways, id really appreciate if you could please not leave any more comments on any of my future posts that I upload. Unless of course you are going to put it in your top 5. Thank you

If you have something to say about Open Mic I may have a comment about it. That's just the way it is.

I also would appreciate it if you saw Open Mic as a community to get involved in and not focus on placing or winning so much, but I guess you can't do that and it's just the way it is.

I would appreciate it if you appreciated that we built this huge community on Steemit to support musicians and upvoted your posts, but apparently that is not enough to please you.

You and I have completely different points of view. I don't upvote myself at all so that I have more SP to upvote others. I give my votes and my Steem to others to build them up so when someone complains about it because it is still not enough for them I will have something to say about it.

If you are really unhappy posting your music for the Open Mic community you could always post it on Facebook.

Thank you for your response. I think what you've done is great and fantastic for musicians like I have stated in some of my comments / posts, it's not that I don't appreciate what you are doing, it's more to do with the frustrations of my talents being overlooked. Just because I have upvoted a few of my posts, does not mean you and I have completley different points of view. I don't have anywhere near as much voting power as you do and that's understandable through the time you have been using this platform. I'd also like to share with you that I am autistic and have asperges syndrome and ADHD and its extremely difficult a lot of the times with dealing with my emotions. I am a very sensitive / expressive soul and not afraid to showcase my feelings (even if it means putting things at jepordy which is a shame but is something that I need to work on so I don't react in certain ways that will eventually affect my life in a negative way). Anyways, once again, thank you for taking the time to respond like you have, I do have respect for your guys but please understand that equally, have respect for my own reasons as to why I may be slightly aggressive with my approach if it's something I feel that (in my head) is of an insulting nature. I shall continue with this platform as you have taken the time to give me a bit more of an insight and depth of how the openmic structure works.



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